<<@sarahkhan2310 says : Glory to Asian unity and to exclude betrayal countries Singapur South Korea and Japan>> <<@paymansepehri5704 says : AMERICA is A FORCE FOR DESTRUCTION AND EXPLOITATION TRULY IS A BULLYING AND GANGS STYLE SYSTEM IN WHICH HAVE NO REGARDS TOWARDS OTHER CULTURES SPECIALLY PEOPLE OF COLOURS THEY HAVE NO VALUES IN THE AMERICAN EYES THEY JUST USE AND ABUSE PEOPLE OF COLOURS AS A TOOLFOR THEIR NARROW NATIONAL INTERESTS>> <<@leviticusemmanuel4421 says : Great for Asian nations, uplifting your local currency, trading with your neighbors in local currencies is a win win situation, rather uplifting the dollar at the expense of your own currency. Congratulations to the Asian nations.>> <<@medialcanthus9681 says : Good interview. Love how South East Asians talk , very respectfully, taking their turns smoothly, quietly , calmly, no exuberance, not charged with emotions, rationally, peacefully etc .>> <<@jameslim3850 says : The MAIN reason why the USA western media falsely accuses CHINA of mistreating Uyghur Muslims is because they want to prevent the 1.6 Billion Chinese worldwide and 2.0 Billion Muslims from working together. Both these groups have been discriminated by USA and the WEST for decades and are more likely to work together. Chinese & Muslim nations working together will lead to US losing its dominance of the world. Plus this will gain Asia, Russia, Eastern Europe and African support too including the rest of the world such as Latin America.>> <<@kevintewey1157 says : United States supporting these terrorists in Myanmar Taiwan and Hong Kong other places>> <<@kevintewey1157 says : Trust me China and rest of the world if the aliens come to take over the world the US will be the first ones to join them>> <<@tagorpangaribuan7676 says : China and Indonesia has their own unique cultures, that bear power, two very big countries/states, with their heroic histories, for peace. , they should respect each other, keep high good conduct as World culture Value centers, keep honor. China is not to do messing around, it is sensitive>> <<@kenlee2923 says : this is a great move by China. I am looking forward to more relationship with China at this point.>> <<@dennisconroy3459 says : It is the right for all Asean countries to make more trading arrangements with China. America is traveling around in the south China Seas, smothering the smaller Asean countries to capture them and put them into life long debt, also to keep out the BRI super infarstructure. America can never match China at building many infarstructure in many countries to bring them up to prosperity and peace and stability. America claims it is a peace maker, but it wants to go to war to put a stop to China BRI in the south China Seas.>> <<@shapelendario2782 says : Marcelo Bertunes Dantas Brasil>> <<@shapelendario2782 says : Héllo>> <<@ex0duzz says : I hope china can invest much more in Cambodia and Laos especially and improve relations with both of them. Because I think they need China's help the most. Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore etc are in a much better economic and development position compared to cambodia and Laos. No one should be "left behind" so to speak. China should quickly finish the rail links and try to help the, build even more infrastructure like road and rail, and also more of everything. Modern housing, power plants, everything. Build wireless network and sell them cheap Chinese phones so they can all get online if they aren't already. Like the governor said, Cambodia and Laos just need to find something which they can offer or barter with China in return, since of course this is business and China isnt doing charity here. Not sure if food will be enough, maybe some other resources as well on top. China needs resources more then food, since China tries to be as self reliant and have as much food security as possible. So any food China buys is not necessity but bonus delicacies. What China really needs is energy resources like oil and other various raw minerals and materials.>> <<@jparsit says : In fact, the ASEAN region remains very corrupt under authoritarian, military, and corporate control. These nations are not real organizations, each leader governs by its own rule and power, not for the people. In Fact, millions survive under $2 p/d. The organization has weak and poor management. It is better if the ASEAN backyard of China forms together with China as-- Asia Union. It would organize and unite all nations more stability and security to all areas. Economic trade benefits the rich more than the poor. ASEAN is undereducated and agricultural cultures are the millions staple but low skills in the modern landscape. Nations as Thailand, Singapore, Malay are lean on the USA more than China. Not understanding what is a real Communist system but brainwashed in Capitalist and Hollywood culture. Lao, Cambodia, and Thailand are under control by military rules. It is chaotic and has a long way to go. Without China reaching out in trade and infra, ASEAN is an old snail that moving backward. Only China acts as the Head engine to pull the ten ASEAN cars along, but ASEAN is a double standard, the elite will dramatize for their benefit.>> <<@stephentan7881 says : She speaks well.>> <<@eliasuribe2962 says : What a wonderful world 🌎 it is to work with neighbors and friendship with our fellow men in this world. The way to go 👏 China 🇨🇳. And all countries that are working in close relationship with China, keep on going friends.>> <<@alejandropflucker4857 says : VERY INTEREST INTERVIEW REALLY...AND WHAT A BEAUTIFUL LADY...>> <<@dragonreturns6591 says : China Asean relations The relations that the usa is irritated by n wants to see destroyed Its has brought much sore eyes n sore throats to the democrats n republican that Asean is stable n getting prosperous because of its kind n generous neighbour>> <<@bilibasket7951 says : This interview is really informative. It's good to hear from Cambodia's perspective and Malaysia's perspective.>> <<@haniahannslew4108 says : It seems that Cambodia, right after China, is the first nation in ASEAN to use digital currency in term of mobile payment. So far ahead of rest of the world. Wow!>> <<@spadeysay6846 says : For those critics of Cambodia being too reliant on China for investments and trade, they should actually be questioning their own countries for being absent in Cambodia helping it to develope the country.>> <<@ckyong8194 says : China brings infrastructure, trades, technical assistance for the betterment of every one. If we have a peaceful region, we can do with less arms/weapons, money could be spend on the well-being of the people. My hope is that Asean can improve the prosperity and livelihoods of the people just as China has been doing for their people.>> <<@jonathanbethune9075 says : Peace developement and growth. I listen to the State department media briefing and it unsettles. I understand it is the State department and there role in the world is complicated but almost everything they said was aimed at potential violence and containment and that was the lense with which they saw the world . It badly distorted there arguments , distorted it to the point where they were skirting the line between truth and falsehood for the sake of a potential for police actions. My point...I'd hope we can stay away from that thinking, the injection of paranoia into the discussion instead of real person to person needs and objectives. Solve the problems by inclusion and an altruistic intent not the need to bolster your aliences strength against the strength of another's. Pull together not apart which I see you doing , and it's really heartening to see. We have so much to gain by standing together and enjoying each other's friendship.>> <<@urimtefiki226 says : Using my idea without my knowledge consent is strictly prohibited. China offering my idea to you win win situation.>> <<@urimtefiki226 says : Using my idea without my knowledge consent is strictly prohibited. China offering my idea to you win win situation.>> <<@MrElnegrito88 says : How does she speaks English fluently like that was she in the US? lol, that's nice>> <<@samjibinjbinj9714 says : If you look much deeper within the micro-level in the Indochina regions between 3 comparable countries Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. The U.S in the last 40+ years has been doing under-rugs diplomacy to secure its place back into the regions without alarming China and its two neighbors Laos and Cambodia for years. Both Laos and Cambodia are left out of the U.S strategic plans which is why Laos is much poor than Cambodia because Cambodia recently has access to the EU not too long ago. Laos is left out last which gain nothing until China came along with trains connections. So basically the U.S engagement has always been using Vietnam as its political and geographical tool to leverage the two immediate neighbors along with the rest of the ASEAN mainland that is bordered with China. If China wants to find the core future problems then it better look at Vietnam internally and externally as the U.S has its base there.>> <<@samjibinjbinj9714 says : Laos in reality on the ground does thank China dearly for the critical high-speed train connections with the rest of the regions and how to win the heart and minds of the Laotian people across the world! This is the historical moment for Laos to get out of poverty after the U.S Secret War there where the CIA along with other U.S militarization push Laos back into the stone ages while our immediate neighbors have gone through drastic changes and modernization. What the U.S did to Laos was unfair and has left Laos isolated for 50+ years with no efforts to even mention or restructure Laos at that time. And now they are using the Covid-19 on Laos bats as the original base where it all started with ties to China labs in Wuhan right after the final highspeed train is finalized in the constructions. The U.S is now using Laos as its scrap goat once again giving Laos disadvantages among its ASEAN peers and the international world! Everything the U.S did now and down the road is all about destroying Laos and putting the people of Laos into shame and hardships when we have nothing and are very poor compared to our neighbors. In most cases now China is our only hope for the future and with our ASEAN decision within the regions by the aggressive and bullying of the U.S war mind set it is setting up itself in the Asia/Pacific regions right now. It is all too real on the ground and it should be alarming for all of our ASEAN members and China. AUKUS alliance is another threat to our regions in the unforeseen future of the ASEAN faith. We are doomed and our ASEAN structure is now being ravaged by the U.S as of now.>> <<@factsmatter6625 says : Proud of China 🇨🇳 May it continue to develop its multilateral relationships around the world to continue the peaceful development of all participating countries. Respect to Xi and China 🇨🇳>> <<@tyn6211 says : Bonkers that 90% of transactions in Cambodia uses the USD.>> <<@thedog5887 says : USA should come in to remove all the un-exploded bombs and mines in Cambodia and Laos.>> <<@dansingmuch says : I was surprised to learn that, in addition to being a member of the Belt & Road Initiative, Cambodia has initiated use of digital currency.>> <<@douglaslund7188 says : The Asian Way, EU could learn so much from China!!>> <<@AC-pg2ro says : 👍🏻>> <<@ongchinlam3192 says : The western world and USA democracy and human rights are shit nonsense useless and declineing>> <<@deedeemao6809 says : 5:30 the response should be "mind your own business yankee, you already f'ed up my country once">> <<@lorainejones41 says : This is the Asian century so nice to see Cambodia leading the way. 💕 To the Cambodian people.>> <<@teamthailand5209 says : The strong cooperation between China and Asean will definitely bring prosperity to everyone.>> <<@tientlam1589 says : Many 👏💐 to Prof. Victoriously GAO 🌹 on...the World does not have to choose 🇨🇳 🆚 🇺🇸 but rather 🤝 & working together towards COMMON GOALS 4 ✌, ECONOMY GROWTH and NATIONAL SECURITY AGAINST THREATENING OF ANY EXTREMISM HARMFULNESS THAT R PROMOTING CONFLICTS, WARS and GAINING WEALTH via PEOPLE'S CASUALTIES, SUFFERING & TERRITORIES DESTRUCTION'S..💯💟🐼4✌..😁😉😊..>> <<@tientlam1589 says : Agreed with Dr. Shia of Cambodia very pretty and well spoken Governor's representatives 4 Cambodia..😍👍🌹..Would love to visit Cambodia some days in the near futures especially the UNESCO Ankor Wat Temples..😁😉..>> <<@discoverchina1885 says : China should cooperate more with Cambodia, Thailand and many of our friends🇨🇳🇰🇭🇹🇭 That’s how common prosperity could be achieved>> <<@gianniskuriakou3340 says : Η. Κίνα. Είναι το μέλλον τον. Χωρον. Και. Του. Πλανητη και. Ειδικά. Τον. Φτωχών. Χωρον. Και. Είναι. Η. Χώρα. Που. Θα. Φερη. Την. Ελπίδα. Και. Την. Ειρήνη που. Χριαζετε. Η. Ανθρωπότητα. Και. Εκείνο που. Επιγει. Είναι να. Απαλλαγή. Ο. Κόσμος. Του. Πλανητη. Από. Τες. Λεγόμενες. Δημοκρατίες.. Της. Δύσης. Που. Έφτιαξα. Ένα. Σάπιο. Σύστημα συνφεροντο. Που. Τηποτα. Δεν. Δουλεβη..αν..δεν..λαδωνης.Δημοκρατια..για..τους..δημοκρατες.της.δυσης.ειναι..την..μέρα. Πού. Ψυφιζουμεν.. Μετά. Μας. Κυβερνούν. Οι. Ψεφτες. Κλέφτες. Απατεώνες. Και. Για. Να. Γίνει αυτό. Που. Θελης. Πρέπει να. Λαδωνης.. Οι. Δυτικές χώρες εδώ. Και. 521.χρωνια...απικιοκρατισμου..που ξεκίνησε. Από. Την. Πορτογαλία.. Και. Συνεχίζεται. Μέχρι. Σήμερα. Όλες. Οι. Χωρες. Της. Δύσης. Γενικά.. Δεν. Έχουν. Αλλάξει. Από. Τες ειδιες Του. Να. Κλέβουν να. Σκωτονουν. Να. Έχουν. Δούλους και. Να. Είναι πάντα τα αφεντικά. Η. Κίνα. Σήμερα πρωκαλη. Την. Βάση. Του. Σάπιου. Συστήματος που. Εφτιαξαν. Οι. Απικιοκρατες τους. Κοβη..το..ψωμί.. Τους. Το. Νά. Εκμεταλλευονται. Τες. Άλλες χώρες. Και. Δεν. Είναι μόνο. Αυτό.. Η. Κίνα. Τους. Ξεπέρασε. Όχι. Μόνο. Στην. Οικονομία. Αλλά. Σε. Ολους. Τους. Τομής.. Και. Αυτό. Δεν. Πρωκηται να το. Δεχθούμε. Οι. Απικιοκρατες. Είναι. Σε. Θέση. Να. Κάνουν. Ότι. Σατανικά. Σχέδια. Για. Να. Δυσφήμιση την. Κίνας και. Τες. Ανερχόμενες. Δύναμης. Και. Τώρα. Είναι. Που. Είναι πολύ. Επικίνδυνοι. Όπως. Μας. Έφεραν. Οι. Απικιοκρατες. Δύο. Μπανκοσμιους. Πολέμους. Μπορεί και. Τώρα. Με. Τες. Πράξεις. Τους. Να. Μας. Πάνε. Για. Τρίτον. Και. Ολά αυτά. Τα. Κάνουν. Για. Να. Πρωστατευσουν.. Λένε. Την. Δημοκρατία. Ενώ. Στην. Πράξει θέλουν. Να. Πρωστατευσουν. Το. Σάπιο. Σύστημα που έφτιαξα. Συχαριτηρια στον. Πρόεδρο. Της. Κίνας. Στα. . Κομουνιστηκα..μελι. Που. Κυβερνούν. Και. Σε. Ολον. Τον. Κινέζικο. Λαόν. Πραβο.. Και. Ες. Ανώτερα. Από. Κύπρο>> <<@rahimrawji9065 says : My cousin went to uni in Kuala Lumpur>> <<@FrankiePo89 says : Victor is good as always, same goes to Dr Hassan. Well done Wang Guan.>> <<@phyoaungla6743 says : please help Myanmar people!Reject military coup n support NUG government n PDF(people defence force)>> <<@zxcwkh8714 says : 黄色人種と、有色人種との、組み合わせは、最悪最低パターンに、必ずや成ります。>>