<<@elivarantonioferreiradasil1294 says : Atenção Soldados Russos, vocês não são obrigado a lutar para o PUTIN e seus comparsas, Putinho quer mostrar ao mundo que ele é o CARA. VAI PARA A GERRA E FAZ ALIANÇA COM A UCRÂNIA, MENHOR QUE MORRER PARA OPUTIN, ESTÁ GERRA É DO PUTIN E NÃO DA RÚSSIA.>> <<@danielbracken924 says : I wonder what's going to kill the Russians first the weather the equipment or the ukrainians>> <<@tomctutor says : Russian Army now uses modern On The Job training for its recruits: Pop bang! What was that, bloody sniper shot me, oh my God I am wounded, what do I do? Oh a tourniquet right whats next. Pop bang! again, I know that sound that's a sniper shot. I have learnt something today. When you are out keep your head down.>> <<@Flower-i3r says : This is so sad,Putin is killing the men and leaving all these mothers without sons,wives no husbands ,all sent to get killed for No reason,but to apease a mans ego as is Putins.Shameful>> <<@adancer3592 says : If the Russian people could have access to what's really happening I'm convinced Putin would be thrown out of office by his own people>> <<@Mark-jq7re says : What pigs>> <<@Christian-xb6no says : Very fit conditions for the kind of barbarians they are.>> <<@JuanCruz-dt9rb says : To the Russian people, stand up to Adolf Putin and end this war or else you are complicit in his atrocities!>> <<@LibraBlue1962 says : This is why there are Russians surrendering and then joining Ukraine.>> <<@frankdavidson644 says : Very sad day for soldiers 😢 Shame on Putin and Russia 🇷🇺>> <<@72fordmaverick says : Lazy soldiers. Use your skills! Patch the tents. Make the tent smaller to save heat. Lots of things to do>> <<@dennismc8145 says : BUHAHAHA looks like what the US Marines have for equipment.>> <<@ianjohngonzales4066 says : Im no Senator's son.>> <<@rickspearman344 says : They just want MORE money, and they want everyone else to fight on the front line, just NOT them. They don't even question why they're robbing and killing Ukrainians, just as long as they can get a big screen or washing machine to take home. It hasn't dawned on them that they're expendable, and that they were never expected to return home. Once gone they're forgotten.>> <<@suziperret468 says : Annihilate War Criminal Putin! Seek your own freedom Russia! Don’t believe Putin’s propaganda. Ukraine 🇺🇦 was invaded illegally by Putin. The Ukrainians fight to defend their own country!!>> <<@brianparsons9368 says : 😂😂😂 Z🤡>> <<@Koloherides says : these guys look very clean for 3 wks in the field probably all lies everything today is a big lie. I don't trust anything anymore.>> <<@joerdahl2558 says : It's sad that Putin is killing off like three generations of Russian men think about that one.>> <<@sivyisvaj8054 says : They give you airsoft gears to fight a real war! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😪>> <<@annieoakslee says : Most of the women will never see their men again>> <<@dansosamuelhunter4335 says : What a total shame a whole so-called second powerful army in the world 🤣😂😅🙊🙉🙈😄😃>> <<@guidotamburrini2735 says : They are only cannon fodder for the Putler , did they expect to get fed.>> <<@AK-qy5iw says : If you think about....wtf do you mean "mobilised"!? Why would a person let himself to be "mobilised"!?! What century is it?! 18-th!?!>> <<@ronnypauwels2963 says : I say and wish Putin to be destroyed as soon as possible and also all military officers there and also the Russian street police who act against the civilians there 🤮>> <<@MrJorge6986 says : Meanwhile the people in power that wanted this war sleep comfortably on a nice warm bed without a worry about where they will eat, sleep or even shower. Disgusting how others have to pay the price for someones ego trip>> <<@frankbaine3918 says : Shows what awful leadership the ruzzians have from general on down. No training plan, no supervision, no inspections of the process, shoddy kit. No one in charge. Good to see.>> <<@scottcobb3691 says : This is propaganda>> <<@countloco5362 says : Tents in holes ? You mean holes in tents ! Lol 😂>> <<@hayleydoherty9557 says : Why don't the Russian soldiers just go to the front line and surrender if enough do it then the war is over simple>> <<@lorenreece1665 says : The death figure is estimated at 6 figures on both sides...I feel sorry for all families who have lost someone in Putins genocide ambitions.>> <<@grampadad says : THIS INFORMATION IS SOOO OLD!!>> <<@grampadad says : THE SOLDIERS COULD DO A MUCH BETTER JOB OF SECURING THAT TENT!!....STUPID....LAZY RUSSIANS!! LET THEM FREEZE IF THEY ARE THAT LAZY!!>> <<@frostroosterrecords8924 says : This is an army?>> <<@JohnDoe-zz7on says : No training then to the front lines with lack of everything. I'm throwing up white flag as soon as I see the nearest Ukrainian.>> <<@gordondwyer3641 says : More BS propaganda.>> <<@nathanmcbow158 says : No discipline due to low or non-existent training, no protection from the elements due to gross corruption of military resources and complete lack of regard for human life, no organization due to absent or cowardly leadership and no tactics due to little logistics presence, horrible morale and incompetent military chains of command. "This is fine">> <<@stephentraveler5291 says : No Training ? No tactics ? Came under fire and no commander ? Haaahaaaa! Heres your gear ! Good luck ! Just surrender and tell them your failures>> <<@timmyo3162 says : Imagine being one of these pro russian clowns online typing how great russia is Russia is no global super power. Their tactics were the same in ww2 and the only reason Germany did not wipe them out was 1. Their winter 2. When america landed on D day the germans could not fortify the russian front>> <<@desiataylor6540 says : Surely though they can keep it clean>> <<@desiataylor6540 says : The great putins comic army>> <<@peterlambert6989 says : I was a combat medic 50 years ago. They trained me how to apply a tourniquet. That took about 15 seconds. This is not an army, this is a ragtag bunch of amateurs. Many of these men will desert and walk home. Or maybe they won't go back to Russia, they're just go somewhere else>> <<@germainjodoin415 says : BAD ACTING...>> <<@jb-jw9kw says : Slava Ukraini from Latvia>> <<@Jro-pk5de says : RUSSIANS: Runnnnnn>> <<@jerrbelperea3227 says : Hahaha what a super power.>> <<@Ironmikeblood says : The Russian "Volksturm" /🥸🇷🇺🖕👈>> <<@66otnt says : BLOODY DISGRACEFUL !!!>> <<@markkierznowski6121 says : Propaganda twaddle.>> <<@josephbottone9855 says : oh, the poor Russians, let the Kremlin burn.>> <<@renripari5514 says : FINALLY !!! RUSSIANS ARE TRULY FINDING THE TRUTH ABOUT PUTTIN AND HIS GANG OF OLIGARKS CRIMINALS . FROM AUSTRALIA 🇦🇺 GOD SAVE THE KING 🤴 🙏>>