<<@thinkingallowed7042 says : Don't blame me. I didn't vote for this fool. I tried to warn others that it was a mistake to vote for him. Not my PM.>> <<@redhammer9910 says : Why hold a Royal Commission now when all the down stream research outcomes are only now unfolding. Could it be our corrupt parliament wants to conduct a cover-up exercise using their mates in the media. Bog the narratives down to a fake inquirey whilst all the time creating the distraction required to prevent Australian's from learning the truth as the real science, the critical science ghat continues to unfold. They have damaged your immune systems people's, it's all there in the science. Don't be fooled by Albanese or our corrupt press core people's. Just wait untill a clear picture of factual clinical research and findings are complete. You scum forced my children to take these poisons, I will not rest until you are all in prison.>> <<@johnwoodrow8769 says : A Royal Commission will be a total waste of money, be nothing more than a 'lawyers picnic'. Why?? Because the so called 'experts' that will be called to give evidence will be the same crew who were cheering on everything that was being done. There is not a chance in hell that members of the relative small 'rebel' scientists and doctors who at the time were outspoken about the abuses taking place will be given a voice at the Royal Commission.>> <<@MrWhitmen1981 says : Must look into the medias response that failed to question its origins.>> <<@harrisbeatsfrankou6304 says : I'd throw a party if some nutter burned the new moderna plant to the ground.100 million doses for the flu. Corrupt scum will get no show corporate pensions and junkets in Vegas.>> <<@onepom63 says : Yeah start with Victoria & Queensland for human rights violations..>> <<@stewatparkpark2933 says : Might be able to find out why police were attacking the citizens and chasing them down on horseback .>> <<@jennroberts3837 says : Albo is a chronic liar…. Just like Scomo. They all are.>> <<@myquestionaskingaccount3252 says : Hes too busy giving abos more power in the constitution than the average second class citizen to do it now>> <<@zeropoint546 says : Lemme guess: "The government didn't lock down hard enough or issue enough vaccine mandates" - Crony ex judge in charge of "Royal Commission".>> <<@markriding1267 says : We've been checked by our mates at taxpayers expense and we did nothing wrong.......there saved time and money...>> <<@AshleyJOsborne says : The broadest terms of reference must apply.>> <<@pwillis1589 says : Watch all the nut jobs go straight to their conspiracy theories.>> <<@shannona6989 says : Wasn't most choices on this done bipartisan? Or was that exclusively just the money assistance part? I didn't follow news on this much that's why I am asking, figured there are more pressing issues to worry about.>> <<@rastkopetrovic7896 says : And there should be one. Now who is crazy. Go Pauline and the rest that are fighting for our freedom.WA.>> <<@chrishewitt1165 says : Show us the health advice>> <<@GLEN1061 says : It must include intense scrutiny of the extreme violence perpetrated by State and Federal Police and any other assorted bottom feeders who assaulted citizens!>> <<@damianjohns1519 says : Hey Albo your royal commission is bull shit the NIS is going to take you down .>> <<@dapper2629 says : geeze i bet the state premiers health officials and the rest will resign with plenty of warning and a cushy job somewhere some probably over seas like Andrews ambassador to china and people have to remember the advice they got was just that advice it was there call there responsibility full stop .>> <<@thatdeafblackfella1 says : Start in Victoria.>> <<@bestestusername says : How about just do your job instead of spending 3 years looking for headlines about previous the government>> <<@bigbopper143 says : Where's dat wascally wabbit ?>> <<@7mge1 says : Well great. He covered all the basis to keep the country running, during covid, in case any of the key ministers got covid, and he kept it quiet so as not not causing panic. Good on him. He acted in the best interest of the country which was his duty.>> <<@VitZ9 says : Won't happen till after he helps his corrupt mate Dan "I can't recall" Andrews get re-elected. Labor party are all dogs out to protect themselves and their union mates at the expense of Australians.>> <<@Afflictamine says : yeah we'll see about that, none of the politicians will be affected that is for sure. most of them are still working in the same jobs they held during the whole thing>> <<@jaqalenabrooks8499 says : Great. We need to know why the Premier of Qld AP, fronted Queenslanders via a media platform and announced "The Federal government wants to give Qlders Covid for Christmas " Explain that priceless piece of propaganda>> <<@Aussiematee says : Go albo,>> <<@AMLagonda says : We seriously dont need a friggen Tax payers waste of money royal pain in the ass commission in what could have been, why do we live in the past.>> <<@fredgardner2870 says : Royal horseshit>> <<@lastchance9341 says : I said Scott Morrison was a fucking crook its always the religious lot who are scum>> <<@Knakaz says : One distraction after another with this mob..whats next?>> <<@andreahodson7031 says : Royal commission πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ the royals are in on this scam show πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@ilguitaro says : Is that all governments do now....witch hunts?! How about focussing on the REAL problems, like they said they would?! This'll be another 'Warren Commission'>> <<@shawnbalboni4927 says : Excellent. He can start with his best mate Dan.>> <<@fauziachoudhry5312 says : Good! Then an inquiry into the purchase of 255 million doses of covid vaccines (ineffective against variants and a extremely short shelf life) for a pop of 26 million is must. Scomo and co in pockets of big pharma???>> <<@Hopium500 says : WA, Victoria, Queensland are of course all exempt.>> <<@johnhoylesunvaccinatedbrot5421 says : this is going to show all the pro vax covid nutters.>> <<@lupcokotevski2907 says : It must include the actions of the States. Othetwise its a fraud to bash the LNP leading into the next election. Labor are anti democracy. They only pretend to support it while they engineer conditions to make it increasingly difficult for the LNP to win. However, their big flaw is that their green policy will create greater poverty and destroy the economy.>> <<@6fucyoutube says : Bullshit>> <<@lukei6255 says : Royal? Give the old queen a break!!! She is almost dead by now.>> <<@meredithisme3752 says : I bet he excluded corrupt Andrews>> <<@samopalvampirenvonbutlegin8603 says : Future events (a quite probable confrontation with China) will show how deep the "covid" scars in the society are.>> <<@goodyear05 says : The entire political system needs to burn>> <<@ivansultanoff6719 says : Why not now?>> <<@samopalvampirenvonbutlegin8603 says : It was an attempted communist coup; but no commission would admit that anyway.>> <<@aussienscale says : Another waste of hundreds of millions of dollars, another typical Labor terms of reference attack on their opponents, this is what Labor does, the fact they are so desperate so soon shows they are already loosing the plot, Albo and Labor looking the goods to be a one term Government !!>> <<@maxcady9071 says : In the end they will say it went a bit too far, and next time it won't be as bad. I assure you, there will be a next time.>> <<@grabbag3307 says : After the Vic election? Of course!!!>> <<@joepearce3033 says : It's going to be us. It will only happen if we the people do it. I can't believe that so many people don't know what has happened and continues to happen. Eugenics>> <<@moe2470 says : Another waste of time & tax payers money.>>