<<@catonpillow says : Make sure that you don't play the games the US wants you to play China. The fact that they have tried and fаiled at everything, and had to use the Тaiwan сard means that they have already еxhausted all the other options. So stay on course and don't let the US distrаct you.>> <<@behappyandsafeandsecure says : Taiwan model can adapted all China and remove communist way of life. Democracy is great.>> <<@muhamadafiq6852 says : Go back your communist>> <<@dongiovanni8899 says : while separatism with imperialist collaboration an outdated historical bin>> <<@Joker-Leto says : @John Yan  Taiwan is important to the US of A-holes because the chip industry but once China dominates the chip manufacturing which is less than a year .. Taiwan will be just an island not even attractive for tourism>> <<@freenational says : Absolutely.>> <<@cafemisto says : Best thing China has done since 2016! They should have sanctioned the DPP/CIA spies years ago! There’s no doubt politicians in Taiwan get massive U.S. $$$ & the CIA is running around there too>> <<@theodorelambert341 says : Now they want to extend China educational prison camp to Taiwan after Hong Kong lol 😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@ajlacostewm says : If Taiwan falls to China, China will have control over all shipping lanes in that area, they will have the ability to pinch off oil supplies,and raw materials to all countries along that coast including Australia Japan ,and Hawaii . For a price.>> <<@muhammadtariq3439 says : M TARIQ javed like ok comments>> <<@김민성-p7c says : 정신나간 중국...>> <<@gamerforever4837 says : How cute, is Winnie the poo xii feelings are hurt? Just because his impudent government has to give him happy endings; Like about Covid lying to keep him happy. Also, why does the world overlook the concentration camps poo xii calls them something else but not far removed from the ones the guy had with a funny mustache during ww2; Besides letting covid go global the world turns a blind eye because cheep junk. Although anyone else thinks it's funny how russia's puddin can't send out his navy without having to be beside china's navy?>> <<@johnyan836 says : China has been saying the same for more than 70 years... Laughing from Taiwan...>> <<@danielchiayizhen92 says : 按格鲁撒克逊人只有你死我亡。呵呵…你还抱着和他合作的心理?可笑,可耻。>> <<@记住天安门广场 says : China can see the beautiful and the ugly of American Society, why cant they see the same of their society.>> <<@ethanflatt6702 says : 台灣不是中國的一部分>> <<@HHowardHH says : I don't think that this is about Taiwan at all, i think that China is making sure that the american war mongers do not lock them in. Russia should also claim the one Russia policy and take Japan for the same reason, lol I don't blame them, america is disgusting.>> <<@yzhang9265 says : 'Separatist' Exactly! We need to stop using 'Independence' they are separating Taiwan from China. Independence is a neutral word. They are negative bad guys.>> <<@georgewhite2667 says : Taiwan is democratic there people can protest and live freely can any mainland China say the same under the CCP regime lol ie China's outspoken tennis player>> <<@stevenholmes5099 says : Chinese are really hoping Taiwan gives up. The Chinese army has very little experience since the Korean war. They have a brand new navy with very inexperienced sailors. They're poorly equipped, poorly fed, poorly led. Xi should just shut his stupid Pooh Bear face since the CCP are the aggressors (no shots fired in 40 years).>> <<@samjibinjbinj9714 says : Basically, the U.S is openly supporting the internal affairs of China and building a gang of criminals to disrupt real peace and stability. If this was opposite China would be considered a terrorist building up mafia-gang guerilla members to fight against everyone that opposes them from achieving peace. This is the first U.S strike against China's internal affairs regardless of what Biden or Washington claims now.>> <<@jimrule8652 says : Our Leaders don't learn this war would be like when we went into Vietnam we killed and they killd our troop all we get out of it is we kill and they kill dose that make the leader happy>> <<@Josh7510 says : you people are simply earthly grubs.>> <<@Josh7510 says : Taiwan is not part of china and never will be.....what is wrong with yoy people>> <<@lionzgrrr3119 says : Don' fall for the trap.The pivot to Asia by the US was made for a reason,to wage war against China.They want war plain and simple.That's all they want.A country as the US which has supported more dictatorships in the history of any country of the world couldn't care less about freedom,justice or human rights for any people.>> <<@richardroskell3452 says : The island of Taiwan is sovereign Chinese territory. However the reunion of Taiwan and mainland China doesn't have to happen in any specific time frame. China has never drawn such a red line. This gives the people on both sides an unlimited time to find a common position, and given their centuries of shared history one can little doubt that it will happen eventually. The only evil in this situation are those who try to drive a wedge between Taiwan and China. Doing so is detrimental to the interests of all Taiwanese, and to world stability. Only those who profit from chaos, war and conflict will benefit from a war over Taiwan. Other than a small clique in America's military-industrial complex, that means everyone loses. We've seen this scenario before: American 'enterprise' rejuvenates itself by getting America to wage war in countries elsewhere. God forbid that they would actually work for the common good of all humanity. Meanwhile the USA imprisons Americans at a higher rate than any other nation. And we all know a high rate of imprisonment is indicative of an authoritarian society. I might go further concerning the USA. Imprisoning Americans is actually a profitable American industry. Tell me how I'm wrong. My humble advice: the people of Taiwan should hitch their wagons to a rising star, not a falling one.>> <<@sofjanl4806 says : US economy is in bad shape, high inflation, low productivity , bad infrastructure, printing Dollars like crazy. That is why US want to talk to china. US hope china will help US just like 2008 . In Short US has no good intention to mend the relationship . US will say one thing and the next day do the other thing . In Short. China Do not make a deal with the current US devil government current USA government do not really represent Americans , it just represent some big company and some very rich people with bad agenda . To fight evil USA government . STOP buying US assets, STOP saving in US dollar and reduce using US dollar in transaction anytime possible by discarding US dollars, America will fall by itself .Never make a Deal with the Devil USA . It will stab you in the back>> <<@youngz13o says : China need to go on the offensive, tired of hearing them constantly defend their position>> <<@mohmeegaik6686 says : Jia you China on reunification of Taiwan.>> <<@matthewgillespie2835 says : Taiwan has been a self governing state even before 1949. Why can’t they continue to do so? The people’s republic of China has never had control over Taiwan.>> <<@Albion80s says : This is just a $$$ making opportunity to sell obsolete weapons to Taiwan. Tsai most likely gets kickbacks from all these before fleeing Taiwan.>> <<@youllis says : Would China like California?>> <<@jerryhmoob5544 says : TOO MUCH TALK AND NOTHING HAPPEN. MY GUESS CHINA IS WEAK THAT IS WHY USA LIKE TO PLAY AROUND. NEED TO BE STRONG LIKE RUSSIAN DID TO UKRAINE AND SYRIA.>> <<@opticmass905 says : MAKE ASIA GREAT AGAIN. NO MORE ATROCIOUS WESTERN COLONIALISM PLEASE. THANK YOU 🙏>> <<@farqsideways5679 says : Just more Propaganda>> <<@lyeuhn says : this whole comment section seems to be grinding social credits lmao>> <<@小肉肉-f4u says : 《2025 坐战斗机去台湾》 -- 中国人民解放军 / 空军南海飞行大队 / 台海支队 军歌。 https://youtu.be/akRjnJ0ZqYc>> <<@james_l4337 says : Well done China CPC. Let those people try do the real talk, through hardships Let they grovel naked, beg for crumbs before their Monger master. May they taste their own evil, & help them migrate to their superpower heaven land.>> <<@thndrngest says : There is a gradual mentality change among the residents in the island province. Through the internet, they know the mainland’s advancements. And they understand that they are being used and hijacked by the unconstitutional dpp but helpless politically. But when it comes to the inevitable stage of reunification, the local military will automatically cease fire. Not one single sane person believe they are a separate country and willing to die for the illegal dpp party, not 1. BY the way, all dpp top members have u s passports and off-shore accounts, how convenient to play the local residents until the last moment ?>> <<@chuasc1356 says : China must learn by now that USA politicians cannot be trusted. Time and again, they have shown that what they talked and do are different. In addition, USA politicians are ungrateful. China assisted them during the financial crisis in 2008 and what they did in return? Trade and technological wars, fabricated falsehoods on Xinjiang for genocide and forced labour, incited political violence in Hong Kong, interferes in affairs of China relating to Taiwan, ganging up military forces in South China Sea and yet accused China of being repressive, continuously trying to stigmatize COVID-19 on China and demanding huge compensation with offset against their debt owing to China etc. Don't waste time on Biden. Remember he would not allow China to outstrip USA during his watch and he has been doing a lot to try destabilize China...destroy China if he can help it.>> <<@beelotus7038 says : China and Taiwan must be united soon for it had been dragging for decades and say they had been independent. 🇨🇳🇹🇼 1 CHINA>> <<@dragon.fromindia3235 says : INDIA SHOULD BUY CRUDE OIL PRICE IS RISING...>> <<@yarndy says : The Chinese people fled to Taiwan to escape the 'COMMUNIST' takeover... LEAVE TAIWANESE PEOPLE ALONE!!>> <<@johnnypinkleton9410 says : Taiwan speaks chinese but are not part of China. Leave them alone China. Taiwan is a country with its own leadership and people>> <<@jaredkerswell3396 says : One China, Mainland… One Taiwan, Sovereign Island…>> <<@Goooogle says : This is Jiang Xina's fault>> <<@dom_toredo says : LoL Lithuania started diplomatic ties with taiwan and all china could do is reduce its diplomatic ties with Lithuania. This is what every country needs to do. Make diplomatic tie with taiwan and automatically china will reduce its diplomatic tie with respective country. Like this china will lose its recognition automatically over time. China just proved its really weak and can't do anything. It's like someone slaps you and all you do is stop talking to that person. Hahahahaha>> <<@morningstararun6278 says : Reunification will happen. But it shouldn't happen on the oversight of US. US would play a role that benefits itself first. That shouldn't happen.>> <<@bl4ckb3ll says : Indonesia ❤️ China ✌️peace>> <<@fjinnw3019 says : US never give up trying to break up China, getting so desperate every day, sad.>>