<<@gulaggreens296 says : See? They are all one big club. Like I have been telling everyone.>> <<@johnsbackwithcommonsense7628 says : More hairy 7ag>> <<@ivansultanoff6719 says : Bizzare is understatement>> <<@andrewdaley3081 says : Hired a volunteer 🇬🇧👍😂🤣>> <<@TurnerFamilyInOz says : Monique Ryan is a revolting, mad b***h: typical of many left wing politicians and voters 🙄>> <<@trill4907 says : These people aren't liberal they're gas jets with a liberal label on the vaperiser>> <<@vivianlouder8774 says : *You Want To Be A M. (ar)xis Be A M. (ar)xis* *You Want To Be A Bi Be Bi* *But Don't Take My Freedom Away*>> <<@vivianlouder8774 says : *Command And C.o(nt)rol Which Is Co. m(muni)sm.*>> <<@vivianlouder8774 says : **The Real S. tr(ug)gle Is Between The Individual And The Collectivist That Keeps Trying To P. (u)ll Them Into These Groups To T. a(k)e Away Their Individual Id(e)nt. ity.*>> <<@vivianlouder8774 says : **Without Freedom Of Payments Without Freedom Of Money, Freedom Of Speech We Have No Freedom At All. *No Gas No Freedom Of Assembly*>> <<@dimitzvonmelbourne7886 says : Carlbuncle Ryan is a fraud. Who paid for for her campaign? This man from WA and his family have a private jet flying all over the world. This pithecantropus does not know the impact of her policies. I would like to see her and family CO2 impact and comparing with mine for the last 10 yrs. Mine will be times less. Turtle 🐢 🐢 🐢>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : Yet another example, as if one needed it, of the absolute lunacy being displayed by the Victoria Liberal Party. Their"missing in action" during the coronavirus episode as well as their silence throughout the on-going Andrews saga just adds fuel to the fire.>> <<@Design_no says : Oh good lord. The Victorian LP must be a basket case to do that.>> <<@oldnutta7611 says : LNP have literally given up and turned on it's base. Australia has woke and woker, choose your poison.>> <<@TheRealBobSmith. says : Monique Ryan was on the ABC last night and the camera followed her into a house party indoors where all the guest were drinking grog and not masked she wasn't wearing a mask and yet she had the hide to tell people in Parliament to wear a mask .>>