<<@williamnelson8578 says : WARNING, Gabbard works for Putin and is his top female agent in the US along with Candace Owens the Nazi, and Jill Stein who is running again to try and rig in trump, Gabbard is a complete phony. she was #2 in the DNC when Putin hacked it and stole all their data which found its way to Moscow to help rig in trump. She pretended she was a leftist and lied that Hillary was a war monger just as she was supporting real war criminals Putin and Assad in syria. and in 2020 she ran for president 100% financed by Putin, no need for any other donors. her campaign manager admitted it to me and actually bragged about it. She ought to be arrested for treason. and n ow trump wants her as natIonal security advisor and confessed Russian agent Michael Flynn in charge of the Us military. TREASON!>> <<@peace-now says : As a stuanch left winger, I love Tulsi and support Tucker.>> <<@henrydiaz720 says : I keep hearing that the Spark is too bassy. I just got mine about a week agoand I have no idea what the he'll they're talking about.>> <<@communismenslavesmurders5774 says : Man, Tulsi Gabbard is really pushing hard to change her image and... angle her way into the VP nomination for the Republican Party...? This is soooo obvious it is like watching a train wreck in sloooow motion. Republicans, do NOT fall for this! If she can get elected as the Republican Rep. from Hawaii, Great ! But that is as far as it should go. Say NO to Democrats and RINOs.>> <<@chiefgilray says : Tulsi is central... That's why she is so popular, a woman with nothing but commonsense and great views>> <<@BronzeCoin says : No one who was actually paying attention was surprised by this at all. She was never a real dem, there was a good amount of people who could see this is who she really was, not the facade she put on.>> <<@samuelspencer6016 says : What these idiots don't understand is a soldier in the U.S military could be charge for following illegal orders even if they came down from the office of the president. I love when people just want to hand the nation over to a dictator.>> <<@JoeContiMusic says : Some people still think Tulsi and Tucker are Russian pawns. Unbelievable>> <<@rustyshadow7 says : I don't know how she could ever have been in the demonrat party in the first place.>> <<@yacahumax1431 says : When she was running for democrats I said to everyone, this woman is too intelligent to be a democrat. I was right.>> <<@trollofsoy402 says : They are always triggered. I probably have a triggered liberal right now who likes to stalk my comments and post waahwaaah shit. Probably reading this right now.>> <<@ronschueler909 says : At least she has integrity unlike many corrupt politicians.>> <<@NoBallzTimmyWalz says : You always see Democrats flipping Republican but you never see Republicans flipping democrats...mmm that's odd I wonder why>> <<@charwest9449 says : Love her!>> <<@alanpayette1965 says : Bravo!>> <<@benjaminwagoner136 says : Who cares liberals get triggered if you call a girl a girlšŸ˜‚>> <<@MrDeleoco says : Refreshing views that make sense... Thank you Congresswoman Gabbard>> <<@gabemakemtoktok says : Tulsi for President!>> <<@kentperry5742 says : Tulsi is a great fighter for Americans. She is a strong woman with faith and common sense. She can take the lies and deceit of the swamp monsters.>> <<@talusranch990 says : Pocko, my God that's nasty>> <<@maniacal1870 says : I bet Jennifer Lawrence loved this, she probably got a night of sleep with no nightmares for once!>> <<@Carmen24860 says : She is the only real Democrat in the fake Democrat party.>> <<@SusanLynch-cu4yp says : My favorite moment in the 2016 election year was when Tulsi took Kamala verbally to the woodshed. To quote Ferris Bueller" It was so choice." Still can't believe so many Americans were duped. The 2nd sweetest moment was when Tulsi took Joyce Behar of the View for a spin out to the woodshed. Who says politics can't be entertaining?šŸ˜ƒ>> <<@georgec2069 says : The only Democrat I like. An awesome lady.>> <<@corineusa1454 says : I'm sure Tulsi is crying into her pillow. Why not fill in for Tucker. If it weren't for Tucker most Americans wouldn't have had the chance to know & like her.>> <<@williamheber2118 says : Tulsi come to the light. Get away from the Darkside of the DEMS.>> <<@concernedcitizen6326 says : It's your life, do as you see fit>> <<@concernedcitizen6326 says : Don't pay those detractors any attention>> <<@martinlopez4430 says : Sky News Australia is funded by International Zionist! A front for neo-cons from the US. Beware Australians! Don't fall for this agenda.>> <<@miket5788 says : She is a Russian agent. Paid by Moscow to push propaganda. Was in Russia 4 times in the last 15 months. Pretends to be a patriot sheā€™s a traitor!>> <<@richardjones7984 says : Tulsi Gabbard is an intelligent rational woman who bases her view on facts and not delusions like most "liberal" Americans. The so called "liberals" act more like Adolf Hitler's stormtroopers than real liberally minded people. Tucker Carlson is liked because he tells the truth about really important topics like the risk of nuclear war. Tulsi does likewise. Stop the killing and end the war in Ukraine and elsewhere through diplomacy or do you blood thirsty Americans like to watch elderly Ukrainian and Russian peasants being brutally murdered with your free shiny weapons?>> <<@stevequerin2504 says : Andrew Wortman ... Tulsi Gabbard => "We The People need to stand up to our Intelligence Agencies" You => She is a Traitor and should be Dishonorably Discharged immediately. MY RESPONSE I am Generation-X. My awareness of The World began at the time of APOLLO 8 and APOLLO 11 and The Tet Offensive and Martin Luther King, Jr's Assassination. Tulsi Gabbard is a Millennial, who like many other Millennials, wanted to go after Al Qaeda for the 9-11 Attacks; and, who believed The Bush Administration's claims that Saddam Hussein's Iraq had Nuclear WMDs. I don't know when Tulsi Gabbard was deployed to Iraq during The Iraq War; but, I am of the belief that she was a member of The Batch Of USA Soldiers who were tasked with finding WMDs in Iraq; when, USA Georg W Bush clearly knew that Iraq didn't have Nuclear WMDs. ā€¢ You support the USA Intelligence Agencies sending thousands of USA Military Personnel to their Deaths into Iraq because of a Known Lie of "Saddam Hussein's Iraq Possessing WMDs" that was perpetuated by The USA Intelligence Agencies and by The George W Bush Administration. Tulsi Gabbard knows the exact price USA Soldiers had to pay for being sent to Iraq to search for WMDs that the USA Government knew that didn't exist. The Vietnam War was fought because NATO was propping up a South Vietnamese Warlord to oppose the North Vietnamese Communist Government. The Vietnam War was a USA Fiasco; because, "Everybody was lying to everybody about what was actually going on in Vietnam": "Everybody" being ... the USA Corporations ... the USA Politicians ... the USA Military ... the CIA. On top of that, that South Vietnamese Warlord was totally corrupt ... -- USA Illegal Drug Usage within the USA grew during The Vietnam War; because, USA Military Veterans of The Vietnam War were bringing in Illegal Drugs from Vietnam -- the USA Veterans of The Vietnam War were Drug Runners & Drug Pushers in the USA Americans were forced to fight in The Vietnam War; even if, they were opposed to The Vietnam War; then, return to the USA ... -- as "Baby Killers"; because, Vietnamese Villagers were putting Hand Grenades into Baby Baskets in order to kill USA Soldiers; or, using Baby Baskets to distract USA Soldiers in an Ambush Combat Zone -- after being exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam; and, the USA Military & the CIA denying any USA Vietnam Veteran Medical Condition being related to Agent Orange. ā€¢ You support The USA Intelligence Agencies lying about The Economics & Politics Of Foreign Nations in order to Increase Illegal Drug USA by USA Civilians within the USA; as well as, send USA Soldiers to fight Dishonorable Wars on Foreign National Soil; as well as, send USA Soldiers to fight wars on Foreign Nation Soil that exposes them to Non-Military Warfare Weaponry Damage then not treat those USA Combat Soldiers for said Health Threats as USA Veterans Of Foreign Wars living USA Civilian Lives. The Boxer Wars in China was the result of European Colonization of Asia in the 1800s. The Mau Revolution occurred; because, The Chinese Democratic Government allowed for Sleight Of Hand Magicians like David Copperfield and Houdini to pass themselves as Chinese Spiritual Shamans; which, resulted in many Chinese Civilians losing their lives to Industrial Illnesses & Diseases that The Chinese Populace wasn't ready to deal with; because, 90% of The Chinese Populace were Pre-Industrial Societies that believed in Magick. Of course, by the time of The Tienanmen Square Incident, where a Chinese Man deliberately walked in front of a Chinese Tank; which, occurred during my Pre-Teen Years, proved that Mainland Chinese Government was no longer a Mau Revolution Government; thus, Mainland Chinese Government is just as corrupt as the government of The Nationalist Republic Of China (aka Taiwan). ā€¢ You support the USA Intelligence Agencies providing USA Military Support to Foreign Nations that are experiencing National Reform to have those Nations be permanently divided Nations like Korea; and, China and Taiwan. Saddam Hussein became The Leader Of Iraq because The USA Intelligence Agencies propped up Saddam Hussein for the 1980 Iran-Iraq War. ā€¢ You support The USA Governmental Overthrow of Foreign National Governments that result in Regional Instability such as The Middle East; which, is plagued by Local Political Groups seeking Religious-Ethnic-Cultural Identity that is being overrun by Non-Middle Eastern Nations. I don't know when The Ottoman Empire was successful at destroying Israel and kicking The Jews out of The Middle East; but, I do know that the USA and European Nations reinstated Israel as a Middle Eastern Nation against The Will of The Former Ottoman Empire Nations. ā€¢ You don't care about The Long-Term Effects of Earth Human Societies & History that are the result of the USA Intelligence Agencies lying to the USA Military, and to the USA Government, and to the USA Civilian Populace, about what is actually going on outside of the USA. Tulsi Gabbard has sworn an Oath "To protect the USA from Threats both Foreign and Domestic". DOMESTIC TREATS -- Ku Klux Klan attacks against Black Americans who are exercising their American Rights to "Life, Liberty, And Pursuit Of Happiness" -- USA President Donald Trump's January 6 Insurrection -- USA Governmental Personnel (CIA) putting USA Military Personnel and USA Civilians into Harms Way for International Political-Economic Reasons -- USA Corporations that pollute The Land and The Air and The Waters of the USA National Territories that result in The Poisoning of The USA Civilians; as well as, USA Corporations that provide Unsafe Working Environments that result in Injuries and/or Deaths to Employees; as well as, USA Corporations that produce Unsafe Consumer Goods (including Pharmaceuticals) that result in Injury and/or Death to USA Coaffoird -- USA Corporations that Underpay Workers for Products/Services that the Corporation creates while Overpricing the Customer Cost for those Products/Services resulting in USA Civilians being unable to afford Cost Of Living Expenses and Products & Services that are provided by USA Corporations; and, USA Corporations that don't pay USA Taxes while getting USA Federal Funds as a Non-Consumer of the USA Corporation's Products & Services -- USA Corporations that Outsource Job Opportunities to Foreign Nations in order to avoid USA Labor Laws and USA Consumer Laws and USA Environmental Laws and USA Tax Laws as per the FDA and the EPA and the ATF and the FCC and the IRS and other USA Government Agencies I was a Pre-Teen when a Toyota Factory in Japan installed The First Fully Autonomous Industrial Robot; because, Automobile Painting proved to be 100% Hazardous to Human Health; then, the USA Automobile Factories decided to incorporate Fully Autonomous Industrial Robots in order to lessen their Employee Costs, sending Millions of Loyal & Hardworking USA Workers to the Unemployment Line to fend for themselves; then, OPEC (Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Emirates, Kuwait) decided to Oil Embargo the USA; thus, Jimmy Carter's Presidency was a period of hardship where Laid-Off Automobile Industry Workers couldn't afford the Gas to look another Job; or, to sustain travel to a New Job; as well as, to transport their Children to School and to go Shopping; and, these USA Automobile Industry Workers believed that they had a Permanent Job Gig as long as they had Good Job Performance. In the 1980s, USA Insurance Companies renigged on their Insurance Policies when USA Civilians tried to Cash-In their Life Insurance Policies to pay for Medical Costs after many years of On-Time Payments at the Required Payment Levels. USA Legal Regulation established HMOs and PPOs in response to the 1980s Insurance Renig Scams.>> <<@notebeat says : She is a WEF stooge. Beginning to have my doubts about ol Tucker too.>> <<@rhrh2025 says : Liberals enjoy being "triggered!" They'd be upset if a lemonade stand was too close to a driveway!>> <<@tango9944 says : It showed liberal is hungry for conservative news and commentator, interesting . . . probably they are learning how to be truthful>> <<@bobmcweeney7459 says : Tulsi is a gun grabbing democrap! She stands with Nazi Piglousey and Zionist Schmuck Schumer.>> <<@Steve-wm1ol says : Excellent-looking woman.>> <<@motleybyron4997 says : The ghost of JFK watched Tulsi Gabbard guest host Fox's Tucker Carlson program and he SMILED...>> <<@faolandelany9122 says : Do r you just love her courage, built from her defending her country as a military person>> <<@dorothybroughton5248 says : What the Hell is wrong with ALL liberals??? THEY continue to prove that they don't even have the intelligence of a two year old! It's utterly mind blowing , how do they get up each morning and live with themselves? My handicap DOG has more intelligence than I've ever seen any liberal posses, they all act and talk like they are from some other unintelligent planet. Tulsi Gabbard, is what a Democrate should be, honest, fair and doing what upholds our Constitution, our freedoms, liberties and rights, she's not let the liberals take over her brain. Keep up the good work Tulsi, and be the honest decent person you are. If there were more Democrates like you, The Democrates might actually get people to vote for them, and not have to lie and cheat at the polls.>> <<@2ndamend947 says : She just needs to stop being confusing and switch to the GOP already or get off the stage?>> <<@terrysimpson3681 says : I guess libs can kiss their own assā€¦ lol>> <<@kenmurray8747 says : You know how you can tell if you are doing something politically correct? Liberals are triggered>> <<@duanedorman6134 says : Maybe she is beginning to see the light.>> <<@dougwinders6973 says : The crazy commie Dumborats don't like her because she tells the truth.>> <<@moderator1122 says : Wow thatā€™s discuss>> <<@stevequerin2504 says : I have been following Tulsi Gabbard since the 2nd Democratic Party Debate of the USA 2020 Election. I wished that I watched the Live Airing of Tulsi hosting the Tucker Carlson Show; because, the YouTubers who Posted that Episode made Edits to that Episode. I am not a fan of Tucker Carlson; however, I have watched YouTube Videos of Tucker interviewing Tulsi; and, she always put him into place when he got overzealous with his Anti-Democrat Rhetoric. I haven't seen the entire Episode; but, the segments that I had seen, Tulsi was covering issues that she was concerned with. FOX NEWS is Anti-Democratic Party; and, Tulsi's complaints about the Democratic Party allows her to constantly appear on Tucker Carlson. I am not surprised that Tulsi Gabbard got a chance to Host the Tucker Carlson Show. Hillary Clinton is as much a threat to the USA Democracy as Donald Trump is. The USA is currently in a very dark place. Darker than the 1970s; which, I remember as a Pre-Teen Child.>> <<@herojiro31valmire32 says : She is the kind of Conservative democrat America needs, instead of all these communist and socialist.>> <<@davidmeyer2586 says : They hate her because she is one of the only ā€œold schoolā€ democrats left, all the others have become communists.>> <<@joeycentofanti1987 says : Let the liberal squawk box whine. Anyone these whiners hate is worth my vote. Love you Tulsi.>>