<<@jamesallen7471 says : Liberal democracy is done in America. Make way for the new conservative republic and say goodbye to the democratic/communist party.>> <<@ronfesta771 says : Me thinketh and yet again the., Scomo fanclub........Paul!@!?šŸ˜šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜œšŸ˜Ž>> <<@kurianmathew9440 says : Thanks Joe>> <<@grabbag3307 says : Crap. It didn't impact how people vote to elect a government. This is an issue for cabinet processes and how much power the PM should have when HE IS THE LEADER! If you really want to talk about attacks on the foundational cornerstone of Liberal Democracy then how about "one person, one vote". That is the most fundamental rule that MUST exist for Democracy to function. But The Voice totally undermines that by giving one group of people, decided purely by race, additional voting influence over the governance of this country! THAT is undemocratic. So if you are so concerned about what Morrison did being an attack on democracy, THEN DENOUNCE THE VOICE!!!>> <<@geoffreyrenk2929 says : FFS. Of all the things that governments have done to us Aussies during this plandemic. SCOMO's taking on shadow ministership of vital portfolios incase the relevant minister died of vaccine injury, is the least of ordinary peoples concerns. A pity the media can't see this.>> <<@manyanful says : Remember that Pentecostals only listen and do what the Holy Spirit and Morrison is one.>> <<@frankwren8215 says : He's beyond redemption>> <<@womp6338 says : Paul Murray still defending scomo šŸ˜‚>> <<@susanthauks312 says : *Morrison v. iol(at)ed the ā€˜foundational cornerstoneā€™ of Liberal democracy for the WEF*>> <<@susanthauks312 says : *The Great Resist* *Defend the culture* *Stop the Government overreach.* *Stop the merger of state and business.*>> <<@susanthauks312 says : *Morrison violated the ā€˜foundational cornerstoneā€™ of Liberal democracy for the WEF*>> <<@geneawisea2708 says : Blatant signs of a Tyrannical Dictator>> <<@matthewflinders1978 says : Heā€™s a human rights abuser. He led this country for two years in which time millions of Australian citizens where detained and denied freedom of movement without judicial process. He funded this crime with taxpayers money and encouraged totalitarian premiers all the way, Scott Stalin and his friends at the World Economic Forum should be in jail.>> <<@mjay6508 says : The only reason he took on all the other portfolios was to use his extra powers to VETOE the PEP-11 gas exploration. It would have been really obvious if he only assumed the resources ministry, so he assumed all the other portfolios at the same time, pretending he was the Supreme Mullah backing up his own ministers... that was all a BS front...... he only wanted the resources portfolio to BLOCK the gas exploration going ahead!!!! WHY???? Because he and his slimy dodgy backdoor mining mates want to get in on the gas exploration deals themselves. So we will block the PEP-11 and, being PM, I will get the deal for me and my shonky mining mates.... WHY??????? M O N E Y!!!!!!!!!! Millions could be billions and all at the expense of the integrity of the Westminster System of procedural laws that have served this country since Federation. So here we have, an unelected puppet PM, taking the pss out of the governments own laws, to set mining deals up for his maggot mining mates....... yep good Xtian fair dinkum honest boy our Scotty is....... makes me puke you lying thieving oxygen thief............... RESIGN NOW YOU PATHETIC SCUMBAG...>> <<@cyankirkpatrick5194 says : I love this channel, really for Aussie you're to the point, here's a juicy story, since you like American stories, Governor Gruesome newsom has launched an attack on governor's he's berating everyone like Governor DeSantis of Florida and now he's after Governor Ivey of Alabama it has to stop he's the nephew of Nancy Pelosi.>> <<@tbonemc2118 says : What was the crime as multiple portfolio's is perfectly legal. 4 of the 5 Ministers had no idea so Morrison didn't interfere in their portfolio's. WHAT WAS THE CRIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We came through covid better that virtually the rest of the world so should we really be on a witch hunt over a National Hero. Managers, manage. That's what they do and we were exceptionally well lead through a pandemic. Maybe Morrison was getting briefings from those Departments but whatever it worked. The country is teetering on recession and certainly straining under the cost of living so Albo goes on leave. You need to smell what you're shoveling. Go out and get a real job and then come back and tell us what you think.>> <<@anthonyporens4983 says : He violated being a weak man, and exercised strength of character. He saved lives and Business. Thank God for a strong leader.>> <<@mturzynski says : Did slug face learn at g20 from other governments how to take control of the c? Would he have taken oven bank accounts like in Canada? He is involved in espionage like tump even though trump is innocent!!>> <<@jamesplummer356 says : He should be fired and lose his pension/ benefits along with anyone else that knows about it Also the Governor General needs to be elected by the people?>> <<@michaeln537 says : Poor Paul Murray. Every washed up conservative he has invited on his show has condemned Morrisons actions. Give him another bucket of kfc. Maybe that will cheer him up.>> <<@redlightmax says : 2:46 "HYSTERICAL LABOR DEMAND SCOMO RESIGN NEXT WEEK" Sky News is right - Labor should demand that Scott Morrison stay on as MP, that way he'll cause more embarrassment to the Liberal Party.>> <<@selwyn500 says : SCUMOS cheer squad would love this blight to Go away quietly. Well Too bad, it ain't. Sic em ALBO.>> <<@eb2505 says : Please keep going with this Chris - it's an absolute scandal what Morrison has done and all the dirt needs to come out. It's an appalling attack on our constitution.>> <<@samopalvampirenvonbutlegin8603 says : Morrison did OK>> <<@Aussiematee says : If this dosent turn you off the liberals for life idk what would lol>> <<@rodneymiddleton1044 says : Honestly who really cares, Morrison is no longer the P.M and with Albo all he is doing is replicating his U.S partners in having a witchhunt with the former leaders !. For goodness sake get on with Governing this country instead of all this B/S !. The Past is the Past it is history and nobody really gives a flying broom anymore. Humanity is on a course of Extinction with War but they got to carry on like a bunch of drama queens instead of dealing with the real major issues .>> <<@cw1069 says : The Chinese knew long ago this bloke was dodgy and dirty.>> <<@craigwatnetonmann1 says : Justice White said national cabinet was not ā€œofā€ the federal cabinet because federal cabinet had to consist of those elected to Federal Parliament, Only one member of national cabinet, Mr Morrison, is a member of the federal cabinet and of Federal Parliament, raising the question of whether national cabinet was really a committee ā€œofā€ the federal one. The thing the Prime Minister labelled national cabinet is a faux cabinet. Itā€™s just another intergovernmental meeting, in effect the former Council of Australian Governments, COAG, by another name,ā€ Can we see the documents? Are there other Federal Cabinet Ministers at the National Cabinet meetings? Is this why the ex PM held so many key ministries?>> <<@redlightmax says : 0:36 Paul Murray: But Dan Andrews! 2:29 Joe Hildebrand: "You cannot give consent to someone governing you, if you do not know that they are governing you." Paul Murray: [silence]>> <<@johnrb9397 says : Oh dear. The greatest violations... and... nothing happened, and he is no longer PM ... oh wow they keep going on and on.>> <<@JmacBogan says : Revoke his 300k a year pension. 3 million a year of our tax going to dodgy ex PM's... what a meme...>> <<@foxmeow3061 says : Mr Sheen should just leave. If he had of been honest I'm sure a few ppl would have understood. This is just down right sneaky. I'm not sure but if he signed himself up for health minister in March of 2020. Technically can we blame Dandrews ? Did Scomo have the ability to end the world's longest lockdown? Whilst also saying he disagrees with it. I think it's best for his team to leave. It's embarrassing and hard to get trust back once it's broken. Maybe the supreme could ask him or get someone else too?>> <<@timh1645 says : Had to make decisions during an unprecedented pandemic my ass! He obviously forgot about the previous pandemic Spanish Flu. Anymore lame excuses Morrison?>> <<@info88w11 says : PISS OFF JOE H ...ALBO"S BEST MATE -- NO CRIME COMMITTED ..NO LAW BROKEN... POWERS WERE NOT USED --NO HE SHOULD NOT BE SACKED !!! HOLIDAYING PM ALBO WILL BE SACKED WHEN UNIONS DECIDE TO BONE HIM SOON & INSTALL SHORTARSE AS NEW PM !! GREAT LOGIC JOE SACK HIM BECAUSE HIS NAME DIDNT APPEAR ON A WEBSITE .AS A MINISTER EVEN THOUGH HE WAS SHOWN ON THE SAME WEBSITE AS TEH ULTIMATE BOSS OF THE GOVERNMENT BEING THE PM.. GREAT LOGIC JOE U WIN F...WIT OF THE YEAR !!!! THAT"S WHY JOE H IS A SCAKED & FAILED TV COMPERE WHO RATED SUB-ZERO AS WELL AS THIRD_RATE LWNJ JOURNO !!!>> <<@cwsgt2806 says : No he didnā€™t. Ppl who pushed for a two tier society through a vaccine broke international law Nuremberg Code, Australian federal law the constitution and state laws but ok a storm in a tea cup over Morrison which was completely constitutional so suck it but seeing you donā€™t like it then make ALBO CHANGE THAT LOOPHOLE SO NO ONE CAN DO IT AGAIN INCLUDING HIMSELF>> <<@dolphinboy3721 says : Scummo needs to go. But once again it's all about him. He's a disgrace and always has been.>>