<<@gregblack5440 says : Under pressure>> <<@redbellyblackprod says : what a load of fucking bullshit. the guy is outright lieing>> <<@craigarms2587 says : He doesn’t speak for me>> <<@JohnSmith-it9eh says : What absolute BS from Mcormack this is just another example of LNP corruption no wonder they did everything they could to stop a federal ICAC>> <<@edwardsianski725 says : Scott Morrison acquired a conga line of ministries - who was his secret understudy?>> <<@mjay6508 says : The only reason he took on all the other portfolios was to use his extra powers to VETOE the PEP-11 gas exploration. It would have been really obvious if he only assumed the resources ministry, so he assumed all the other portfolios at the same time, pretending he was the Supreme Mullah backing up his own ministers... that was all a BS front...... he only wanted the resources portfolio to BLOCK the gas exploration going ahead!!!! WHY???? Because he and his slimy dodgy backdoor mining mates want to get in on the gas exploration deals themselves. So we will block the PEP-11 and, being PM, I will get the deal for me and my shonky mining mates.... WHY??????? M O N E Y!!!!!!!!!! Millions could be billions and all at the expense of the integrity of the Westminster System of procedural laws that have served this country since Federation. So here we have, an unelected puppet PM, taking the pss out of the governments own laws, to set mining deals up for his maggot mining mates....... yep good Xtian fair dinkum honest boy our Scotty is....... makes me puke you lying thieving oxygen thief............... RESIGN NOW YOU PATHETIC SCUMBAG...>> <<@tamaveirene says : Wake up Michael McCormick! This Australian is DEEPLY WORRIED about the 5 portfolios secretly obtained by Morrison and endorsed by THE GG! And shame on you that you are NOT!>> <<@DP-ky4wz says : Because most of the people are stupid one!>> <<@Daytripped says : This grubs tune would no doubt be very different if it was a labour PM pulling this rubbish>> <<@redlightmax says : I love the thumbnail - today we are all Grace Tame.>> <<@samuel5742 says : "No one's talking about this" Deny reality? It's a bold strategy, we'll see if it pays off.>> <<@iwillnotcomply8602 says : The public's business should be conducted publicly.>> <<@peterkarras8523 says : The coalition is still saying there better in government & did everything in there power to stay>> <<@scottfagan4374 says : Snatching power in secret with zero transparency to the public- the liberal party are a pack of corrupt muts>> <<@edwardcharles2189 says : just had to turn this video off, politicians in Australia, and most other countries, keep sinking to new lows, along with the corporate media.>> <<@Clara-dl7dg says : Bullshit>> <<@rmason5477 says : Yet CCP Daniel Andrews got to destroy many peoples lives, got Gestapo to brutality attack the people, lockdown ,QR codes or one could not even buy food CONTROL complete CONTROL is his extremely evil, one of Satan's elitr>> <<@frankwren8215 says : LOL>> <<@irenebatt4418 says : Is this guy selling tins of striped paint and left handed spanners or what? This guy sounds as complicit as Morrison. The Govenor General should resign so should this guy and Morrison, without parliamentary privileges, end of...>> <<@creationdotcomfan says : And that my friends is why I have changed from Liberal to National.>> <<@junebaldwin5352 says : You don't apologise. Over and over again .and keep telling lies .everyone is talking about it around the kitchen table .how many more lies be found out .it is usually takes a long time to change the world and how many other people have changed things to make a one world order .you couldn't have been too worried to allow people in our country with no health check declared to government>> <<@eb2505 says : Asking Morrison how many portfolios he secretly had, and the hearingh him him rattle of a few and saying he forgot and doesn't remember having anymore is like asking a thief who stole from the bank how much money he took and hearing, 'I think about $100,000, can't really recall, it was a tough time, running away from the police', only to find out later he stole a million. Investigate the guy, do it thoroughly, make it public and then institute changes to ensure it never happens again. At the same ask how on earth the GG could remain silent in the face of it.>> <<@f0rdfalc0n46 says : Did Bolt watch this interview? Maybe Bolt should “ just resign “ What a joke Andrew Bolt 🤡>> <<@coldpotatoes2556 says : McCormack has reached for the….”we had our hand in the till, but we saved you from a plague”🤣🤣🤣🤣”those were unsteady days but we got you through” 🤣🤣 you sure did, the federally underfunded nursing homes that were a disaster killing many, causing unneeded suffering for family and patients alike….that went on for months!!!. I was walking down the street, stoped to talk to someone, was more than 1.5 mt away from them and the police fined me $1200 dollars anyway for not distancing? Mean while the guy who’s job it was to chauffeur international flight crew from the Sydney airport had no obligation or legislation in place to get a regular test(a year into the pandemic) and brought Covid into sydney that kicked off a couple of billion dollar mistake in closing businesses. I didn’t even make a mistake and was fined $1200 these people over saw a covid app that cost 21million dollars to develop and it detected 2 people. These people are full of shit with no accountability, whilst shoving it down our throats.>> <<@svenomick5857 says : Scott of into the Sunset Massive Big Tax Payer funded Pension remember TAX payer FUNDED, Trillion Dollar debt great Money Management the Diehards will say Gee He was so good Wake Up have a think 800 Million dollars down the Toilet no Subs are Robo Debt 10 bucks They will chase The old Australian Tax payer to Hell and Back in There Flash tax payer funded BMW Car are that is right we don’t build cars here Anymore how sarcastic am I Not.>> <<@sussiegue7564 says : Our heavenly father sees all. Nothing is or can ever be hidden. Many Aussies still traumatized and remember scenes of young children thrown to the ground . Women being picked up by the throat for being outside or for not wearing a mask that was acnowledged as being pointless... And being told they couldn't eat or drink without having a mask on...... people being thrown to the ground for a crime of just existing.... And the words of politicians saying no jab no job..but then saying oh it's compulsory but it's not. Then seeing Vic prime minister..Daniel Andrews peer down the camera with a look of pure evil and say " if U think U will get away with not complying think again.... U can be sure that the Lord knows exactly what was in Ur mind..Ur thoughts. Now the Lord knows exactly who his people are ..for each one of the leaders that crushed and murdered God's people U can be sure of this...now our Lord Jesus is coming for YOU.>> <<@svenomick5857 says : Can not Remember ha ha what a joke I am 59 years old I can remember back to when I was 5 years old remember any important things and nothing like this. The out going Government kicked to the Kerb and good also body bags heaved to the hole Manhattan Island what a joke. Dramatic words people are passing away every day of the week that is life You live You Die old Mate be honest You don’t give a Shit with a capital S also not a good honest Happy Clapper God is watching and every one else.>> <<@cypherpunk12 says : Scott Morrison commited fraud, he deserves prison, not a resignation. Any politician that knew about this and went along with it is an accessory to this fraud, they also need to be charged with a federal offence.>> <<@GordonPavilion says : Micheal McCormack is Max Headroom>> <<@cypherpunk12 says : He should be arrested, the list of crimes is almost endless. As treasurer and finance minister, he had access to an infinite supply of money that Australia would need to pay back. In 18 months Australia went from 400 billion to 1.2 trillion in debt to the reserve bank of Australia. He obtained access to this money via commiting fraud. Obtaining funds fraudulently is a serious federal crime, and your punishment is based on the amount you obtain. He obtained 800 billion dollars, by far the largest amount obtained by fraud in Australian history, it wouldn't surprise me if it's the largest in the world. He forced people to be vaccinated with a drug that is still in experimental stages, under the duress of losing their jobs. He did this because he was the health minister, with no clear knowledge of health. One man has single handedly done more damage to this country than anyone else ever. The crazy part is people want him to resign, like this is some sort of punishment. He will get a hefty pension that is more than 8 times the pension given to injured car veterans, that have made the ultimate sacrifice. Free first class travel for life, this is not a punishment. Prison, for life, that is what he deserves. The list is endless of the things he single handedly did. People have lost their homes, jobs and businesses, and now with interest rates going up as a direct result of his fraud, more people will lose everything.>> <<@evcoproductions says : Yes we are. That level of corruption is very worrying.>> <<@Bluecrown360 says : What a load of damage-control CRAP.>> <<@Which_Way says : This out of touch excuse of a human definitely isn’t speaking for me. Waste of space.>> <<@bellabear653 says : Scott Morrison also approved the bill that allows police and the spy agencies the right to hack honest hard working Australians phone and internet for 3 days. These ass holes locked us down during covid and they think we are dumb enough to fall for this crap. Get this lying sack of shat off the network.>> <<@bellabear653 says : Why would they put Scott Morrison in another 5 roles this is a man who ran off to Hawaii for holidays while Australia burns. The reality is he could of told Australians he was taking on those positions. He and the whole government were lying sacks of crap. If anything these clowns killed more people than had to kill. These idiots couldn't keep covid off an island nation and decided to put huge amounts of covid positive people in the cities. They would of got an F for there efforts. We really need to rid ourselves of these older politicians anyone over 50 has to go. Enough is enough.>> <<@kateyanjames9040 says : bs>> <<@katrinastewart2100 says : hang on, i thought the aPrime Minister is ultimately responsible for everything anyway so what’s the biggy? at that time not only were people frought with fear, but the mad labour premiers like Andrew’s were busy traumatising their citizens, police in bic were running round like gestapo arresting old people and pregnant women for going out their front gates or sitting on park benches. Thank God for Scott Morrison i say😃!!>> <<@MusMasi says : these are not the droids you are looking for, does not always work.>> <<@creamy2299 says : Lol our government is a bunch of fuckwitts and it funny 🫡 how much of society did like sheep do and follow when they were told the vaccine and all these other bullshit things are what’s best for our country 💯>> <<@joshuathompson8425 says : This bloke is so out of tough. Its been bought up multiple times at my home and at my work around the "water cooler">> <<@mollyhenderson2671 says : This is absolutely gas lighting... I am australian living in Belgium and my partner and I were talking about this at the table at breakfast. This is undermining democracy and anything else is gaslighting Australians with some bs whattaboutism>> <<@arunta5 says : Michael McCormack talks sense the Nats should never have replaced him with the hapless accident prone Barnaby Joyce. I knew that the next election would be lost after that move.>> <<@mollyhenderson2671 says : Omg.. keeping people "alive" aka locking expats like me out of our own country whilst simultaneously fear mongering other Australians against eachother... This is absolutely disgusting and we are absolutely disappointed but we are not surprised. WE DESERVE BETTER LEADERSHIP and we got it so they need to please stop these lame teenage boy-type excuses!>> <<@mollyhenderson2671 says : Smokes and mirrors!! We were all being fooled and distracted whilst our LEADER was slowly pushing a disgusting dictatorship!! This video is so pale stale get out 😭😭😭>> <<@OffGridInvestor says : NOBODY CARES about what they assign themselves to. They pretend THIS is bad.... have THEY EVER HEARD of bohemian grove??!!! I mean you can't pretend there isn't SOME whacked crap that politicians in Australia do. Politicians do it EVERYWHERE ELSE in white English culture.>> <<@seedfan8548 says : Michael McCormick is wrong.>> <<@alistairmills7608 says : He's a dickhead, they prompted the panic.>> <<@kindalee6859 says : Get rid of world economic forum WEF people in Australia please. Labor party is an evil group to allow WEF harming Australia. Both party only care about their benefits not Australia future.>> <<@nightmare0009111 says : wow what a joke this system is, something tells me that they are all corrupt and throwing morrison under the bus to save the liberal voter base to say its ok now we got rid of the corruptness. there is nobody in australia that i would vote for and feel like i made the right choice, albo might turn things around but i wouldnt doubt they are just as corrupt as the morrison government just with different interests>> <<@kindalee6859 says : Stop WEF evil group in Australia please. You both party don’t care about people. Don’t care about economic.>>