<<@DirtyHairy84 says : God all these people are funky looking>> <<@joshwilson7573 says : Anything goes wrong, just blame White Supremacy, The Patriarchy, Capitalism, or Climate Change. It's a very convenient excuse, I'm fat- Blame climate change, I'm lazy and spend too much time staring mindlessly into a screen- Blame climate change, I'm mediocre, a failure in life-Blame climate change, I have no morals ethics, values or principles, I don't care about anything but myself-Blame climate change!.>> <<@2trichoptera says : HadCRUT4, now vs 5, the IPCC gold standard, shows global temperatures has been slowly dropping for the last 8 years..... The climate is always changing.>> <<@johncatto5019 says : Do they not have so called trans people in Australia then ? If a situation appears in the UK suggesting that there is something fundamentally wrong with the way so called trans people are treated, surely this should be of interest in Australia.>> <<@genzi78514 says : Many people oppose this since the beginning. Many people get fired, get harrased for having common sense, and getting lectured about tolerance without receiving it. And let's not forget about all those women and girls who were abused by obvious bad men who took advantage from a stupid society, to cause harm to others. I don't want these clinics close, legitimate transexual need them, but I want an open apologize from these doctors. I want a healthy approximation to transexual issues and a real open debate about gender ideology.>> <<@xandrafrancois says : Climate change? Or Just change in eating habits. High doses of sugar? What about the People in poor countries?>> <<@GreencampRhodie says : Every one of the clinicians should be strung up. As should the collaborators.>> <<@audreyblack8629 says : How can they sue the clinic when they went there to get the treatment and used their rights to demand it? It was their choice to have the operations, not the clinic that approached them.>> <<@phenixevelyphd2149 says : The parents are simply trying to cash in on their poor parenting skills. The parents should be charged with child abuse in many cases.>> <<@TheRealFamespear says : That’s just ridiculous! The reason kids are fat is because they’re lazy, gluttonous and eat bad food. Just another example of how retarded the climate Nazis are. πŸ™„>> <<@ih82r8 says : Lived in a hot climate my whole life. Never stopped us from playing outside or being forced to do PE outside. Since the northern hemisphere is like 5 minutes away from winter, doesn't that mean that everyone can lose weight since it will be cooler? Or will they make up some new bs excuse for everyone staying fat?>> <<@frankcoates4609 says : Gender fluid right wing bullshit>> <<@djlow2398 says : Medical decision?>> <<@patp3800 says : Really...that's why people in the tropics have been typically more over weight than thos living elsewhere...not...not...not>> <<@artistphilb says : One of the things the report that shut done the Tavistock mentioned is that children who are given puberty blockers don't go through normal mental development and as such are unable to make the decisions that they are being asked to about their futures.>> <<@cburg6383 says : Tavistock...den of evil.>> <<@robbrown8483 says : The climate is dynamic, so, by definition it is always changing. As for global warming, the thermogeddonites are left to explain why the world has been cooling for the last five years.>> <<@poosmate says : I think it's wrong for these families to sue the NHS. They got exactly what they wanted and now they realised they made a big, practically irreversible mistake, it's every one else's fault but their own. And let's not forget, it's the same NHS that will be doing their de-transitioning surgery. Hope they're at the back of a very, very long queue! Parents of these children should be done for child abuse for putting their image of being "woke" before being sensible.>> <<@eiyukabe says : "Trans ideology is harming children" I don't like being right about this, but I've been saying this for years. Got fired from my job for being a "bigot" about it too. There is no place in hell deep enough for both the Tavistock's staff and the morons in the general public that backed this mass child abuse.>> <<@johnbolt665 says : So everyone knows that the climate hoax is simply the bus taking us to the global socialist totalitarian penitentiary for a life sentence of North Korean style mass transit and eating bugs in a cold house we used to own with a family of migrants . . . . . don't they!>> <<@MillyToast says : The gender clinic is only one department at the Tavistock and Portman Clinic. Pretty sure everything else will still be running. Child and Family Services, Adult Services, relationship services, bereavement services etc.>> <<@Dragonblaster1 says : I have lost three stone (48lb) over the last two years through exercise and intermittent fasting. I don't have AC, and I'm 59 years old. So bullshit on that.>> <<@amarok5048 says : Vanity project for narcissistic mothers!>> <<@jtaylor1219 says : Defending left policies is hard when you can’t call someone a phobe or ist>> <<@thyme4thought422 says : If high Temps make kids obese then why is it that people living in areas around the equator generally carry less fat? It seems the normal adaptive strategies for people in high temperature environments lead them to become leaner.>> <<@troubleabout5137 says : How can removing your penis and breasts not be seen as abuse or normal. Men cannot be women, grow up>> <<@odinsfire1409 says : There is definately a reason to bring this out in the open. Who is really driving and making this whole transgender issue as big as it is? The fuse was lit when Obama came into power with his "wife" Michelle. Tavistock have been pushing this rubbish for quite a while. Let me say here I don't care what an individual chooses for him/herself. That is their right. But what I do care about is massive government and private Propaganda programs being used to push kids down this path. We're we short of trans people and they sort to remedy that? No, it is yet another way to cause confusion, isolation, emotional upset and outrage as if we didn't have enough already. Then of course there us all the money to be made from grants and supply of service. Somebody is paying for all this and it's usually you, the taxpayer. I just read this morning that this whole trans thing went on in the Weimarr Republic in Germany around 1920ish. Who is pushing this so hard and what is their real purpose? Its not to help kids out of the goodness if their heart.>> <<@greendrummers says : What are they suing the clinic for? They want their children absolutely mutilated into non human type creatures? Who can't reproduce? Oh yes, best sue the clinic because little 6 year old kids know they don't like their sexual gender, since they have possibly been abused so to dislike their genitals. So if they make paedophilia legal, then it will help them put kids in the slaughterhouse of sexual dysfunction and mutilation.>> <<@ix-Xafra says : Litigation against government departments is a middle-class career path only equaled by the Family Law system broadscale divorce-rape of estranged men! Usually settled out of court so there's no public record with the obligatory DNA (non disclosure agreement) so it's all 'in confidence'.>> <<@paulhenshaw3103 says : Chemically castrating kids because they say I'm a boy when they are a girl or vice versa is child abuse>> <<@paulhenshaw3103 says : Don't be a pussy, the answer is yes it is damaging Children and parent and doctors who undergo procedures on kids in this way should face jail>> <<@paulhenshaw3103 says : I would happily believe that an increase in temperatures are making news presenters parroting climate change bull more stupid>> <<@thomashogan9196 says : This is so true. Everyone with common sense knows that people gain weight most when the weather is warm and they're wearing swimming clothes. Sedentary, antisocial lifestyle has nothing to do with it. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, the Great and Powerful Oz has spoken!>> <<@earnyourimmortality says : Puberty blockers is just repurposed *Lupron* to chemically castrate children πŸ€”... That makes sense πŸ€ͺ🀑🌎>> <<@violetdusk1968 says : If higher temperatures make people obese I don't understand how there are children in Africa that look like skeletons.>> <<@EeliusAstaroth says : So we blame it on the heat when you can go out early or later in the day when it's cool to counter obesity, yet we're not gonna address tablets/ipads/any distraction that would cause children to stay inside rather than outside or not be active as they outta be whether inside or out like you can't play around inside (?) 🧐>> <<@toscadonna says : Kids are hardly ever outside anymore. I say this as someone who goes for a walk everyday rain, sleet, or shine. I grew up in Texas with no air conditioning, and it would be 95 degrees F inside the house at 2 am. We played outside, rode horses, worked cattle, etc. in over 100 degree F weather all summer. People are aft because they’re inside in controlled environments all of the time and are gorging themselves on carbohydrates.>> <<@robwealer5416 says : I worked in NGOs and watched organizers put together funding applications and grant requests. It was certainly more difficult to get expanded funding based on well established data, even though it might be sorely needed. If funding start to dry up, novel issues were sought out that required novel programs. Many were very new and virtually experimental, 3rd party data often being used often put together by other parties looking to keep funding. Catch phrases and key words were top of mind when composing them, the latest thing or crisis. Tying something to climate change might move you to the top of the pile for continued funding. Very little or no apparatus to examine unintended consequences or potential problems.>> <<@dawnemile4974 says : Yes but what about the lawsuits? Are they going to set up clinics to incur more lawsuits. Why would you want to change sex except for social and sexual reasons. It is not for biological reasons so how does it help the human race?>> <<@dawnemile4974 says : I don't like being click-baited and then in loved in a disingenuous discussion about climate change. Climate change keeps children I doors because it is too hot to go outside.>> <<@st.jn3v169 says : Parents should affirm their kids biological sex every day from the day they are born.>> <<@st.jn3v169 says : I suspect the obesity climate change study was funded by WEF>> <<@st.jn3v169 says : Which country is this obesity report referring to? I grew up in a West African country (70s - 80s) where temperatures were well above 25 degrees C almost all year round and obesity was never a problem because we just played outside and ran around>> <<@macmcc3201 says : Climate change is making me skinny πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ˜„>> <<@paulmoulton7248 says : Kids today are less fit due to climate change? So people in the north are far more fit than people in the south. The science is clear. Stupid, so flippin' stupid>> <<@lmusima3275 says : Obesity Is caused by poor diet, which has been a growing trend since the 1970s. There has been an increase in snacking between meals, easier access to highly processed food filled with carbs and sugar>> <<@libertasdemocratiam887 says : The NHS shouldn't be sued, the medical professionals themselves should take the hit, if needs be they should be jailed, other people with real physical health conditions like myself, I have a disease that is causing some of my joints to develop arthritis that need many different forms of treatment to try and maintain the joints until I'm old enough to have replacement joints fitted. I'm 33 I don't see why I should suffer because doctors didn't do their job, THEY should be held responsible notother patients and the tax payer.>> <<@peterjones6507 says : What!? I'm paying for transgender clinics? I presume the plan is to destroy the NHS by wasting resources.>> <<@svy99n says : I work in the Middle East, Africa and SE Asia a lot (Oil and Gas Industry)...........They have a lot less Obese Kids there than in the West, and its pretty warm too !>> <<@Shoshana-xh6hc says : Re temperature rise in LA within 200years, large cities nowadays produce their own micro- climates with all the buildings and power being used. Not the case 200 years ago when there were only a few people living in that area of California. #globullwarmingisrubbish>>