<<@torstenwow says : DEFEND THE COUNTRY OF TAIWAN! FREE THE COUNTRY OF TIBET! SAVE XINJIANG! LIBERATE HONG KONG! REVOLUTION OF OUR TIMES!>> <<@obama8888 says : Will not be available in the West. Banned for national security reasons.>> <<@tonalharmony9266 says : It could be a delayed-action kill pill, designed to react with something else not yet released by the CCP.>> <<@rayashley7587 says : Good job!>> <<@motorsportfan1246 says : How ironic, the virus came from China yet we end up buying test kits from China, vaccines from China and Medicine from China all to combat a Chinese disease. China gets stronger whilst the world gets weaker>> <<@SafeAndEffectiveTheySaid says : The problem here is that they want to eliminate the virus, while we all know that it can't be done, we must leram how to live with it>> <<@markfischer3626 says : Did China steal that from Pfizer? In China the fake ones that don't work are already in production and will be manufactured faster than the real ones. How can you tell the difference? If you take the real one you live. If you take the fake one you die. It's as simple as that>> <<@srj607able says : Fake news..>> <<@yuehanslam1593 says : Brilliant news......hoping for a quick roll out ....>> <<@jianyuhua says : awesome>> <<@tuathaukui7812 says : The world need this medicines , like the vaccines from China , the developing countries need this medicines , great forward>> <<@dexterlibson8442 says : China no originality formula. It copy from molnupiravir>> <<@kooklocklann9996 says : Bravo China the motherland, keep up the great work and help the world. You’re the greatest responsible super power>> <<@aravindetagi4008 says : Just another Chinese propaganda video>> <<@ahpong says : For COVID-19 pil, I don't trust Pfizer's. I trust China's medication more.>> <<@seymorefact4333 says : ❌🇬🇧🇺🇸❌ I'd love to have this pill available in USA! Chinese medicine is natural and effective. USA pharma is opposite, created to make more problems for more medication for more PROFITS FOR US PHARMA CORP!>> <<@r.j.9683 says : Good news>> <<@Sophal4748 says : It’s very good news and hope it will put in use soon to save lives. A great China 🇨🇳 👍>> <<@xiaohongyuanyuan says : Good>> <<@wulei7366 says : China rescue world>> <<@frankelse745 says : My question is what’s the hospitalization rate of people infected?5%? 10%? I am in the US and I personally advised against going to hospital since there were no cure for the disease. I did it with my 24 years old cousin living in my house. She just isolated in her room for 14 days and came out fine. Off course she had symptoms. At one point she called and said she had hard time breathing, I told her her voice sounded like she was breathing ok and that she didn’t need to go to hospital. So she stayed there treating her symptoms with chicken soup, ginger tea, Vaporub,, And anti fever medicine.>> <<@emsworthcastle4849 says : Antidote for Wuhan virus discovered in Wuhan!!🤪🤣🤣🤣🤣>> <<@emsworthcastle4849 says : MADE IN CHINA 🥴🥴🥴🥴>> <<@sunnycriti9809 says : Great news from China>> <<@raymondjacinto4880 says : The Chinese invent these pills and Big Pham seal it and claims they invented!!!>> <<@prdamico says : great, we need more help vs. this Chinese Flu !!>> <<@len8420 says : 👍👍👍👏👏👏>> <<@johnmonk3381 says : Hahahahaha normally this would be good news but because it's china, it's gonna be laughed off and dismissed as another "made in china" crap. China has a huge image problem>> <<@catonpillow says : Good news. Hopefully it will be thoroughly tested and approved as soon as possible.>> <<@採菊绚麗 says : 👍👍太棒了!😘👏👏感恩中国这些伟大的医学与科学家们!你们辛苦了!>> <<@canismajoris6222 says : Where to buy? If Trump can try injecting disinfectant me too.>> <<@abaczan says : 厉害了 希望更多资金进入前沿科技行业>> <<@HarharMahadev-bb1hi says : Excellent. Wipe out over priced merk and pfizer covid pills. Developing countries are looking up to China for the affordable covid pills.>> <<@chizhang9694 says : 瑞士学者威尔逊·爱德华兹发来贺信。>> <<@masterkoi29 says : Kintor Pharma was located in Suzhou China, one of the oldest ancient Chinese town near the Grand Canal. Looks like they already find a combination of TCM ingredients to used for their Covid drug.>> <<@justme6275 says : EXCELLENT WORK!>> <<@urimtefiki226 says : Offering my creative idea to Huawei, someone from China R&D contact me.>> <<@urimtefiki226 says : Offering my creative idea to Huawei, someone from China R&D contact me.>> <<@jamesteh829 says : Awesome dragons>> <<@jpegnow says : Are the chinese in Cina having a 3rd dose of sinopharm as booster ?>> <<@elena16350 says : The world owes China a huge debt, if it only had the sense to realise it, of course western shit liberals prevent people knowing this, but if the west comes to its senses it will drop to its knees and give thanks?>> <<@ismeyo5146 says : As usual many dumb anti China trolls are here smearing...lol>> <<@yhu6750 says : Something fishy smelling . Ain't that where they say the coronavirus started .>> <<@johntaylor3471 says : For aweek then you have to go for boosters. Do you see the pattern. You will need yearly boosters or pill medication for life !😉>> <<@krisjustin3884 says : Brilliant news! Hopefully, this can help those afraid of the vaccines.>> <<@stellatan9485 says : Wow 👏👏>> <<@saibot7218 says : Probably as worthless as sinovac 😄>> <<@petetxul6477 says : Just copy ivermectin guys. Or hydroxychloroquine. You are great at copying stuff, no?>> <<@xprototypegaming922 says : Second>> <<@LORDNAG1 says : Very good.>>