<<@cdelane3335 says : Who is lying because other channels like abc is saying it was a Russian missile?>> <<@IAmLegendBoxing says : This is the equivalent of ukraine shooting someone during the fireworks as a cover up>> <<@IAmLegendBoxing says : Ukraine. On purpose. Please save us nato move. Peace is needed. Not more Us weapons. We pay them so much money not to quit this war. Wake up people>> <<@tamtam1994 says : their face said it's all, It's was Russia and theyy dont want to go a war with them , they want to Kill Russian eonomy but dont want to go a war for it>> <<@nigelira5787 says : This is propaganda>> <<@pate4885 says : Of course it was Ukraine that is in deep depress and losing the game'!>> <<@Meeeeooow_mew says : Bruh no one is blaming Ukraine but they blame russia there is something wrong with these ppl>> <<@jerzypiaskowski9656 says : These are definitely Ukrainian terrorist attacks on Poland. Ukraine desperately wants to lose the war and give its territory to someone--because it is bankrupt because of corruption. But Putin is not so stupid to get Ukraine's territory--it doesn't pay off. Putin wants to take the mineral wealth and ruin Ukraine but he doesn't want to occupy Ukraine.This is where the Ukrainian provocations in Poland come from (aided by the US--- the US needs a war---"to be great again!") I live in Poland and I see what the Ukrainian refugees are doing.>> <<@markacohen1 says : Ask the Poles what they think. Their people got killed. It did not change their unstinting support for Ukraine one zloty's worth.They know who the real enemy is: Russia.>> <<@junaryb says : And the pipeline?>> <<@silentclown4307 says : Do you guy remember the part when Russian general told the press about the dirty bomb that Ukraine is preparing ? No ? Ok, keep going..>> <<@parashit2181 says : If NATO was consistent, They should have attack Ukraine. A rule is still a rule, right?>> <<@edgymix9109 says : What if russia did it and blaming a diffrent country so they dont get introuble by nato. Thatd be trippy>> <<@nicholaslandolina says : I've heard this as well>> <<@anonsense says : USA = wolf in sheep's skin.>> <<@teodorursu5845 says : Oh fuck me!!!!! This Is horse shit!!!!>> <<@ivaswanson724 says : Wait for it... Twit headline: The U.S. Government Is Now A Puppet Arm Of Putin! How dare they not blindly blame Russia for this heinous act!>> <<@alone-tt8dg6ic6f says : Poland take air cover from EU friends. Poland don't do it. UKRAINE will bomb you again. Try to protect you from Nazi beggar ZELENSKYY. Now Afghanistan can beat Russia or Syrian rebels can beat Russia. Russia has no weapon. PROBABLY North Korea and Cuba are helping Russia with Weapons. As per MSM, PUTIN is going to die. 😜😜😜😜😜>> <<@alone-tt8dg6ic6f says : Poland don't do it. UKRAINE will bomb you again. Try to protect you from Nazi beggar ZELENSKYY. Now Afghanistan can beat Russia or Syrian rebels can beat Russia. Russia has no weapon. PROBABLY North Korea and Cuba are helping Russia with Weapons. As per MSM, PUTIN is going to die. 😜😜😜😜😜>> <<@totoybato8206 says : what no way Ukraine would do that CNN can prove that attack a NATO member is attack to all members of NATO ww3 2023>> <<@nazmul_ahsanplabon3491 says : বাহ! অবশেষে বন্ধুর বুকেই ছুরি মারলো ইউক্রেন। আশা করি ইউরোপের অন্যরাও এই সহজ সত্যি বুঝতে পারবে।>> <<@Pudzianowsky3651 says : Hey guys.My name is Igor,im Ukranian.And citizen of Canada.Please give Ukraine rockets!Artillery works,but it takes more time to kick their ass out. Respect guys!>> <<@thor9563 says : Lviv Girl- It is good to see your lovely face against a backdrop of newly fallen snow. However my heart aches to know the hardships all Ukrainians, especially elderly babushkas, little children and babies and their mothers are enduring at such a time as this. I could feel your sadness as you walked along your darkened streets, unable to get basics such as groceries, then to return to a cold dark home. I pray for Ukraine, for deliverance from the tyrant who lives within the safe, warm well lighted walls of the Kremlin (Freddie Kruger!) while he directs missile and artillery strikes onto your homes and streets, while he snatches sons, fathers, husbands, GRAND FATHERS off of Russia's streets to be bled to death on Ukrainian soil merely weeks later. May God keep you safe!>> <<@gerdaleta says : The reason that ukrainians didn't say it was our bad is because they want world war 3 to happen because they're losing dude all of their power stations are off winter is here they're f***** they need the entire NATO force to show up and help them so when s*** like this happens they're going to say oh yeah it was Russia don't you people see what's going on now it doesn't matter from what angle they want a nuclear war and Russia wants a nuclear war so there's going to be a nuclear war>> <<@teddyflowers2798 says : Ukraine did it because they wanted the trick Poland into thinking Russia did it so they can go at war with each other but it backfire terribly and now Ukraine is a hypocrite and just as bad as Russia possibly even worse>> <<@morland8633 says : Zelensky's growth is not for a world war, but for an objective investigation and punishment of Russia for this missile strike! Biden has already stated that this is a Ukrainian S-300 air defense missile! This is a lie and slander! The United States and Western Europe are ready to forgive Putin for a missile attack on Poland because of the fear of a world war! This is a big mistake! President Zelensky said it was a Russian missile, not a Ukrainian one! Zelensky said that he has the facts provided by intelligence! Why are the Americans in a hurry to blame Ukraine for this attack on Poland?! The investigation has just begun and no hasty conclusions can be drawn!😡😡😡>> <<@ihorperec4990 says : The obvious solution is to provide Ukraine with more and better air defense systems. So they blow Russian missiles up over Ru💩ia. Or weapons to blow up the launch sites . 🇺🇦>> <<@melonballs says : "Any casualties of this is responsibility of Russia " woah zelensky we know what you did so stop acting like israel>> <<@FletcherCrew says : Ukraine fired the missiles, but it's Russia's fault, because it wouldn't have happened if they didn't occupy the Ukraine; is that right? Is that how it works? OK, I have been shadow banned so much, that I can't leave feedback on Google Maps, for a business that ruined $8,000 worth of my property, so much that when I tried to give away rabbits on Gumtree, that 35 people were blocked from getting my communications so they couldn't come and get the rabbits, because clowns are that scared of me having a conversation with somebody that they can't censor. Banned so much that on Twitter, I couldn't even give $50 away, no matter how hard I tried, because nobody can see the posts I make with a hashtag for my own city..... If I can't even give away $50 online, then it would be impossible for me to engage in commerce online; so if I rob a bank right now, can I say that it wouldn't have happened if I wasn't shadow banned and pass responsibility for the bank's loss onto google?>> <<@hakajsjks7473 says : World war 1 start because 1 person died word war 3 will start when 3 people die the death of zalenski might start it he's the missing piece his death will definitely start it he will declare war on Europe Europe nuke Ukraine>> <<@kr6productions says : Lil Yatchy please save Poland 🙏🏽>> <<@goforgold7082 says : No matter where the missile came from, the point is that Russia started this bloodshed>> <<@eez2924 says : Zelensky think NATO idiot>> <<@earlgreychaa says : Thank God I never believed Ukraine for even a second…I knew they were just pretending to be victims when they’re playing games…They shouldn’t even have started this war, snitching around behind Russia’s back, trying to attack them using NATO. I hope the two people who lose their lives rest in peace and their family receives the truth and justice they deserve.>> <<@ricardolewis7795 says : Lol sounds like someone is scared>> <<@davidjohnson7336 says : Then dont say it was Russia!! Get your stories right before you report!! You wonder why people don't trust or Believe anything media says.>> <<@evalee5602 says : Zelenski: War must end now. Zelenski behind the scene: Let’s fire missile on Poland and get nato to join the war.>> <<@Paradoxisthefingerprintofgod says : That's what happens you stupidly give psyops tools weapons of mass destruction > Volodymyr Zelenskyy 2016 Playing Piano with Penis >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oua0Puihrkc&t=3s>> <<@djm7323 says : Everything is OK if someone is in US's interest.>> <<@SaveOurDisabilityFund says : Even if it was Ukraine's missile its only a matter of time before one hits on the NATO side. We need to do something about that power situation there. 10s of millions freezing to death is not how we want things to end for Ukraine....>> <<@johnlaccohee-joslin4477 says : For all those who think this missile is Russias fault, i would say that they stop and think just for a moment. This is the same as saying that"well i fired my gun at this man but he moves and i hit the woman on the other side of the street, but its not my fault, its the guys fault because he moved. The end culprit is the person who pulled the trigger or pressed the button, NOBODY ELSES and blaming Russia does not detract from the fact that no Russian pressed the button or pulled the triger, the fact is somebody from Ukraine did the deed nobody else, i dont hold with war at all and can see an opening that would resolve the whole conflict, that being that for once, And i say for once because to date America has yet to honour ONE agreement it has made. The statement Quoted by Putin like it or not is true, i.e. not one inch further east, was talked about at the meeting refered to, and like it or not Biden lied yet again wben he said it was never talked about, the minutes of the meeting show very clearly that in fact, putin quoted nearly word for word. Anyone who doubts the fact that the U.S. does not keep its word should sit down and talk to the ellders of ever tribe of indians,the true Americans and ask them about Americans promises, they can give chapter and verse going back to the very start, one might in fact be better informed if to start with, go back to 2012 and see just who was making plans for the ukraine people, there is a phone call every person on this earth should listen to, the one tbat Victoria Nuland made, its on you tube, listen to it all and then decide just what created this conflict, dont forget, this was did not start with Russia crossing the boarder it started with east Ukraine asking for a referendum to go seperate, this caused west Ukraine to bomb, shell east Ukraine for EIGHT YEARS SOLID , no word like "oh those poor Ukraine people for the whole eight years, this genocidal attack was fully supported by the U.S. who paid for it to take place and paid every day for eight years to make sure it continued. When it comes to the comment about de naziing Ukraine again victoria Nuland was the person behing the five billion dollar bribe to a neo nazi group that to this day is part and parcel of Americas idea of a good Government, after loosing 28 million lives to the Nazis, you will find Russia hold a different opinion and understandably why. I as i said, do not hold with war, and that inclused every war that the U.S. has involved itself in since ww2, and believe me there have been an awful lot, it has been the cause of well over eighty conflicts it has created since ww2, it is time that the world took the U.S. aside and told them the truth, The Monroe Doctrine does not have a place in anyone elses polacies other than the U.S.>> <<@tanjamiller3321 says : Before he became president of Ukraine, he was an entertainer. He played piano with his penis! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oua0Puihrkc>> <<@tanjamiller3321 says : If we would’ve attacked/punished Russia for doing this, then why is Ukraine EXEMPT? Ukraine DID attack a NATO COUNTRY>> <<@tanjamiller3321 says : I pray NATO punishes Ukraine. As the video said an attack on a NATO country, it’s an attack on all of them. We NEED to stop sending baby formula to Ukraine and KEEP IT FIR AMERICANS, stop sending them mone, misses, guns and everything else we’ve been doing. I ONLY feel sorry for the homeless, hurt, displaced pets in Ukraine. We need to take care of OUR OWN.>> <<@pedrolplgm says : LISTEN PATRIOTS CENSORS HANGED ALL.>> <<@tanjamiller3321 says : THIS IS DISGUSTING. What the Poles did for these Ukraine refugees. They gave them food, shelter, donated items and clothing for babies up to adults. Countless Poles opened their homes to these people! Ukraine KNEW what it was doing. They kept wanting us to get involved and fight THEIR war from the very beginning. Ukraine figured if they can blame Russia, then the US and dozens of other countries would invade Russia. Putin is an extremely intelligent man...does anyone honestly think, if Putin/Russia fired a missle into a NATO country, Putin knows dozens of countries would attack Russia. Russia is NOT STUPID. There is a movie, same movie but different names on YouTube = depending is it’s spelled in Polish, English, or the Polish translation. It’s called either Volhynia, Hatred, or Wolyn. It documents how the Ukraine’s BRUTALLY murdered the Poles. They even would pierce infants/babies onto a fence. Burned their villages and did everything to wipe out the Polish people.>> <<@MsHburnett says : LIES FROM CNN>> <<@rafaelmanalu5926 says : Hallo Abang dan kakak.... Saya anak Indonesia.... Abang dan kakak boleh saya bertanya? *Apakah serpihan rudal bisa diidentifikasi?* Mohon ajarin saya ya... Ave Maria.... ☺️😇🙄🤗>> <<@mre7550 says : "...initial assessments are that it likely came from...." means that actually nobody yet knows. Why can't we wait for actual evidence?>> <<@ccpareajoke.841 says : Ukrainian is in a war they are nor going to admit anything at the time until they have prove who is at fault and admit it sometime after that they are the cause. Russia has spouted wolf so often even if they are tilling the truth we don't believe them.>>