<<@ericmesser1 says : The epitome of smirking arrogance…………just another Murdoch puppet………..has to resign>> <<@juneshannon8074 says : Not to his recollection. What bs. As if he has forgotten! Go get him Albo.>> <<@johnwoodrow8769 says : FFS, what a non event this whole story is. If Morrison had won the election, was still PM and operating in this manner, then it would be relevant. But trawling over past political trivia when Australia is facing major domestic and global challengers .... what a wank. Just proves politics under Albanese is just a self focused and nasty as it has ever been, perhaps worse.>> <<@crenattahm6018 says : Mr Morrison is a smart and very confident person.. one of the strong characters to become a leader. ✌️💙>> <<@oldgolfer7435 says : Scomo believes his own opinion of himself, and everything he did was with the approval of the same entity that created the "Miracles" for him. Many other politicians fit into the same category, belief in an extra terrestrial identity with super natural powers to whom we all must pay homage, or risk going to an unpleasant place after death. They go to a sacred building every Sunday for further instructions on how to keep the myth alive. I prefer some one with a sense of reality to make decisions that effect my well being.>> <<@samopalvampirenvonbutlegin8603 says : People just don't realize that if Morrison did not do that, Australia would be ruled by Hunt and, probably, ceased to exist by now.>> <<@Drakesy says : Scomo digging his hole deeper Theres a reason he didn't publicise it Because there wouldve been a bit of an uproar>> <<@frankwren8215 says : Jail. Now.>> <<@micphoenix8200 says : We've seen the implementation of World Economic Forum & U.N. legislative infrastructure and agendas during Morrison's tenure. Not to mention a unjustified doubling of our national debt. You bastards.>> <<@ernest919 says : Not surprised he did not want to put in a "Corruption Commision". Now this is what we consider to be a "Democracy" ?>> <<@samopalvampirenvonbutlegin8603 says : Centralization of power is exactly what the country needed at the time of full-scale foreign attack like "covid".>> <<@radioaustralia5070 says : Who cares people this is nothing, don't get distracted by this, worry about Albo lying to us about the cost of living.>> <<@shellyaus says : what stops Scomo escaping the country to avoid the law?>> <<@joekerr8334 says : Get off my lawn !>> <<@bensjammin8531 says : It's almost as if every politician around the world used covid as an excuse to grab power. Man, who could of seen that coming right? What a shocker>> <<@evelynmcmenamin4330 says : Pay back the money to the homeless and peoples lives you have destroyed>> <<@jeremyclarksonfragrance says : Morrison has just appointed himself the new coach of Essendon & North Melbourne. He'll also be taking over from Gill McLachlan as CEO of the AFL.>> <<@nicethings2070 says : You can probably add temporary CEO of Australia Post to the list.>> <<@anthonyc4812 says : And people still whine about Rudd being a control freak. At least he had a high functioning brain. This clown is just a diagnosable narcissist.>> <<@jimmycook872 says : BS AGAIN and again and again.>> <<@richarddoyle3420 says : Mr. Morrison can kiss Aussie koala.... The lockdowns are STILL in place. Tourism, ba Bye!!!>> <<@jimmycook872 says : In the meantime 1.3 trillion dollar Sovereign debt and growing. Why no accountability by these criminals Liberal labour party gangsters.>> <<@anthonyc4812 says : Hahaha.. went on 2GB. Of course he did 🤣>> <<@jimmycook872 says : Remember all their names. All these traitors will be held to account. They will swing.>> <<@wionporky9937 says : In Australia it is call Control Freak and in China it is a Dictator.>> <<@jimmycook872 says : Scott Morrison and Josh frydenberg are traitors of democracy as are the rest of the Liberal and labor party gangsters.>> <<@jimmycook872 says : This has been a bipartisan Liberal labor UN communist takeover. We need mass public hangings of all these treasonous traitors and self-appointed tyrants.>> <<@johnhoylesunvaccinatedbrot5421 says : so why can a so called expert like greg hunt say on air it stops transmission then come back on say it dosent. what sort of science are these people getting.>> <<@justdoesntaddup8620 says : Seems to me the state premiers and their health ministers were running the country the last two years anyway.>> <<@jimmycook872 says : There you have it folkes That's what a treasonous dictating Tyrant and traitor looks like. And Sky News was portraying Scott Morrison as Australia saviour. Sky News the enemy of the Commonwealth of Australia.>> <<@colonelklink9911 says : Four jobs and f@#ked them all 👏>> <<@PMAFL says : Mismatched logic describes this woeful ex PM. Gone by Christmas.>> <<@dfor50 says : Sounds like a storm in a teacup to me.>> <<@bretloyd8097 says : Just when you thought the LNP corruption was over. .>> <<@whiskeygamer9402 says : Who's cares start fixing the Country if it is fixable. Lol>> <<@kerouacist says : This is an extremely serious issue ! I will have more to say on this shortly .>> <<@heintz8792 says : So the people presented to us as the actual ministers of these respective portfolios didn't have any legal standing? What does that make their 'health' advice they dished out daily?>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : If correct, at least this may be traced back. Unlike the faceless men of the ALP (Labor) and ACTU who continue to control any socialist when in power.>> <<@johnnyang2472 says : He is the boss, he's the jack of all trades. 🤣🤣🤣>> <<@serviusm9523 says : During a pandemic I can get why you may want the leader as the backup for Ministries of great importance. However, some of these appointments do not sound like they were of importance during the pandemic, like resources.>> <<@joepearce3033 says : This is all about the jibbity. Wogbo is guilty too...they all are. The sh!t is hitting the fan.>> <<@SeeLasSee says : If barely anyone knew, how much did it matter?>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : ***HOW MUCH MONEY WAS MORRISON GETTING PAID FOR BEING PM & 4 PORTFOLIOS*** Barr Porking on another level. 😊>> <<@RWSM20 says : Just Sick Of It>> <<@Design_no says : If he had no portfolios imagine the screaming from the left then.>> <<@kaydring2630 says : Treasonous treacherous Corrupt politicians need to be held accountable to the full extent of the law.>> <<@dolphinboy3721 says : And scomo lies continue.>> <<@Voodoo4209 says : Scumo The Minister of Everything 🙄😅>> <<@achtung001 says : bent>> <<@j-1159 says : When you thought there couldn't be any more corruption, we'll at least the gullible sheep thought so>>