<<@anuragsinha2013 says : Islamophobia is a cunning word created to cover for the Xenophobia of the so called "Prophet Muhammad" and the Anti Semitic roots of Islam.>> <<@kahumanu5022 says : Muslims love to use this quote : " “If you want to know who rules over you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize.” Im starting to see what it is.🎉>> <<@falaiyo98 says : Yes we will defend our prophet no matter what.>> <<@taqiya3504 says : Islam does not integrate. Islam dominates.>> <<@snelgrave101 says : Funny how the alphabet mafia stay clear of Islam isn't it 😂>> <<@emperor887 says : Northern Europeans are the original barbarians that have destroyed the world. Now they rule for the devil,spreading more corruption on earth. Northern Europeans are Gog and Black people are magog>> <<@hurryingdoor7435 says : Douglas murrey is a hypocrite and has a constant angry and insulting tone and comes off very arrogant. How he got a platform demonstrates the stupidity of society.>> <<@kapple654 says : the intolerant atheists under Stalin all but killed Bulgakov 100 years ago in Russia too (whose work 'the master and margarita' Rushdie said inspired him to write 'the satanic verses') only this time its the intolerant religious that tried to kill rushdie>> <<@kapple654 says : the is a famous respected movie in Iran about a common criminal posing as an imam ... its a well loved comedy of errors - just like a criminal in New York posing as a catholic priest or rabbi. Iranian culture is rich. look it up.>> <<@kapple654 says : what do you mean? criticise the church (or Rome for that matter) 600 years ago and you'd have been burned at the stake in a public square in the middle of London - did that history suddenly go away? thats why martin Luther and Queen Elizabeth 1st both had enormous balls - had they not (and risked death) humanity would not have advanced. Salman Rushdie also has enormous balls - he has never given in and I think that needs respect but Murray is an avid hater of islam. we are never going to help our muslim brothers and sisters get away from extremism and double dealings (that war and occupation breed) if we choose the disgusting saudis to represent them (who carried out 9/11 - all the attackers were saudi) and realise that Iran use to have a much richer, artistic and more progressive culture and literature than this new brand of wahibism. (its as insulting as american evangelism representing the rich depths of christian culture). the ayatollah is a cunt - but Murray is unrelenting on refusing to understand the complexities of Iran. Iranian culture and ppl are not the ayatollah. and this little deluded twat that stabbed Rushdie was Lebanese not Iranian!>> <<@el_chico1313 says : why do we tolerate these people to trample our rights and freedoms for which our ancestors fought so hard for?>> <<@RobenArjen says : When your islamaphobic you can make tones of money.>> <<@ancientfinn3738 says : Dr Bill Warner is the best expert on political Islam.>> <<@SteveCarras says : 🪛-driver Islam, I say.>> <<@Yaw735 says : The government and our intelligence agency knows but What the Australian public doesn’t know is. That there many economic refugees that come from the Middle East and their dream is to go to Europe specially if not America, Canada and Australia will do. There are also many who pretend they are Christian and also gay fleeing prosecution but in fact they are Muslim and economic migrants.>> <<@stephan6372 says : I see the comments of rape and I want you to know that we the infidels are considered lower than the pig by orthox and extremist Islam.>> <<@sanne5434 says : Excellent talk. Only people like Douglas has guts to take on this oppression of everyone by Islam.>> <<@LifeOfRy says : Stand up to Islam before it’s too late. For every single one of us.>> <<@acewilson316 says : the extremists arnt the big problem, its the entire religion who want to take over but do it alot more sly, they are taking over and they segregate themselves off while trying to take over and change the culture that takes them in. they cant have anyone question what they are doing because deep down they know they are following a bullshit cult, and are just scared of their familys>> <<@icanfly2245 says : Why did people like dogless remain silent when the author JK Rowling was attacked for saying “gender is a fact” surly she was expressing free speech? So many comedians were canceled for giving an opinion on people like dogless the p00f,>> <<@rainynight02 says : It's shocking? How is it shocking at all?! He's been a target for over *30 years!* Maybe shocking that security was lacking this day?>> <<@threedogs8349 says : Islam was spewed from the gates of hell by satan himself and it spreads like a toxic slime over the civilised societies of the world.Wake up people,rise up and drive them from your countries.>> <<@johnjackson4311 says : Islam is a religion of peace and if you don't believe that then Islamists will blow you to pieces.>> <<@Pensioner1203 says : Islam is the devil>> <<@saimbhat6243 says : I don't understand why douglas murray is crying about ? It is what it is. This incident should be treated like any other ideologically motivated violence. I mean why should I, an ordinary muslm, should be put under scanner for someone else's actions ? We clearly have two different sets of code of valuation. I don't condone even slapping a mosquito. We just find different things offensive. And there are people among us who are lunatics and they will be better in jails. But it still doesn't mean i will stop getting offended. You are obviously dishonest when you say you are not allowed to criticize us. You have made your own living by criticizing us, you owe all of your achievements to just our mere existence. Getting invited to all conferences and debates and universities to criticize and earn dollars. And YES, insulting religious figures is HIGHLY OFFENSIVE TO US, AND NO MATTER WHAT, WE DO GET OFFENDED. And you should know there is a difference between criticizing and insulting. I don't believe that you should tell me what to get offended at and what not to get offended at.>> <<@Lighthole. says : Without lies Islam Dies period, go through with Islamic text and get horrified>> <<@thealternativeview2692 says : I did this video explaining how the left-wingers refuse to use the word "Islam" https://youtu.be/CrxHk9KYhnY>> <<@kotexconnection3804 says : No one is safe as long as religion spreads it's stupidity>> <<@andykaufman7620 says : Here is a testable idea. What if someone wrote a similar novel like Rushdie wrote, but the topic would be centered on Judaism, calling the Torah "Satanic Verses', or maybe Moses as the Font of Satan, and how about if this were a book calling the New Testament the "Satanic Verses'. Would the leaders of those religions issue similar death edicts, and would the same real threat exist, or would be accept that, especially after the author were killed. You can extend this to Buddhism, or Indigenous Faiths, or whatever religious faith you wish, those are just two examples above. Imagine if the Tibetian Buddhist scriptures and texts were called Satanic Verses, would the Dalai Lama issue a similar death edict, and would Buddhists world wide seek to fulfill it.>> <<@primeminister1040 says : Gutless Murray shut up you hypocritical weasel>> <<@tonygibson6436 says : In case it hasn't clicked with people yet: the reason why islam is a protected species in our part of the world is because Satan has many armies working either overtly or covertly for him. Islam has been his overt presence in the world for the last 1400 years. It has been trying to bring down the Christian world, attempting to bring its armies into Europe in the 15th & 16th centuries, after successfully toppling the Christian Byzantine Empire a century earlier in 1453. Our part of the world has been covertly won over to Satan since the French Revolution in 1789 when the ideas of liberalism and socialism were seeded and Christianity attacked by those with communist ambitions. Communism and islam are very closely connected in their rigid totalitarian control of everyone in every aspect of their lives. The satanists who control our world are highly sympathetic to the aspirations of islam given that both have a hatred for Christianity and islam will act as an accelerator of Christianity's demise in the West for the satanists. Satan is at the head of both these armies and is coordinating the final push for world domination every moment from this time forward.>> <<@australiaprisonisland9156 says : The Juden propaganda channel.>> <<@australiaprisonisland9156 says : Douglas Murray!! You must be joking. His opinions are irrelevant.>> <<@brosbro8417 says : Most Muslims are just as offended by mockery of Jesus as they are of Muhammed>> <<@brosbro8417 says : Douglas Murray believes there should be laws restricting Holocaust denial>> <<@richard_NIELSEN says : Diversity is our strength lol>> <<@fortuner123 says : All mosque building should be stopped. Douglas says it very well. Any religion/government/sect etc., that does not allow criticism/discussion is bad.>> <<@mattanderson6672 says : Well Said Douglas!!! Keep talking!!>> <<@timothyj1966 says : BANG ON! They want Everyones Respect - Funny, they NEVER show it to others! Don't even recognize Canada anymore>> <<@patricksharp1063 says : On Muslim websites there is overwhelming approval of the attack, not disapproval, Stop fooling and lying to yourselves. These Jihadi attacks have everything to do with Islam. Quran 8:39, "Kill the unbelievers where ever you find them." Bukhari, 4:241, 56:369, " Behead those who insult the Prophet.">> <<@robertpayne4033 says : "When you get extraordinarily angry when you hear something that goes against what you believe, that is your sub-conscious telling you that there is actually nothing to support your belief" -- anon>> <<@sullyx5142 says : Aww, the nostalgic supremacist Douglas can't handle any criticism of the declining West It's a Western value to sweep there own atrocities under the carpet and emphasise on others crimes using accounts of history that suits their own supremacist agenda Douglas the narcissist has mental health problems, gay, christian and atheist. The man is confused Welcome to a multiploar world you dinosaur>> <<@johannahiggs4274 says : Thank goodness for Douglas Murray!>> <<@marilynmalone7238 says : Exactly, and the Islamic Extremists are behind much of the attacks on our Society!>> <<@colinleatham9143 says : Do not worry folks,the Chinese will not put up with this crap.Mind you,they will be cruel masters.A double edged sword.>> <<@merlin0215 says : More of our replacements coming across the border. This will continue until the same number has come across as the population of the U.S., although the idiot running Canada is going to want as many of them from us as the population of Canada.>> <<@merlin0215 says : And who else is an enemy of Islam? Biden and if we wait long enough he'll say something negative about their religion. Although Biden has accepted MuSlIms into our government. We have to have a law banning our enemies from being part of our government! I mean, come on already, WTF?>> <<@commiesareevil3823 says : Islam is a death cult.>> <<@MoMo-yv8lv says : Here Here!>> <<@merlin5476 says : ....and this ( they claim) is a peaceful religion. And its sweeping the globe due to intense breeding.>>