<<@Ozgipsy says : I’d have to turn up with a $20 note.>> <<@philipclemoes9458 says : Every thing is climate change, lol>> <<@playasurf1000 says : Damn, sauna facilities are gonna go broke if the climate alarmists claim heat causes obesity>> <<@davidpar2 says : Climate alarmist msm propaganda>> <<@disnacdisnac4215 says : Chinas planes you call climate change????>> <<@freelander4058 says : Fear is their source of control Every thing they come up With is ! To create disillusion And doubt in those who are too ignorant to use their own brain to think with. Only those who do not have a personal relationship to the Lord God of Heaven Are the ones they use Always there to corrupt and control And give Satan his laughter at you. For being their fool they use to accomplish your own destruction>> <<@dontuno says : What is it with the nut jobs who conducted a "study". Do they choose to ignore the bleeding obvious in favour of the whatever crisis is flavour of the month? I just knew once covid was out of favour, it would be climate change next. Mark my words, the next crisis will be just how precious our water is and that a "study" has concluded it is a finite resource! Just wait and see.>> <<@marygreen1991 says : No such thing as " climate.change"weather manipulation...and and Al Gore etc making a fortune B.S.!>> <<@anthonygee7687 says : Climate change is bollocks>> <<@wytrose4602 says : USA is suing to end it . It's dangerous and indoctrination. No consent needed>> <<@wytrose4602 says : Oh my word. Come on man stop putting so much sugar in everything. By the way they not addicted to internet the powers to be forced children online for everything. Geeze. Don't allow the availably to fresh food not climate con and the biggest worldwide robbery ever to the WEF. See CRT needs to be eliminated. It indoctrinated children into genital mutialisation and map is Minor attraction pedophilia indoctrination to except pedophilia as normal. It pushed in toys child movies cartoons. Stop πŸ›‘πŸ›‘πŸ›‘πŸ›‘πŸ›‘πŸ›‘>> <<@huntertomblin1946 says : 2nd biggest scam going besides the "coof">> <<@professorlaiceps1 says : Climate change activist are no different the the old time sun worshipers. All of them follow someone else's explanation and ignore common sense that would say we don't have enough information to predict weather years ahead>> <<@richk184 says : The one thing that the climate change activist never seem to talk about is the destruction of thousands of acres of amazon rain forest constantly being cleared for farming. I think that is really the major cause, it's like cutting out the lungs of the earth.>> <<@kimberlyfisher6427 says : The food is the issue.>> <<@kimberlyfisher6427 says : Biggest money laundering scam. Follow the money. Oversight should follow where every penny of the tax payers going goes regarding this scam. It’s likely going back to reps who pushed this massive bill. Whoever heard of spending more money to reduce money. Wake up people.>> <<@dwheel39 says : That includes you Sky News. You fueled the pandemic SCAM for 2 years with your fear mongering bullsh*t>> <<@davidjohnpaul7558 says : I woke up late this morning...I blame climate change...πŸ€·β€β™‚>> <<@TheWhatevva says : They not fat, they are plus size models. They simply fart more, which causes climate change.>> <<@derekmoore2779 says : Only the people who rule by scare tactics believe in climate change agenda>> <<@dalerahaley2328 says : All corporation traitors to the Commonwealth of Australia are hereby given 14 days notice to leave the land of the Commonwealth of Australia.>> <<@Ad_Astra_321 says : Love the way sky commentates on "the media", like they're not a rabid part of the scam!>> <<@meredithisme3752 says : Climate cretin media is why basically I don't bother with media anymore>> <<@datprawn4850 says : The WEF said this when Covid was coming to a close.>> <<@areyousur3 says : Children are out here with thermometers checking if it is 0.5 degrees too hot to play outside πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@tomsharpe9988 says : "climate change" is an expression aimed at recognising the lower IQ's in our Society. Any minion screaming and shouting about the end of the world is admitting to being a moron. It's that simple.>> <<@carlostommybaggs5763 says : The planet is several degrees cooler now than when the dinosaurs were around. The climate change activists Never ever mention this.>> <<@rajupodiyan3147 says : 17.>> <<@joeking1019 says : climate change is a power grab for the idiotic left>> <<@carlostommybaggs5763 says : Here in the UK, weather forecasters are unable to do their job without catastrophising the weather forecast and hinting that the world would end if we do anything more than sit completely still and eat locally grown fruit and raw vegetables. Super vegan-ism and a stone age life style (pre the invention of fire and agriculture) is the only mode of existence that activists and academics don't complain about.>> <<@heidibee501 says : I live in Canada (the land that AGW forgot, no matter what the climate cretins claim). We have had several brutal winters, and coolish summers, yet we still have people who are overweight. We always have, regardless of the temperature.>> <<@MrChu2010 says : Love sky news, the only news i d love to watch>> <<@CELTICSAVAGE32 says : Shes raises some good points about the lockdowns... this climate change stuff is complete bullshit.>> <<@CELTICSAVAGE32 says : What a load of bullshit.>> <<@mk1479 says : Look up the club of Rome and its founder Aurelio Peccei. "Nuff said.>> <<@johnsinclair4111 says : Spot on. Absolutely everything is either climate change or covid related according to the mainstream media, which is anxious to peddle project fear. It is about time that personal freedom was put to the top of the agenda. Why did millions die during two world wars? Answer freedom. Every year the state steals more and more of our personal freedom.>> <<@phillacey878 says : It seems here on Sky they still haven't noticed since the 9 year drought that bought on the bushfire season from hell where half the country was on fire and since then we've had record breaking flood after record breaking flood this is just in Australia. Globally the frequency of more extreme weather events seems to go unnoticed at the Murdoch circus there houses didn't burn down or lose family members their houses haven't gone under or washed away maybe they should talk to people who have been affected by extreme weather events to make to make an informed decision from people who've been affected all them climate scientists what would they know seems the climate wars have spawned a whole lot of climate experts with no qualifications like this clown Rowen Dean.>> <<@manowar3804 says : Of course they are projecting fear. They on the left think we are foolish enough to fall for the fraud of climate change. I for one won't live in fear of a myth. As for being overweight. I was 117kg this time last year I am now 104kg it . My weight was caused by my love of good food and beer . Kids are becoming obese because they do go outside to play any more They are not allowed to play contact sports at school any more they live their lives on xbox, playstation or a p.c. they eat rubbish and get little or no exercise.>> <<@MullockHeap says : Fear is the media’s only tool, they use it in every story.>> <<@HMASJervisBay says : Every time you hear of a journo bumped off somewhere it's good news. Scum.>> <<@mk1479 says : One of the few certain things on this planet and in the solar system is that climate changes. It has done so since the planet came to be, and it'll do that 'till kingdom come.>> <<@saltyaussie7702 says : It's cooler today than a hundred yrs ago on average. The historical records don't lie. Just ignore the shit food & the tech the kids are glued too these day's...>> <<@daniellebcooper7160 says : @8:40 And People are concerned that scomo made himself a multiple minister during covid, when their tax dollars were spent on an ABC story about how the Russian invasion of the Ukraine affected the LGBTQ Ukrainian community.....>> <<@mk1479 says : Climate change now causing obesity? The madness and psychopathy of these morons knows no bounds. Watch what goes into your pie hole, crap in, crap around your organs and waist.. Climate has got nothing to do with gaining weight or mass rather.>> <<@arjunchatterjee875 says : wildfires, oceans depleting, loss of ecology, forests receding... the machinery of society is not at harmony with nature... it affects the youth too... loss of energy, loss of vigor and related problems is just one of the side effects... come on man i think everyone knows it exactly top to bottom it's just that we choose to ignore it...>> <<@VitZ9 says : Wouldn't warmer weather be better for kids going outside and exercising? I can't keep up with this ridiculous leftard logic. I would have thought that video games, social media, and inhaling fast food would have more to do with it, but I'm not a "climate change expert".>> <<@susanthauks312 says : *Net Zero People* *Less Health Care* *More Quackzines* *Less Money* *Less Property* *Less Freedom*>> <<@josephmaganja650 says : Covert changeπŸ’»πŸ“²πŸ˜·πŸ€¨>> <<@ivansultanoff6719 says : Climate changes are normal that is why it is called climate change>> <<@livenbelieve4819 says : β€œ2 degrees in 143 years” caused obesity πŸ˜‚πŸ₯³πŸ˜‚ πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘πŸ˜Ž>>