<<@merrilynstanger7241 says : Send him to jail>> <<@merrilynstanger7241 says : Go away now yob narcissistic bully>> <<@frankfeatherstone8976 says : The judgement of a leader who puts his trust in a Phantom must always be suspect.>> <<@smefour says : Make that 5 now.. corruption at work>> <<@dingodog5677 says : So is Australia mzm on a post government witch hunt. Like they're doing to trump. He didn't break rules, he's the PM and can set his own cabinet. Move on you creeps and stop killing our nation with spureous trash. Albos proving he's a commie and will take any chance to take out their political opposition.>> <<@cracknoir8397 says : Mr Morrison sounds like the reverse robin hood take from the poor and gives to the rich Hahaha>> <<@anthonypapiccio2045 says : His financial portfolio is the most secretive. As in tax-haven offshore>> <<@robsmith8131 says : What a kind Christian.>> <<@michaellind6838 says : we must never ever allow a lying, self absorbed, bullying, backstabbing, freeloading , Pentecostal nutter the likes of Scott Morrison to be Australia's PM again!>> <<@chrispatrikios5114 says : I wonder what Dan got upto?>> <<@joanelizabeth9322 says : Did Hawaii Scott also collect 4 salaries too???>> <<@joanelizabeth9322 says : This is a BIGLY.>> <<@ericmesser1 says : Obviously the Governor General was bulldozed…………….nothing should save the Governor General>> <<@malcolmmathers2690 says : smirko grub>> <<@janabeleven3732 says : Good,scomo can sack 2 ministers, save taxpayer funded bullshit>> <<@patrobbromccreanor820 says : Jesus might forgive Scott, but every one else thinks he is a taint, that's between a clit and A hole.>> <<@TheDring44 says : Wonder what additional privileged information, on top of the powers, he had access to in those roles....? That is the question.>> <<@gw5436 says : Out here in the bush over the last few years, we watched Morrison making a terrific government unelectable with his narcissism, and as a result, the city idiot socialists have voted in the government that will sell us out to the "elites" in that European Davos mafia, and make them starve.>> <<@michaelpang463 says : Look at d Smug 😏 Morrison thinks he is indispensable as though Australia 🇦🇺 belongs to him n him alone. Decades of friendship n goodwill with China 🇨🇳 was destroyed by him where Aussies r facing Economic instability n unnecessary military confrontations. Everything coming from his mouth was/is toxic. Good luck Australia 🇦🇺. As Dr Kissinger said to be enemy of US 🇺🇸 is dangerous n to be friend with US 🇺🇸 is Fatal. Have yr pick.>> <<@caaussie1605 says : Key positions in one person’s hands who used those positions to push a globalist agenda. This scamdemic crap is getting more revealing day by day.>> <<@caaussie1605 says : Key positions in one person’s hands who use those positions to push a globalist agenda. This scamdemic crap is getting more revealing day by day.>> <<@pablovalentine8976 says : Well swearing yourself in under 3 new portfolios is not the worse of it. I heard about this over 6 months ago . He is not the only minister that took on extra ministries there was others from the liberal coalition that did it also. The worse part is they all drew extra wages . Payed by us taxpayers , It is criminal and disgusting corruption>> <<@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 says : The truth always comes out sooner or later.>> <<@shanekelly989 says : No wonder he's rich>> <<@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 says : Trust me everyone, I'm a CHRISTIAN.🙄>> <<@rachelmedina3696 says : What next raiding Morrison' s house to find some lost documents.Labor reminds me Biden administration>> <<@jeremyclarksonfragrance says : Australia dodged a massive bullet with Smirko. What a cunning little BS artist he was.>> <<@icu64 says : So the last voted in government was corrupt and not lawful. FMG>> <<@bindawarren says : Wait they will get them one by one, sooner the better.>> <<@bindawarren says : Is this a SECURITY BREACH he must face charges, and needs to be taken to court like every citizen and stripped of his parks.>> <<@genek6056 says : Buy POWW stock today. Semper Fi>> <<@Ascertain4Yourself says : Wow!!! Its a "Kind of of Dictatorship" by stealth, especially even if his own Ministers did not know that he (Scott Morrison) was also the Co-minister. Then what is the point of Cabinet? Listen to this it just over 2 minutes long but explains this very well.>> <<@toram6210 says : Does he lick USA ?>> <<@louisebrislane6607 says : I wouldn't trust Albanese any more than the last PM before him. Watch Albanese's hands that he hasn't got one behind his back crossing his fingers. He is a man who talks out of both sides of his mouth.>> <<@stonerstoneystone8320 says : Scumo the evangelical kiddy fiddler priests best mate no problem reading from the bible a liar a narcissist a bully and coward . Murdoch loves Liars and Cowards who he promoted to nations leadership Positions who have great Mates that are Kiddy Fiddlers , Whats the Odds Murdoch Propaganda backs the 45th and our PM and both are Great mates with Known Kiddy Fiddlers whose Storys your paper buried .. . MURDOCH U POS you got way to Many Associatoins with Pedo Scum and you never break the Story , Same with Rape . Kept a Lid on the Sexual Predators activities in Fox USA Media , You payed off the Victims just like the Vatican you Protect these Sick Scum. Your a Old Fool who Couldnt find a Worm in a Garden let alone uncover Pedos on your Ph Speed Dial . Was Archbishop Pell on Speed Dial ? Or are U a Sick Tool who treats his subscribers like ignorant Niave Fools . I Do Love the way your Tearing the USA apart with Hate , Malice and Fear to Create Rage anger and Violence . Keep up the Anarchist Rhetoric USA is close to breaking , Goebbels couldnt have done It Better . Love the attacks on FBI your Creating , Especially Photoshopping the Judges Head onto an Old EPSTIEN PHOTO . USA Will tear apart when GOP discard the Voters rep and install thier own Party Member . ITS CALLED TWEEDISM . Voters reps look after the Backers not poor Cash strapped Peasants .>> <<@jimjefftube says : Albanese needs to thank PM Morrison for his service, the election is over and you really should not bring up anything weird as you seem to be quite unusual yourself.>> <<@francisbrown5469 says : I wonder how many approvals by local councils to build your own "Grassy Knoll" ???>> <<@brothermaynard3200 says : Yawn.>> <<@richardfan4122 says : Self interest above national interest.>> <<@iainf2850 says : Really...What does it matter? Scomo is out for better or worse. Fix some issues rather than bashing the predecesor. God know we have enough issues at the moment. Makes me wonder what this"problem" is a distraction for?>> <<@michaelandrews4783 says : Scomo is just another power hungry Conservative Nut Job , with complete contempt for the average Australian. There seems to be no shortage of them>> <<@selwyn500 says : Just goes to show what SNEAKY thief he is.>> <<@Drakesy says : Now this is why he didn't want an icac He had his fingers in all the pies>> <<@harrys.3165 says : Scott Morrison was Australias worst ever Prime Minister.He went back on his word and had a bad character.>> <<@helengormlie966 says : Morrison was as dodgy as hell with our health.. although how many aussies were easily bought. And Morrison had the help and greed of all the labour premiers. What a filthy toxic greedy dishonest bunch. Lock them up and make them pay back all they have stolen from the Australian tax payer.>> <<@bondalemecovillage6738 says : None of tjem are ever held accountable, why? Where's Gladys these days, none of them care as they no there are no consequences for their corrupt actions>> <<@woodview6055 says : Democracy dictatroships still>> <<@robertheckenberg3440 says : SlyNewz ~ just found out 😜 whAt a load of criminality is going on lol>> <<@kenhubbard7355 says : Well Aussie WHAT the BLOODY hell did you expect , RIGHTWING WINGNUTS AND YOU PUT THEM IN OFFICE , I NEVER CONSIDERED AUSTRALIANS TO BE AS MENTALLY DISABLED AS TRUMPERS , YOU HAD A CRYSTAL BALL INTO THE FUTURE WITH CON!!!!!!!!! HOWARD NOW YOU GOT DUTTON , AFTER CON HOWARD AT LEAST YOU CAN'T GO FROM BAD TO WORSE IF THATS ANY CONSULTATION??????????? WELL AT LEAST YOU MANAGED TO GET THE TRUMPERS OUT OF OFFICE ,THE POLITICAL WILDERNESS IS A GOOD HOTEL FOR THE LIBERALS TO STAY IN FOR A LONG LONG TIME MAYBE LONGER WOULD BE BETTER. MORRISON WHAT A FIASCO 8 NUCLEAR SUBMARINES , HE HAD SUCH EFFECTIVE NEGOTIATING SKILLS ,>> <<@kencotterill6132 says : Morrison, on his way to total dictatorship of the country. Unfortunatey for him an election got in the way.>>