<<@ronferguson4379 says : The woman is horrible. Qld suffers under a dictator, a corrupt woman.>> <<@lindaizzard1437 says : Let’s see how much water they keep in Wivenhoe dam before the rains start. They usually wait til it’s full and open the gates in the middle of the floods. Maybe she should be lecturing the dam controllers instead of the poor people down stream.>> <<@onepom63 says : Pallachook the climate & Covid scientist..>> <<@gw5436 says : PANIC! PANIC! Keep up the panic, direct the attention away from the creature we have as a "Premier" and her complete destruction of the state's economy and infrastructure...>> <<@tagiscom says : Make sure you dunk Flannerys head in the flood waters, and tell him, "there you go stupid, the rain isn't evaporating before it hits the ground"!>> <<@JD-ex7gp says : It's winter in Australia, right? Why are they talking about Summer right now?>> <<@keithmoore8429 says : Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare ÷÷÷>> <<@PaulsTrainVlogs says : 0:56 She'll be forced to say "I Quit!" in 43 days time.>> <<@noosapaul8058 says : Oh my god what are they going to do it's fine weather at the moment Whatever way they spin their nonsense Rates gone up 20% electricity gone up 20%>> <<@jrb_sland5066 says : So Australians have figured out how to predict the weather six months in advance? Sky News AU might want to keep this clip for future viewing once we see what actually happens.>> <<@ernest919 says : What does "come up with an evacuation plan" actually mean? Just hollow words so you can say I told you so. Very similar to the comments "to brace for energy price and fuel increases" or to be warned about and rate rise hike or a warning that inflation is going to surge. With her army of spin doctors this is the best they can come up with? Full of hot air.>> <<@Malaka-r9p says : Hopefully 🙏 the people will understand what’s really going on. Paving the way for strong cities network Rain Making Control Act 1967 Victorian Legislation Ablis Australian Government Rain-Making Operation means the seeding or nucleating of clouds by artificial means from a manned aircraft.>> <<@L0b0ts says : The Premier trying to make herself relevant. She used COVID announcements on her personal social media to get followers, now she is using the weather., two days ago she announced she would drought proof Queensland, that didn't work out in her polling so for the next two days she is announcing floods, what a piece of trash, the weather bureau inform us how it's going to roll, we don't need some corrupt politician being desperate all the time, trying to make the headlines while not providing any value for Queenslanders. We are Queenslanders, we know how the weather works around here. Hey, maybe the MSM can try holding her and her government to account for a change and stop giving her cover fire. Even the Ekka is the people's show and she had to ambush that, what a disgrace. She reckons she would drink recycled water, what a liar, like Anna Bligh, she started fluoridating the water and the first thing she does is get fluoride filters for her house. There is no truth in Annastacia, she never answers any questions, she is a disgrace and not a Queenslander but a traitor and has sold out the state. Morrison was secret health minister, that's nothing, Annastacia was secret CHO. All the Kings horses and all the Kings men, couldn't put Humpty together again.>> <<@lauran1212 says : All By Design>> <<@michaelvandestadt5729 says : This could all be avoided… by stopping the Deliberate Geo Engineering of or weather… as per the previous Weather events. Caused By the Manipulation of our weather.. in collusion with The WHO… this is all BS and is a Agenda to promote Climate change and force Smart City agenda and crippling the Food supply.. and getting Farmers off the land for the elites Like bill Gates to control our food supply and Population…. WAKE UP!!!!!>> <<@scottamus8593 says : How about you guys stop building houses in rivers?>> <<@TurnerFamilyInOz says : Palachook’s fault and responsibility 👍 hopefully the mad, flabby, ridiculous looking bag is up to it 🙄>> <<@williamcooper2415 says : Find a way to capture and use all that flood water. Pipe it into the middle of your country and build a lake.>> <<@user-rc4nw6xy5p says : It's not summer yet. Spring has to come first , and then it actually has to rain first. Gets a bit ahead of herself Anna Pala-chook.>> <<@thesepeoplearecriminals1731 says : They know from now ? Do people still trust these politicians and approved media ?>> <<@spikeprotein5924 says : Get your Summer vaccine now.>> <<@j-1159 says : Powerchuck will give you a HAARP ATTACK>> <<@craigwest4741 says : Just blame global warming , what less bushfire, I no blame global warming for that too.>> <<@vivrowe2763 says : They are going to set grass fires again.>> <<@robbiesaunders9602 says : AHHH LA NINA LA NINA.... MORE LONG BULLFUKNGSHEET-A>> <<@TheRealBobSmith. says : Don't dare ask for help from NSW . Remember , QLD hospitals are for Queenslanders .>>