<<@pattayaguideorg says : What a putz.>> <<@neil5628 says : All media move to his house...he not wanting something to be seen..and it ain't his family.>> <<@graemeorr5884 says : You took the job so NO>> <<@foxmeow3061 says : Ohhhh Scotty, Welcome to the club, You don't care if they do it to other's, Oh and your just like your mother 😉.>> <<@frankwren8215 says : How about the nation's human rights? You didn't give a toss about them. I hope they irritate him 24/7>> <<@Toztabud says : People, having the media harassing your family is a little different from being on a security camera. Think before you post!>> <<@Garmoo5600 says : Naaw poor Scumo... oh wait he's not the victim, stop trying to cry crocodile tears, suck it up princess you fucked it; best thing to do is resign and find a new job or move to Hawaii.>> <<@margarethennessey5182 says : Trust labor to do this, Albanese is just having fly away breaks and not doing his job as he should. He’s hopeless. You did everything in your power to get us through the pandemic. Rightly but not wrongly.>> <<@glenntoon4407 says : Ummm yeah 🤔 NARRR how about what you did to all Australians in covet,tracking them, collecting data lockdowns ect, l had no privacy ,so fuck you>> <<@alfiewashere.695 says : If I never hear from, or see this bloke ever again....it will be too soon!>> <<@colebrisvegas8102 says : Jail him>> <<@maryhow9898 says : There are MANY MANY more worse off than your family members as a result of your decisions. The press were your allies and now you’re feeling as violated as many of us were when you weaponised the media with insane scare mongering tactics.>> <<@milosradovanovic5280 says : Karma in full display, remember Djokovic, rules are rules.>> <<@gb18407 says : Respect? Pot kettle. Just resign 😡>> <<@Ad_Astra_321 says : Cop it sweet mate & pay up. Really thinks he's still above it, lol!>> <<@katb945 says : Well dear how about you and paying MSM with tax exemptions to follow your narrative and not a peep from you about the many families that were attacked in the peaceful protests not a word how about allowing all the surveillance cameras all the censorship of other media and other health experts you have been invading our homes our lives hiding behind the State Gov to do your dirty works as you wipe ypur hands of any involvement Pontius pilot I wouldn't trust you on anything!!>> <<@trentspackman3597 says : Corrupt! The same as Labor will be found out to be. Politicians are not on your side, never have been, never will be. Term limits are the only answer. They're only sorry when they're caught, and both the lib/lab uniparty work in tandem to hide this fact.>> <<@jasonmann5019 says : A reasonable request. I hope you receive acknowledgement because this is unfair for you and your beautiful family. Best wishes to you Scott and thank you for the time that you invested in leading Australia through good and bad. Best wishes Jason from Melbourne Australia.>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : Criminal ScumMo cares about the privacy of his family but not the privacy of Australians & their families when he invaded them every single day>> <<@grizzlybear4122 says : If they were with him through the election, then they were used to influence and an integral part of his campaign. He pimped his family first.>> <<@cadaeishere8242 says : This was never about his family. Until now when he erected them as human shields.>> <<@j-1159 says : Says he who radiated women and children in CANBERRA>> <<@stonekalten says : Phuck him, did he respect The People's privacy in the past 2 years or even now? If you want respect, you've got to give respect. Karma is a bitch isn't it.>> <<@angelabrown8922 says : Is he for real????>> <<@paulchilds9137 says : Scomo was happy to use his family when it suited him, including putting them on 60 Minutes.>> <<@marcusweeding5233 says : That contrlo communist has to go to prison along with the Governor general!!!!!!>> <<@shannona6989 says : Love how people who dislike the right wing or LNP come out in droves to sky news comment section when something negative towards the right happens slamming them, but sit silent or turn up to attempt to defend and insult others opinions when it's the left that are been scrutinised. Aren't the left the equality warriors aiming to promote fairness in everything?>> <<@heatheralonso306 says : Yessss>> <<@alfredenewman8467 says : 🤣🤣🤣🤦>> <<@susanthauks312 says : *Criminals need to do time*>> <<@brendagerhard3023 says : We shall do unto you as you did unto us. What goes around…..>> <<@05rosebud says : Perhaps he might consider why he blatantly and unlawfully disregarded the privacy of all Australians with his track and trace during covid in direct breach of the Australian Privacy Act 1988. Perhaps he can explain why the privacy of Australians is still being breached through telecommunications, the internet and facial recognition cameras placed everywhere. Perhaps he cares to explain why any medical and a number of non medical people, including the police, can access our medical information without our consent. He shamelessly demands privacy for himself and his family while he has taken every shred of privacy away from ordinary Australians.>> <<@jennyohara4011 says : Typical Conservative , don't want media around when caught out..>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : PRIVACY, SCUMMO ?? MISTER TRACING APP ETC IS A LAME JOKE ON LEGS>> <<@eb2505 says : Whilst I'm sympathetic to his request, he needs to understand that the decisions he made do have ramifications for his immediate loved ones. Perhaps he should have behaved differently whilst in power.>> <<@mk1479 says : But it was Ok having the cowardly cops arrest pregnant women in their homes? Scomo, you're the biggest hypocrite out, and as far as being a christian.... Christianity and being a member of a lodge don't really go together.>> <<@srichards5042 says : Also a reasonable request when you stopped ozzies from coming back - karma is a bi*ch>> <<@bretloyd8097 says : Brilliant. . . Starts the statement with a diversion. . . . Scuntmo Pty Ltd.>> <<@anthonyc4812 says : Oh so now he's the victim. Was quite happy to use ' Jen and the Girls' when it suited him. Get out the violins.>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : FAUX CHRISTIAN MASS MURDERER>> <<@noJIBBYjab says : Fk you Morrison.. what we do to you and YOUR FAMILY is nothing compared to what you did to us!!!! This never will end for you.>> <<@bullshitstomper9417 says : Privacy ? The Freemason wants privacy?? This person who allows gang stalking of citizens and the mason wants privacy I’m getting a big ass camera follow him on a Friday night>> <<@josephchudleigh8367 says : Your kidding. The leftist media would pursue you in ICU if they could , they have about the same scruples as those ambulance chasing lawyers.>> <<@junebaldwin5352 says : You had rules set out that police could come in our homes without a warrant and search our homes .karma>> <<@bestestusername says : Yes, Labor call off your dogs.>> <<@lazarjr330 says : Blow!>> <<@gunga360 says : Mr Morrison you were a great Pm please don’t let that little Mouse or the media control you>> <<@j-1159 says : Morriscum>> <<@TheRealBobSmith. says : What a brilliant performance . Morrison is sharp as a tack . He batted these questions off one by one . Answered them honestly and the media were wetting themselves. I like how Morrison made a fool of Andrew Clennell .>> <<@deaner6371 says : How bout noooooooo?>>