<<@lawrence1318 says : What all of you have missed is the subtle unconstitutional propaganda. When a Prime Minister says "My government" he is propagandarising. It is not the Prime Minister's government, but the Governor General's government. So it is not the Albanese government, but the Hurley government. Albanese is merely a minister in the Hurley government. All Prime Ministers use this phrase "my government", and they are all propagandarising against the Constitution. And this is why the Education Department refuses to put the Constitution on the education curriculum: they don't want the people to know that the country is not being run by the Constitution. Knowledge is power. Moreover, there is really no such thing as the government anyway, and so there is no such thing in the Constitution. There is simply the parliament, which consists of the Federal Executive Council (the ministers) and the rest of the MPs. So the government is really just the parliament, and therefore members of the opposition are just as much part of the government as are members of the majority group. But should there even be a majority group? Well, no. Parties are not part of the Constitution, and there is therefore no such thing in the Constitution as a party winning enough numbers to "form government". There is no such thing as "forming government" in the Constitution. And indeed there doesn't have to be, for the government is already formed when it exists as a parliament: the parliament as a whole is the government. Attesting, (under the current way of doing things) it is possible that legislation be passed by a minority of the ruling party's members in conjunction with a number of the opposition party's members. So this tells us that all MPs are equally part of the government, being part of the parliament: it tells us that it is the parliament which is the government and not any winning group. So we need to get back to the Constitution. We need to teach it to the kids at junior high school and etch it into their minds. And you all reading this, need to get off your backsides and start to do some WORK by reading the Constitution. For at present you are all extremely naive, and the politicians know it.>> <<@DraculaSWBF2 says : Is this supposed to be some kind of epiphany? Are they going to close down the covid camps and give people their guns back?>> <<@lawrence1318 says : If you think what Morrison did is bad, wait until Daniel Andrews starts his moves to secede Victoria from Australia, which he will start to do 2nd year of his next term.>> <<@dirtgucci says : Tell me you don't understand the Westminster system without telling me you don't understand the Westminster system.>> <<@tamararuckdeschel191 says : This is how the American people feel about our horrible current administration. Biden does the opposite of what the people want.>> <<@sanzalure6091 says : This is a very BIG story in my opinion. It is about time that the public opinion regains control of the public opinion. And that anyone, elected or not, who held power over the public must be made accountable about the decisions they made that affected the public. This process of putting the truth on the table stands firmly between now and the future of humanity. People like Scott Morrison must be made to understand that they are fighting against History and that there is absolutely no way they can get away with it scott-free. And all the mainstream medias that helped carry that false narrative will also have a lot of things to explain to everybody.>> <<@johndwyer818 says : This is a storm in a teacup. Maybe Morrison had the intelligence to relise that the ministry of finance and health is such an important ministry that it should not be left to any one minister. Surely Albo does not think he or his cabinet and is any more transparent then Morrison ? I suggest Albo is blowing this matter out of proportion to take the media attention off his failures such as the energy crisis.>> <<@creationdotcomfan says : Albanese, your WEF and Green activism theme has way more consequence to US, the public. Morrison and his cabinet still did an exemplary job. Let the chips fall as they may with this latest revelation. Oh, and for God's sake, let's hear it from the man.>> <<@pablovalentine8976 says : Well swearing yourself in under 3 new portfolios is not the worse of it. I heard about this over 6 months ago . He is not the only minister that took on extra ministries there was others from the liberal coalition that did it also. The worse part is they all drew extra wages . Payed by us taxpayers , It is criminal and disgusting corruption>> <<@DonnyFreeman says : The Australian Government has been running a shadow corporate government since 1973>> <<@user-sf7og5ke7p says : WEF's scholars - Klaus Schwab's mouth pieces!!!! States must rule - not central overlording from Canberra!!!>> <<@niks966 says : Albanese is a huge gas bag....>> <<@_wallnutz_ says : Australia act is unlawful and the Australian Government corporation is a fraud>> <<@gerdsfargen6687 says : This deckhead is in no way a leader.>> <<@QPRTokyo says : Too many ministers. Tony the Bastard seems jealous as he wants be the President of Australia.>> <<@seanc.mcnally2118 says : I didn't vote for Albo, but I certainly didn't vote for Scummo, who betrayed us all & did f*ck all to stand up for our Constitutional freedoms during the Covid years>> <<@L0b0ts says : Kick Morrison out of Parliament and then do the same to Albanese if he doesn't start delivering for Australians. Has anybody worked it out yet, both Labor and Liberal are the same party, they are both fucking over the people, the same.>> <<@johnhome5872 says : Transparency is not a Labor strong point. Albo show us your green energy plan 🤮>> <<@AltCoinAussie says : If we see this government come at our farmers like they have in the Netherlands and multiple other WEF "penetrated cabinets" then we'll know where Albo gets his orders from...>> <<@PontopPikey says : It's not just Oz, it's all over the globe. The so-called world leaders have merely become administrators for their multi-billionaire Lords & Masters. 193 governments signed up to the World Economic Forums Agenda 2030 without informing their citizens. Agenda 2030 is part of the Great Reset, the Global Compact for Migration, the Global Goals for Sustainable Development, the Global Governance for Nutrition etc. which are all part of the WEFs Fourth Industrial Revolution. it's ALL perfectly well documented, especially on the Masters of the Universe WEF website.>> <<@AltCoinAussie says : 00:46 seconds in.... "some transparency". You lost me here mate, it is meant to be full transparency. Are we just specators in this game and only allowed to know what is cherry picked for us to know.>> <<@user-rc4nw6xy5p says : Morrison showed contempt to everyone. Someone writes a book - and he tells them what he did - and not his own political party. ? Voters - our system of government - his political allies in the National Party. But even more so to his own colleagues in his own party who voted him into the job. So there is no-one it seems he liked. He has already said in public he did not trust government. So, his whole reason to enter politics was to vent his spleen on everyone. That has to be one of the poorest excuses for entering politics and wanting to run the country.>> <<@TurnerFamilyInOz says : Boganese whining and spreading division among the public…again 🙄>> <<@chairmandan1794 says : Unprecedented!, Elbow is the only one that should be dishonest. You're doing the same as Elbow in the States, keep blaming the previous government.>> <<@awhite2501 says : This is why mining has gone out of control and pure fraud is taking place by goverment officials and other elites>> <<@awhite2501 says : Ahh A shadow goverment 🤔😡 just like Boris Johnson>> <<@user-rc4nw6xy5p says : There was a hint coming from his Liberal Party colleagues - they said Morrison was a control freak. This was clearly what they were talking about. This is what happens when someone thinks they have to be across every issue, and they spread themselves to thin. The Liberal Party needs to get two main objectives into focus. One. Get their policies together on hydrogen gas production and small nuclear reactors for generating electricity. Defense policy - and Industrial Relations the Liberals have to stop getting everyone off side. Sure the building industry watch dog, that re-instate that. However they need a better I.R. policy then just confrontation with workers and Unions that goes back to Malcolm Fraser. They also need an industry manufacturing policy, and heaven forbid, that means jobs for working people. The Liberals are worse then Labor, and that's some doing, and they have done it. Two. Work out who your support base is. The Nationals talk to the their supporters all the time. No use crying over the Teal seats. They are now a Labor / greens blend. The Liberals need to start talking to trades people - engineers - workers - small and medium business owners. To get their head around the fact, these people want someone in politics to support them. They feel Labor is off talking about something that never seems quite there. Morrison looked like someone - my way or the highway was his attitude to everyone. Everyone was an inconvenience to him. And that cuts into his character. And the senior party officials just let him get away with it. The fact he is still in the Federal Parliament says - he really can't stay any longer. He has to resign. If the Liberals agree to keep him on - he is simply going to be a walking target every day in the Federal Parliament. The Liberal Party has to go away, get their heads around getting new policies - and who is their supporter base. They have to start talking to people - not talking at people like Morrison. Morrison came across as arrogant - driven by his religion. It now looks like that's how he operated. Unless you were someone like him - he was not interested in you. Morrison comes across now as totally 100% false. The Liberals have to pick candidates who have real life skills. They are people orientated in that they can speak to anyone openly and honestly. The Liberals have gone down the path of elitism. And Morrison has just rammed that home. And he will simply shrug his shoulders and say so what. That's where the liberals have been now for years. It's why they are losing on every front. They don't understand - they need to stop shopping for votes - and start getting a real supporter base in mind. The people in the Teal seats - lost faith with the Liberals as they simply could not connect with anyone - on almost all of their key policies. They refused to admit - they have spent to long on issues - that are out of date. They need renewal through recruiting candidates of working people. They need new policies. And they need to be humble with voters and not just say it - get out once a week in their electorates and talk to people. They either reconnect or someone else will take their place. The Nationals are good at working their supporter base. The Nationals only have to start getting city based candidates - and change some their policies, that would make them a lot more appealing to suburban voters. The Nationals understand talk to their voter base. The Liberals a few years back, had everything at their feet. And like Campbell Newman in Queensland in very short time - they have lost most State government elections and in W.A. - they were wiped out. Clearly their brand is on the nose. And Morrison has just trashed them. the Liberal Party right now - needs new political blood. All the old hands have left. This transition period - has to be to find how they define themselves on Energy - Fiance - I.R. - Defense - Health - Rural and Remote Australia - Indigenous Australians - Budget Repair - Manufacturing. They have lost the education battle - in the schools and universities. The Liberals are now simply a target for everyone to sink the boot into. They have to work out - how to come back. How to shape education policy. Not attack people - but provide an alternative that says - they work with people. The Liberals have to stop looking inwards - and start getting some smart people into politics - with real ability to think and shape Australia.>> <<@aaroncincotta6305 says : All this was being done for a potential declaration of Martial Law in Australia.>> <<@clintclintonforshortbonser736 says : Yeh, it's all a distraction from real issues, cause he's a clown. If scomo did all that while being a good prime minister, he's a genius. And questioning the governor generals integrity? Not good form. This cabbage headed goose, can't do one job done let alone four? Mr Morrison had the drought, the pandemic etc. Very challenging times. I know he was criticised for going to Hawaii, but he's entitled to go on leave with his family like any person.>> <<@crenattahm6018 says : That’s all actually save taxpayers money in wages to politicians..don’t we think? 😅✌️💙>> <<@meredithisme3752 says : Albosleezy tell us about your mate Andrews we now know how he wasn't caught clearly he was doing the same thing to avoid oversight>> <<@judy1879 says : The government is still fake, the decision making still happens off shore. They are still not operating from 'The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution' instead using the Gough Whitlem made up 'Australian Constitution' 2 very different documents.>> <<@merlinite- says : I have to admit with some confidence when Scott Morrison said ( that's not my job ) he was telling the truth.>> <<@gunga360 says : Just when things were looking great and this little mouse comes back>> <<@jester8790 says : Follow the covid money. The lid is coming off. In NZ it's the same, Robertson won't allow an enquiry into where the 120 billion went. Wonder why? Covid was used a heist. Tyrants must hang>> <<@pixxz4737 says : He's working for WEF>> <<@daniellebcooper7160 says : I doubt Morrison wouldeve done this if Covid wasnt happening. Like the Left arnt trying to turn Australia into a socialist republic, under the cover of the 'Voice'.>> <<@nicethings2070 says : Nice thumbnail. Is that the way Albo looks in those happy places. 😄>> <<@The0ne777 says : Wow>> <<@snellavision says : Alright, mate... you still trying to win the last election?>> <<@lesleyweber4585 says : He’ll keep this going as he’s incompetent and doesn’t know what to do about the the problems we have in Australia.The only talks about climate change or bag previous gov.>> <<@ThreeDeeG6501 says : WEF, all done in secret, hahaha these fukas couldn't tell their elbows from there arseholes.>> <<@unvaccinatedAndPureBlood says : Annnndd, nothing will happen. Dog and pony show.>> <<@markgibson3318 says : Well folks... it's time to show these fuckers who's in charge...>> <<@normhiesgen8881 says : I wish he would get on with his job and not waste time bagging the past government, that's water under the bridge, let's more forward,>> <<@TheBarnel says : our holiday is over, whinge and whine Albo is back. Do your job, deliver what you promissed>> <<@williamcreech1505 says : They are getting their orders from the same place Joe Biden is getting his sounds like>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : And yet sky fascist were protecting their criminal Dad, they used to delete our comments when saying ScumMo as for Scomo, we knew he was criminal but they worked hard to protect their criminal>> <<@stewatparkpark2933 says : This bloke seems to whine a lot .>> <<@vivianlouder8774 says : *'Centralisation of power’: WEF slammed over reports they swore themselves into shadow ministry positions*>>