<<@CalBart42 says : and yet the #MurdochGutterTrashToyBoys where desperate for us to vote the M@R@N back in>> <<@nevroraglione812 says : This ass hole should be stripped of the benefits and should resign from politics. A disgrace to the Australian public.>> <<@davidjohnston7512 says : Hang on,you backed him all the way you turn coat.>> <<@whitehawk2273 says : They are "uimpressive" because they are WEF agents with connections organized.>> <<@amandashineyourlight2498 says : If you read William (Bill) Cooper's "Behold a Pale Horse", you will discover that Colin Powell was a WEF functionary, and NOT an independent figure.>> <<@amandashineyourlight2498 says : When you have Dominion machines Scytel software, intranet backdoor access, it becomes a tried and tested recipe for "selecting" rather than electing our politicians. And I'm going back decades. "Pygmy-land" is an apt description.>> <<@andrewewels3054 says : Never before in history has so many politicians drain so much from the taxpayer to give so little to their country.>> <<@Paris45627 says : The smirk on Morrison smile 🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫>> <<@noweternity3101 says : Please Read :- Government Reports, Pfizer Docs. & Cost of Living Crisis prove your Government is.... August 2022.>> <<@zabvza7457 says : Jesus imagine the whiplash you would get from being pulled back to reality after watching this trash for years and believing all of it and then suddenly two months after the election they start talking like this, surely the sudden change of tact is going to be enough for SOME of the audience to notice, they’ve gone from saying the leather on Morrisons boot is the tastiest they’ve had in so long to suddenly not liking the boot at all. People will notice.>> <<@asmith1151 says : AUSTRALIANS are sick of being manipulated and lied to by politicians who think that they are Some kind of royalty .When will they be made to answer for their illegal and immoral actions.>> <<@maxinegalpin6068 says : Secret Society.... centralisation ,....fear control and prevention of harm....but it's ok as long as you apologise to your blind mates 🤠💰💰💰💰>> <<@gavriloprincip1477 says : I suspect there is a WEF angle in all this. Morrison wanted a cashless society with digital passports.>> <<@GordonPavilion says : I’m loving seeing the Conservatives eat themselves alive.>> <<@papersplease says : WEF>> <<@martincassidy4839 says : The last election was about getting rid of Morrison, not electing labour. The whole country knew Morrison was bad. All about himself and not the people. God told him to do it.>> <<@travissinclair5896 says : This mob were dysfunctional from Abbot. Australian’s addiction to low credit got ‘em through. It’s always rates. Morrison was a low. Money wasted…. So let’s play the blame game as next Government rebuilds.>> <<@carlosquinto1383 says : Morrison was just a Prime Minister for himself and his church he did nothing good or principled for the rest of Australia. Good riddance.>> <<@ThisFinalHandle says : Hah! This is fcukin' fantastic. Not even Bolt will defend him. Don't mind me while roll in this massive pile of schadenfreude.>> <<@cypherpunk12 says : Scott Morrison was sworn in as health minister, finance minister and treasurer (amongst other things). In 18 months of covid we went from 400 billion debt to 1.2 trillion in debt. The Treasurers federal budget was not released because he was the Treasurer too, using covid as the excuse. Now the budget I have just finished (2021 Federal Budget) reading has the name Joshua Anthony Frydenberg as the Treasurer, now we know its Scott Morison, so I have my doubts, are we more in debt than this? They want him to resign are you f***ing kidding me? This is without a doubt the biggest misuse of funds that have been obtained by fraud in Australian history, and its up there on the global scale. He has obtained funds by means of deception spent them and left Australia with a massive debt to the Reserve Bank Of Australia, we are more in debt now than we were in the mid 80s when interest rates hit 14-18% in some banks. He should have every cent he earned as PM taken off him and be forced to pay back all expenses as they are obtained while committing a crime. This should also happen to the actual people appointed to the positions that Morrison was covering, since they would have known this was happening. Finally life without the possibility of parole for the biggest fraud in Australian History. By holding the position of Finance, and Treasurer gave him the power of unlimited funds that the country must now pay back. Having the power of the Health Minister allowed him to lock the country down like Nazi Germany. All those people who were punished during the Covid overreaction should also be compensated, they were not disobeying a direct order by the Health Minister at all. Think about all the closed businesses and people in debt and losing their homes thanks to the actions of a f**k stain that has no education in health? He forced people to be injected with an experimental drug under the Health Ministers (his) advice, with threats of unemployment if we do not comply. Decent people just trying to support their families not given the freedom to choose vaccination. The list is endless here, I could go on and on but he needs prison without parole, if we still had the death penalty I would support this too. If he resigns he gets a big fat government pension check and free travel anywhere at any time, that not a punishment worthy of stealing a chocolate bar.>> <<@littleangel18 says : It’s so bad they SkyNews are calling out Morrison… yikes>> <<@purplegrapiest says : When dan Andrews wanted emergency powers to help handle major crisis in the state, he was a dictator. Though when our prime Minister, the leader of our country, secretly takes the portfolios of multiple ministries, giving him more power and reach, almost like an actual dictator, you go so soft on him. I hope your average viewers aren't so gullible to believe this garbage. I can't wait to see Scott's best mate Paul Murray cry about this>> <<@zizilia5784 says : Didn't anyone maintain an 'org' chart identifying all the ministers of every portfolio? It's a basic administrative task in most organisations, which would have brought this to light sooner? Is there an updated chart of all the ministers now? I don't know that much about political administration so I'm confused about this whole thing.>> <<@yfelwulf says : All the time in office his total servitude to Israelistan 🇺🇲 like a little puppy following CHUMP then Brandon. Want BUDDY Morrison' opinion check the CIA daily briefing.>> <<@jaustwan says : I don't hold the portfolios, mate.>> <<@steveb1325 says : This should read : Morrison ran a ‘dysfunctional’ government with an ‘anonymous cabinet’ which received complete and utter support from myself and Sky News, no matter what they did.... Until they were no longer any use to us. Typical Murdoch dogs. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother to check Sky.>> <<@JeffBourke says : The number 1 priority of any government MUST be to have equal female representation inside the ministry.>> <<@AltCoinAussie says : Scomo was in bed with Klaus / WEF’s “Great Reset” it will fail. People are waking up.>> <<@code_kanga5390 says : Morrison is an idiot, but this is the ramblings of a geriatric!>> <<@mjay6508 says : CROOKS CROOKS CROOKS they are ALL LYING THIEVING SHYSTERS...... but I’m a good holy XTIAN bleets Morrison... they all ought to be in PRISON.>> <<@dapawap says : Let’s never interview Morrison, he is a liar & never to be believed! Or wait until he is in custody!>> <<@dapawap says : Wow you guys have certainly changed your tune!! Don’t be silly! Morrison was no leader but helped to get into power by Sky News & the Murdock press. You are just as disgraceful!>> <<@Phunkiedeknition says : If you can't see how F - UP the liberal party is. You are the problem. You guys are so pro liberal you're all lunatics.>> <<@husslad18 says : Scomo made himself minister for health and yet didnt order enough vaccines quick enough that the great Kevin Rudd had to do Greg Hunt’s and scomo’s job for them>> <<@gravelrash4870 says : Many commenters, not media, were calling for Morrison's overthrow 12 months before the election, his colleagues were too gutless. The LNP is stuffed anyway, they are just the alternate woke version of woke Labor, seems like the WEF has been busy with their young leaders program longer than we realized. Whether old fashioned right or left, either is preferable to what we have now.>> <<@wazowski6709 says : Politicians & the media, all a bunch of oxygen thieves!>> <<@bullshitstomper9417 says : 🦭>> <<@chadulonv8726 says : And yet sky news defended and supported him the whole time he was in office?>> <<@zabvza7457 says : A reminder this channel was ride or die for the LNP right up until they lost>> <<@jasonjamrs7413 says : That lying piece of s***put millions out of work because of the vaccine mandate it is impossible for them to tell the truth thanks for nothing stupid government>> <<@jcdrnosecone says : How about a TV presenter of no ideas? It's truth. Give me a break>> <<@alonzomosley7 says : We need a massive cash injection from Murdoch to revive the LNP .What a joke yet everybody supported him including Sky news .Believe non of what you hear and half of what you see. What a clown Scomo he is too stupid to be a PM>> <<@clintfulford8103 says : Just further proof our government has been subverted by the WEF, Morrison is nothing more than another globalist like so many others that supposedly work for us😡. They do these things in secret because they know damn well that they are betraying the Australian people.>> <<@lokai7914 says : I'm not defending Morrison, but are we honestly going to say that previous PMs haven't exceeded their authority?>> <<@innocentbystander2673 says : The burning question...Did he check with Jenny? ;)>> <<@raymondpulham1600 says : Another Murdoch choice gets shown up for total fraud like Trump and Johnson, what a trifecta of f#!!wits. Has been going to watch the Sharks since getting kicked out of office or was that just another photo opportunity to appear the normal daggy dad?>> <<@harrismazari5484 says : I will never vote for this party again. these guys have made fools out of us and taken our votes but have given us nothing back. I guess voting labor is better than these idiots. At least that will show them how angry we are>> <<@chrispomfret8592 says : Bolt and Sheridan lament the lack of quality politicians but fail to see they are a major part of the problem. Their constant negative, populist conservative defamatory commentary is the issue. No real analysis. Nothing fair about their views. Get in the bin>> <<@Fotis420 says : Bolt the war criminal should be sacked.>> <<@rogerclinton7469 says : We don't have leadership in this country and haven't had any in my lifetime (I'm 41). They do what they are told by hostile foreign actors and occasionally try to soften the blow of the war being waged against us (and the Canadians, and the Brits, and the Kiwi's and the rest of the EU with few exceptions). And now we have some real evil psychopaths that are enjoying waging war on us.>>