<<@timkelly5602 says : so far no evidence has ever turned up to prove claims of Russian Torture or war crimes, Bucha is proven a staging... French journalist Bouqet was actually spending time doing humanitarian aid and was eating with Azov soldiers families unaware of their reputation, until one day they took him to a warehouse and he had to watch a whole load of POWs being brought out and tortured and shot... in return for speaking out he was arrested in France and beaten in jail and an attempt on his life in Istanbul by the Ukr SBU, tried to slit his throat to cover up the crimes... meanwhile Russia and the Donbass collect evidence daily of Ukrainian war crimes, rape, torture,killing children and worse... you can always tell the lies told in war by criminals with no imagination because they accuse the opposite side of the very atrocities they themselves indulge in... and i mean indulge in the worst way... hunting folk like animals, "shooting them down like pigs" as one SBU officer stated about killing ukrainian citizens who prefer to align with Russia, their old homeland... the pics were rubbish, go on telegram and look at the stuff the Ukrainians themselves film and brag about... also the policy of any Russian soldiers who end up in hospital, which is likely most after a beating or kneecapping by Ukr, of removing their testicles routinely... sometimes their fingers and their eyes too... this is the lovely folk we send billions to and goons like you glorify...>> <<@mikeyoung3658 says : Stop giving aide to Ukraine!!!>> <<@garykentigian3675 says : Don't believe anything the left media tells you the rapes were fake everything is fake.>> <<@juniorroselynroselyn3277 says : War propaganda against Russia>> <<@nojindoj2334 says : They found torture chambers that the ukranians then used next... War is hell>> <<@cynicalPixels says : Abu Ghraib & Guantánamo ring any fkn bells?>> <<@jamesnash6101 says : Ukrainian forensic team, document everything. When it's time to hold Russia accountable you will have meticulous information and records. This war will not last forever. Therefore there is a light at the end of this dark tunnel.>> <<@felixsseverin6895 says : I know it's not right, but I sure wish Ukrainian forces could do the same thing back to the Russian soldiers that did tortures of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians. It is unbelievably frustrating not being able to do anything back to them.>> <<@leonidkurtich8177 says : U.S. foreign policy depends on fabricating war crimes. Such claims can not be believed. They were proven to be false on numerous occasions and they keep lying. The consequences of such disgusting propaganda are real war crimes, when POW's are tortured and executed by troops who listen to these lies.>> <<@waynesilva9157 says : Wolf , zelensky just said Ukraine didn't bomb Poland when NATO knows they did it and zelensky still denies it. Ukraine could commit war crimes every day and the West won't report it. Just like theirs no Nazi in Ukraine, ignore those western documentaries from a few years ago about Nazi youth camps in Ukraine, nothing to see here. Everything the US reports about the war is total BS .>> <<@HamburgerMolester says : But Ukraine also said that Russia launched a missile into Poland and claimed that Russia was shelling themselves at the nuclear plant they occupied. Sorry if I don't believe a single word from Ukraine.>> <<@Insertnamehereplz says : Let’s go Brandon>> <<@Rusya-Türkiye says : I made a video of children mutilated by Ukrainians for 9 years, but Youtube shows it to very few people. Why do you think ?>> <<@jaffajafa says : And Ukraine doesn't have any torture chamber?>> <<@edwardcarberry1095 says : So how are the Nazzzzzziiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeessssss, doing there since 1942! With Ukraine bombing Poland with their S-300 missile, and Linski wanting WW3 to start. With Uncle Hoe Joe and Germany chancery saying that it was a Ukrainian missile.>> <<@Packer1290 says : US media almost starts WW3. I suppose it would be good for views and clicks.>> <<@thanosalaarson8290 says : So again let me get this straight. The US runs the biggest torture program in the world, and we’re criticizing Russia for that? Lmao seriously? Gina Haspel? Mike Pompeo? Oh let me guess, since it’s not brown/black peoples and Arabs now y’all care? Oh man. Is Guantanamo Bay shutdown yet or?>> <<@DUKE_of_RAMBLE says : #ThisIsFine 😔 No no, please, #UN, don't make an effort to legitimately help put an end to this fucking madness... Is it because it's white-on-white inhumanity that makes it not merit your attention?? I don't care if that comes across _sounding_ racist, because it's the furthest thing from the truth... I'm just pissed no one is *physically* getting involved, because why? You're worried about nukes...??? HE'S BLUFFING! Do you not see that him going nuclear would definitively get HIM killed?? Either by those in his government, those in his military, the civilians revolting, _all three,_ or by a black ops hit squad... He is a mad man, yes. But he's an egotistical one who doesn't want to die! So where's his motivation? ESPECIALLY when all that you have to do is push Russia out of Ukraine. You don't have to go into Russia to stop the bulk of these atrocities! Hell, you don't even have to help with Crimea! Just unwind their 2022 progress and free up Ukraine's forces so that they can push into Crimea without worrying that Russia/Belarus will push in from the North or East. Russia doesn't recognize the UN's ICC (?whatever the war crimes investigative council is called) —and yes, I know the US also doesn't— so claiming that you're "helping" because of that involvement, only makes YOU feel better, as it does jack shit to stop Russia from continuing to do this stuff to civilians! Because these soldiers can just go back to Russia and they're out of reach. Whereas you stepping in and capturing soldiers for illegally operating within sovereign Ukraine territory... THAT has a helpful impact here and now!>> <<@ashokindian36 says : When you want to fight with mighty neighbours prepare yourself before you fight not by foreign support 😃 with talk and give some gifts you can win ,but Ukrainians lost that 😀 faith now dies 😀>> <<@tutifruti7488 says : Your weekend movies 1. Ukraine on Fire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKcmNGvaDUs&t=122s 2. Revealing Ukraine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhu3lfgHhCI You're welcome 😊>> <<@pbx7257 says : @2:18 “And we have got no corroboration on this other than a Ukrainian ombudsman”. So you just blindly report Torture Chambers based on a state-sponsored representative’s comments?? CNN standards for news in a nutshell. 😂>> <<@tutifruti7488 says : RUSSIA TODAY headlines, 18 Nov: 1. Ukraine has policy of executing POWs 2. Is there a link between 'Aid to Ukraine,' the US Democratic Party and the suspicious collapse of the FTX Crypto exchange? 3. US funded video game to ‘inoculate’ kids against fake news 4. Biden accused of ‘capitulation’ to Saudis 5. West using Ukraine as proxy to fight Russia – top Turkish official 😊>> <<@michaelkearney9314 says : That's why he keeps fighting. He wants a peace deal where he gets a way with the war crimes.>> <<@rorschachmad2065 says : It's a war what did you think would happen you dum fks>> <<@andreysamarin4170 says : lie>> <<@HumanBeingsRThinkingBeings says : Mind Begs the Question: If it was Jews that were In Chinas Concentration Camps In Palestine,Myanmar,Rwanda,India Doesn't amount to Holocaust?>> <<@HumanBeingsRThinkingBeings says : Mind Begs the Question: To support & aid an Apartheid State Righteous,Evil?>> <<@th3smurf692 says : Come up with some new ideas next time...>> <<@curiouslymavismade says : Russia really is trying to start WWIII.>> <<@JohnDoe-xp9rd says : Sounds like zelisssssky wants to ignite ww3>> <<@katieporterswhiteboard1433 says : Men destroy everything they touch>> <<@heathenhammer2344 says : More lies and propaganda from the corrupt zelenskyy regime...>> <<@a.i.a.1746 says : Any Ukrainian torcher chambers found along the eastern conflict border occupied by the Ukrainian extreme right wing group? Btw if bombing electricity installations is a crime, considering WW2 & Kosovo, it's likely the US may be on top of the list.>> <<@paspa says : I was horrified by Bucha’s Russian massacre, back in march. But, I go back to that horrible scene, in my mind. Thinking about it now; it was when the US opened the dollar faucet, and the turning point of this war. The billions poured into Ukraine, after Bucha. However, we haven’t seen any Russian bullets flying to kill innocent civilians, after that. So, Bucha was an uncharacteristic Russian attack. Then, this week, two Ukrainian defense missiles kill two Polish farmers, in the middle of a wide field, 3 miles inside Poland. 2 direct hits on the same target, an agricultural tractor. Two innocent NATO citizens killed. An attempt perpetrated by Zelensky to blame Russia and provoke WW3. In fact, Zelensky is still claiming it was a Russian missile hitting that tractor, contradicting yesterday’s Pentagon declarations. Today, watching this video of CNN, very impartiality, I did not see any evidence of the torture chambers mentioned on this video. Just a few scratches on a wall. Do you? If you are curious, check BBC’s channel, on YouTube. BBC has another video of these happenings. No evidence also. So, isn’t it obvious? The Bucha’s attacks, back in march, were also staged, the same as these week’s events. Just to make the American dollars come into this war in Ukraine. And we, the tax payers, are being played all along by Zelensky, to support this war. Shouldn’t NATO investigate Bucha?>> <<@wazzy4238 says : As sas Sin. Ate. Putler.>> <<@carlosestes1397 says : Ukrainian torturing their own people to find out who help the Russians advance… Can’t trust Nazis 💯💯💯>> <<@syrainwar2994 says : missle accuracy 2 miss for every 10,000 or more that about good as the usa cruse missiles seems alittle better then russia accuracy.... broken fin? right instead of left maybe the sensor was backwards when they installed it in the factory>> <<@syrainwar2994 says : missle accuracy 2 miss for every 10,000 or more that about good as the usa cruse missiles seems alittle better then russia accuracy.... broken fin? right instead of left maybe the sensor was backwards when they installed it in the factory>> <<@syrainwar2994 says : missle accuracy 2 miss for every 10,000 or more that about good as the usa cruse missiles seems alittle better then russia accuracy.... broken fin? right instead of left maybe the sensor was backwards when they installed it in the factory>> <<@constancetaylor2114 says : Even if it is a Ukraine missile, Russia is the one that caused it>> <<@mukenditshibangu6653 says : PLEASE STOP THE FAKES AND STAGED NEWS>> <<@buhawihabagat8529 says : Ukraine will win🙏>> <<@jimmyjames9752 says : 10% FOR THE BIG GUY CHINA 🇨🇳 JOE..>> <<@jimmyjames9752 says : HILLARY CLINTON AND THE FBI PAID FOR THE RUSSIAN COLLUSION HOAX AND C-SPAN SWAMP IS CRICKETS 🤣>> <<@jimmyjames9752 says : NEVER SAY HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP FROM HELL ON C-SPAN WASHINGTON SWAMP JOURNAL 🤣😂🤣🤣🤣>> <<@jimmyjames9752 says : C-SPAN SWAMP DEMOCRAT CONTROLLED FROM TOP TO BOTTOM INSIDE OUT>> <<@A-Defender- says : Bullshit!>> <<@BorisPerc says : Terrorists from Ukraine done it.>> <<@efghggdxlmfn33 says : ВUCHA - UKRANIAN'S WAR CRIME.>> <<@efghggdxlmfn33 says : What about the crimes of the Ukrainian military that surfaced today there is a video of torture and execution of prisoners of war by the Ukrainian military? one-eyed Democratic TV does not talk about the crimes of the Nazi Kyiv regime>>