<<@frankwren8215 says : Next several decades actually. But hey, you pieces of shit got a few years of undeserved paychecks so it's all peachy right?>> <<@researchlearnandevolve.1627 says : Inflation is a Bankers Tax that is levied upon citizens to Paye Bankers Debts.>> <<@haroldmclean3755 says : I bet you $20 Everyone is going to get a New Tax for Christmas ๐ŸŽ ๐ŸŽ… From Labor>> <<@TheBarnel says : Dont worry, Albo promissed he will fix it. just saying>> <<@kellysouter4381 says : Will prices go backward too?>> <<@shannona6989 says : Said prior to the election when things started to be promoted Labor will win and the cost of living will go up the economy would go to the shit, and everyone will blame the previous government. Was told I was a right wing idiot on all things EXCEPT for the blame thing because it's easier to blame then accept responsibility. Appears this idiot was correct... how did I possibly know? Mmm not sure, maybe had something to do with the same damn thing happens almost every time Labor get into power. Don't worry tho folks, it's supposed to be this way, it's all under control, Albo has a plan>> <<@jenni0278 says : It's happening in all the Western and European countries who are following the WEF, UN, EU WHO great reset green new bullshit agenda brought to you by Klaus Schwab>> <<@sergueimikhail9654 says : Wow! What a great news! As if they were going up over the previous years.>> <<@adamdye88 says : Turn government officials and politicians into biodiesel>> <<@ernestogonzalez3437 says : 2024 wtf 2 years and and a couple of months ๐Ÿ˜ณ But how ๐Ÿค”>> <<@paddynelson3586 says : I bet your politicians feel really, really, bad for you and they promise to do more to help with feeling really, really bad for you. "Got your booster?">> <<@j-1159 says : Ooh but it's not a recession>> <<@taoanon says : And you will like it Fucking Slaves!>> <<@davmac6148 says : โ€œMoney is a new form of slavery, and distinguishable from the old simply by the fact that it is impersonal โ€“ that there is no human relation between master and slave.โ€ Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer. The whole monetary system is dishonest, as it is debt-basedโ€ฆ We did not vote for it. Wars, terrorism, bankruptcy, inflation, poverty, clime change are effects caused by the privatization of money compound with interests - The money powers have only two objectives, PROFIT AND GOVERNMENTS CONTROL- The issuing power of money should be lodged with Governments thus protected from the financial markets. We should oppose all provision, placing currency in private hands. The issue of all the means of exchange โ€“ be they coin, bank-notes or credit, largely passed on by cheques โ€“ by private firms as an interest-bearing debt against the public should cease forthwith; that the Sovereign power and duty of issuing money in all forms MUST BE RESTORED TO THE PEOPLE TO WHOM IT PROPERLY BELONGS, then to be put into circulation free of all debt and interest obligations.>> <<@bretloyd8097 says : The hangover the Morrison party has given Australia will be felt for at least a decade. . Massive debt and deficit, trashed public's services and foreign control of Australian resources. . . Awesome stuff.>> <<@aldonabagusauskas4956 says : That's normal under Labor - promises everything and delivers nothing!>> <<@jerrythompson7744 says : miners should be getting a raise with all the coal being sold to China for next 30 years>> <<@jerrythompson7744 says : rainbow teachers wages need to go way-back>> <<@mikeharrison3618 says : ALEX EPSTEIN 's "Fossil Future" on sale now.>> <<@TurnerFamilyInOz says : Thatโ€™s okay. Leftards like Christo and Pelle can just keep *pretending* theyโ€™re affluent and successful ๐Ÿ˜†>> <<@jessekoch3480 says : Duh!>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : ...and the insanity that is unskilled immigration continues! The principle reason affecting wages ......>> <<@sparhawk1228 says : Military members are consistently taking wage decreases each year. This because they only get 2% pay increases a year.... Soon it will become 'serfdom' to be a soldier at this rate.>> <<@trevorwilliams7571 says : Didnt the Queensland government just give themselves a 6% wage rise>> <<@oldnutta7611 says : Why would you use the RBA as a predictor, they get nothing right. ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@oogabooga7882 says : gibs me my reparations fool. the food stamps done gone. daddy went looting and never came back.>> <<@notsoniceconservative6522 says : Every day Australians, that's what the government calls us Americans. That translates to peasants. That's how they see us people.>> <<@KamalToe24 says : But, but, but, AnAl promised higher wages if we voted Labor. All we are getting is AnAl.>> <<@ricky6864 says : While corrupt politicians bank accounts grow>>