<<@jk5638 says : Bullying and lying about it.>> <<@michaelloong964 says : The US is rounding up all the European countries , Canada and Australia ( Allies and vassal states of USA} to encircle and threaten the security of China. There is a huge media war on China by this group of countries bombarding China on human rights, democracy, genocide, forced labor, authoritarian blar blar blar , all kinds of unsavoury languages .And unfortunately the media in Asian and other countries pick up and re-publish the same fake news from the US and the West media resulting in portraying China as a villain. China should advocate to establish a United Nation of Asia Countries to rebuff and counteract the US hegemony. It should put up a united front to condemn the US and ts allies to make wars around the world and interfering the domestic affairs of other countries. China is ineffective to fight the US and West media attack on its own.>> <<@allensonu says : #WhereIsPengShuai>> <<@jonihiu3954 says : She is smart... and beautiful!>> <<@phyoaungla6743 says : please help n solve Myanmar crisis!>> <<@10lauset says : The West especially more recently the US have been in South East Asia for many decades. What have they contributed to the economic prosperity of the region. You know the answer to that because it is obvious. Tourism is good but the social and cultural cost is also evident in its morals. China is offering a route towards better self-sufficiency with concrete actions by contributing to infrastructure, transportation and communications as well as an easily accessible access to a huge and willing market. This is in sharp contrast to others who demand obedience but don't offer anything to counteract the BRI except for the nihilism of weapons and boycotts.>>