<<@nikitaw1982 says : Family court produces emotionally crippled kids by giving unstable women custody as the norm. Yes immigrants ie poaching other countrys skilled workers the answer. Preferably from cultures who have contempt for the west and white people>> <<@nikitaw1982 says : Trade apprentice system pretty trash. Apprentices dont get experience get seen as slave labour. Change employers every 2 weeks if necessary. F em, get ur ticket and skills>> <<@mikespike2099 says : Funny thumbnail to use … you won’t get to your job if you use the Sydney train network>> <<@L0b0ts says : Labor's job and skill summit is all about making just another slush fund. We have the proof, today BHP cancelled a coal mine in Queensland due to 40% coal royalties from the greedy Queensland government, it cost 2000 jobs, just another headline grabber to give the illusion something is being done, at a time when coal is massive demand around the world, the Queensland treasurer thinks it's funny, he is just another crooked scumbag that hates Queenslander like rest of the Queensland Labor Party. I got some feedback today from a fellow Queenslander when Crisafulli asked proper questions in an orderly manner to the Queensland Labor Party in Parliament and he constantly gets abused, bulled and shutdown, and his questions go unanswered today was another example, and he asked the corrupt Annastacia a question and then the health minister went in a tirade and starting screaming and becoming abusive, the fellow Queenslander said to me "I didn't know there was one Hitler, there are two Hitlers" on the Queensland health minister. Democracy is dead in Queensland. They want to remove crocodiles from North Queensland, how about draining the swamp in Queensland politics first and it will save a lot more lives and the people can become prosperous again.>> <<@dimitzvonmelbourne7886 says : Federal government is preferencing Big Business and will increase immigration with 40,000. I am not sure who is in charge in Oz - elected government or the lobbyists?>> <<@susanthauks312 says : *The Policy Makers* *The Club Of Rome* *World Economic Forum* *World Health Organisation* *World Trade Organisation* *World Meteorological Association* *United Nations* *International Monetary Fund**The Policy Makers*>> <<@grannyannie2948 says : Check out Peter Zeihan, globalisation has already ended.>> <<@kod9400 says : Been decades and our trashy government hasn’t invested properly in our own training of skilled workers. This will be just more talk without action.>> <<@grannyannie2948 says : Result: mass immigration to cut wages while inflation soars, and money to universities to teach Australians no skills.>> <<@samopalvampirenvonbutlegin8603 says : The only result that would be worth more than two pennies would be a clear plan of re-industrialization of the country. Which is an impossibility: the politicians cannot even admit that "covid" was nothing but a dis-information campaign.>> <<@michaelcarroll3844 says : Another taxpayer talkfest. imo club sandwhiches etc.>> <<@jerrymiller9039 says : Make sure you specify positive results.>> <<@dalerahaley2328 says : All corporation traitors to the Commonwealth of Australia are hereby given 14 days notice to leave the land of the Commonwealth of Australia.>> <<@stenkarasin2091 says : Some real results from this govt would be refreshing.>>