<<@drndomomelinguitherese says : China-Africa Prophecy comes true through this amazing Cooperation and Expertise for sharing the harvest of our ancestral old Win-Win Game, and providing the best understanding of our ancestral wisdom and common heritage.>> <<@DragonTiger388 says : China is a Nation of Just and Gentleman, China is NOT the Ugly, Evil US or American who Aim to Rule the World with Dictatorship with the its Sanctions, Wars and Destructions, Fake News and Lies with all its evil Deeds. But do be aware of the US evil plan to Destroy your Countries when you succeed with their plots of Fakenews, LIES and divide your Country into Wars and Destructions with INSTABILITIES and then sell you Wars and Ammos from their War Industries to suck you Dry of money or all your country resources without Apologies..... See what they did to the Middle East and the other part of the World. They will align with the Western Countries to threaten you but don't be easily swayed by them but stand your ground as all things can be Solved. I hope One day The Whole of Africa will be Unified as Unity is Strength.. Even if tricked into Wars just don't buy anything Arms or Ammos from them don't support their Evil War Industries but buy from other sources if not your Wars will have many factions to fight non stop till your country have nothing but Endless Destructions and Deaths.>> <<@Didmasela says : The West had ignored Africa for more than 50 years. Why do they cry fowl now that China is investing and building infrastructure in Africa that the West could not build in 50 years.>> <<@kennedynyangacha3171 says : Africa should not accommodate the noises coming from all places but diligently work with the Chinese People in developing the Continent. From when??? Independence came ; the the Colonial Banks have built infrastructure in African Continent in books but NEVER VISIBLE ones except the ones made this year and wear out this year???: Roads. With Chinese development at least we have lasting major Highways; City Overpasses; Airports; in Kenya the Mombasa/Nairobi Sterling Train is 3 months fully booked during the day and I go to the village on a Chinese tarmac Road on a Chinese motorcycle for now!!. So is this debt trap??. Nope we see all these that we and our generations we pay for. Now One more request to China;: bring land development so that Africa will set a side lands for everything just as China has done in China!!. Otherwise Congratulations to the Chinese Government or CPC and it’s not debt trap you’re doing but development!!!.>> <<@sarahkhan2310 says : Thousands of US and allies military personnel deployed to fight imperialistic wars suffered severe mental disorders and many committed suicides. Now this mental insanity has permeated into the madness of the society into school shootings>> <<@MarkMark-ji6ts says : China 1.4 billion Africa 1.0 billion people. All HUMILIATED and EXPLOITED by the west. Rise brothers and sisters take your seat at the table. I hope you achieve the shared prosperity without being bombed from the west's next good cause you know building democracy or human rights they cry about endlessly.>> <<@Jake00001 says : Bullshit! China is a country with bad intentions. They knowingly push loans on poor countries that cannot repay the said loans via bribing corrupt politicians to act against their own country interests. China must be condemned by the international community at every level.>> <<@marygarvin1715 says : Nice that China is helping Africa America notww🙏🏽👍🏽>> <<@aaranjackson8654 says : Where is navalny Jack ma Peng shuai?>> <<@aaranjackson8654 says : Sammy Lee In May 1966, the Cultural Revolution cut short Xi's secondary education when all secondary classes were halted for students to criticise and fight their teachers. Student militants ransacked the Xi family home and one of Xi's sisters, Xi Heping, committed suicide from the pressure. The first occasion was his sister’s passing. She died during the Cultural Revolution, when Red Guards reportedly “persecuted her to death” (this is the official account, but a historian told The New York Times last September that her death was probably a suicide).>> <<@mystictraveler8642 says : China is truly doing all the things that America promotes themselves as if they do. When China's are no longer a developing country and their belt and road initiative is finished and running I feel that China will help in alleviating poverty around the world. The US and their cronies are a bunch of failures. They've been in Afghanistan for 20 years and they haven't even built one school. People starving and the US has done nothing but build a nice embassy for themselves and a nice route for their pipeline.>> <<@eliyanfarah7845 says : China should not explain anything to US and they hire hands so called fake allies from US>> <<@richn9049 says : Let's keep it together. Anyone know where I can go to put proposals and partnership ideas for China and Africa>> <<@janklaas6885 says : 🇺🇳51:00>> <<@Chahaman_हर्षित_00 says : FREE TIBET>> <<@neutralgod300 says : 28:26 good luck on that one! LOL>> <<@nanyanguo1 says : Imperial uS way ; win-lose ie uS win n you lose China way is win-win ie China win n you also win>> <<@neutralgod300 says : 10:25 The problem with china is: they make a deal with a country to build something but it's ONLY Chinese workers is building the project! China DOESN'T hire the people from the place where they are building! Also, China goes to poor countries to build a project, China lends the $ to the poor country to build, then the poor country can't pay back, China imposes whatever they want!! This ain't new!! This is the truth!>> <<@khanshifullah9810 says : Afrcan don't believe in political boundaries. They believe in geographical boundaries.>> <<@shinshin8616 says : The new 'MAGA'- Make Africa Great Again. Thanks China.>> <<@yamina7890 says : ما شاء الله ما شاء الله ماشاء>> <<@foxpup says : Africa makes a deal with the devil. What could possibly go wrong??!!>> <<@zhugeliang3905 says : Very good>> <<@sunnyjames9658 says : Sure looks like some Theucydides trap here with both the US and China vying for control over the global south's rare earth minerals. 1, 2, wars coming for you, 3' 4, no world war 4; 5, 6, USA better figure out quick, 7, 8, crash the world bank, 9, 10; Earth is hell again.....>> <<@lte23401 says : 🌷💖🇨🇳 🇨🇳 💖🌷>> <<@thewildweed2959 says : 📿>>