<<@nyall1000 says : Don’t bother watching full Of you know what !!>> <<@nyall1000 says : Thought this clip was about Hunter 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Didn’t take long to turn to Trump 😂>> <<@SelimeOzdemir-gundy says : סלגיהעייגחגגחאמגי🧃🍴🧃🍴🥄🥄🍸🫗🫗🍸🍸🥤🥄🥄>> <<@jacquelinedriver2084 says : They should’ve been investigated, when Biden was vice president to Obama. They both need to be investigated.>> <<@fja4916 says : Let them investigate Hunter Biden. His laptops are Russian Disinformation. They’ll have egg in their faces. The Biden’s are innocent. 😅🤣>> <<@larrypifer1103 says : Remember when CNN was a legitimate news source? The disgusting bastards that were not let go in the last round of firings are hanging on with their fingernails waiting for the shoe to drop. This, ABC, MSNBC, and CBS all claimed "Russian Dis-Information" when Hunter's laptops were revealed. These same networks don't cover the illegals crossing the border with fentanyl, or the blunders Biden made leaving Afghanistan that caused the deaths of 15 soldiers or killing of an innocent Aid Worker and his family in retaliation for the 15 soldiers.>> <<@giovanniloubetancourt3829 says : The truth is that I haven't seen the news for a long time and I gave myself the opportunity to see you. CNN You really don't learn, they continue to hide the truth from this president that you protect, they have to put him in jail, there is much evidence of the leadership of the Biden family, his son all the gang headquarters that they manage>> <<@competitivecombatsports9345 says : Garland is Biden’s stool sample>> <<@competitivecombatsports9345 says : Wolfie, you are a two faced hypocrite, you know damn well the FBI is doing absolutely nothing about the Biden crime family for which you should be reporting about>> <<@2awesomebrostheirmom944 says : Why aren’t they looking at Trumps children who actually need to be investigated!>> <<@Stephen-bg8ol says : Pathetic>> <<@spaceballs44 says : Hey why not grab Ivanka and her husband, Donald Jr, and Eric and see what dirt their is on them.>> <<@spaceballs44 says : Was Hunter Biden ever a politician? I say get the Labtop open it and go through every file then. It would be interesting if there was dirt on Republican Party members. I’m sure they would say shut the Labtop, shut the Labtop 😆😆😆.>> <<@Voitcu says : CNN is so incorrigible, they cant open their mouths without Propaganda littering every word. "House Republicans Vow to investigate Biden..." Really??? This is how stupid they think we are. Republicans, nor any political party do not conduct investigations. That's the job of the Oversight Committee. They are the watchdogs or Overseers, if you will. Besides the Bidens another strong point is that the DOJ has become politicized. There's no need to emphasize what a threat this is to Democracy, Justice and Freedom in general. The constant one sided meddling of the FBI into our elections. The DOJ, like the Oversight Committee is supposed to stay neutral. We've seen the same recurring pattern with the mainstream news media and its still amazing how many sheep still fall for it hook line and sinker. It just shows how deep and interconnected the corruption is. The Dems, the FBI, the DOJ the mainstream, always take the same side. How programmed does one need be to not see this is indicative of a vast Conspiracy>> <<@lukeyork5213 says : and for the record, it wasnt because of the 'move ' on Trump. This was coming and we all saw it. Has nothing to do with Trump. You can blame him (as always ) all you want.>> <<@lukeyork5213 says : Lets focus on Trump !! No need to look at the current presidents son who flashes ounces of crack on camera , bangs hoes and buys illegal firearms LOL. True Democrats ! Gotta admit they are loyal. Stupid, but loyal. No wonder Hillary Clinton says she loves em ! ( the UNeducated ) I can hear the backlash now ! "what does that have to do with Biden durrrrrrrrr" No wonder you idiots get stuck with people like Biden and Fetterman lol. You all have about the same amount of brain cells. No wonder you stick together, cause you share similarities lol. You can relate.>> <<@lukeyork5213 says : Why did FTX ONLY donate to democratic parties ? Hmmmmm......funneled to Ukrain and then back into FTX ? If you are in the middle of war, why would you be investing in crypto with money sent to your aid ? Sounds fishy to me.....the only ones that benefited were democrats lol. Maybe Jack Smoith should look into that as well lol>> <<@lukeyork5213 says : Maybe Jack Smith should investigate his own party LOL>> <<@Brucemcleod2345 says : Lock up the Biden family. CNN should be closed down for fake news>> <<@Angelum_Band says : Cnn wont touch the Hunter Biden story with a pole and they running like rats in a sinking ship. Well done twitter>> <<@supersonic2873 says : CNN used to call hunter biden laptop info “disinformation”. welp now you guys will probably pay for suppressing information about the hunter biden files. CNN should sell him out before its too late>> <<@DavidOptions says : Report what Elon Musk just reported. You CNN woke news.>> <<@boober4413 says : As an American I don't care what political party a person belongs to, if they break the law then they should be persecutor. This tit for tat needs to stop because both parties are looking mighty foolish right now. I will say this, no president is nor should be in charge of the justice department but it was exceptionally apparent, through known efforts and filings, that the former president viewed the DOJ as his personal attorneys. I have not seen any evidence to prove that the current president nor the current DOJ has acted in conflict with this.>> <<@memyselfeyetallent7149 says : We should leave Hunter alone like the liberals left Trump kids alone.😁>> <<@JohnB3363 says : It’s amazing how stupid many of you are about what’s going on. The FBI has had possession of hunters laptop since 2019>> <<@truthfirst3596 says : It blows my mind how democrats try to downplay and bring up President Trump every single time they bring up the Hunter Biden investigation. Screw the party you’re with why wouldn’t you want to know what’s really going on with the Biden family? I think anyones that is honest about it can clearly see that the Biden’s are about as corrupt as it gets and if they find proof of Trump doing something wrong then He should face consequences too but I just can’t wrap my brain around how the democrats are responding to this and all other claims against the Biden family and any other Democrat politician for that matter Shouldn’t everyone want our government to be legit and to have to follow the same rules as the rest of us and not leveraging their positions to get rich? This country is getting ridiculous>> <<@yachtworks370 says : Caitlin Collins looks like Bradley Coopers sister>> <<@ChildofC-53 says : I’m sick of the Republican Party and their revenge fetish. Democrats have been trying to work with those idiots for a while now. They only care about “owning” the libs, it’s ignorant as hell>> <<@queenslander954 says : Republicans trying to excuse Trumps gross acts by showing the left can be scumbags too , the thing is Hunter Biden isn’t In the government & has never been president.>> <<@abdonsantella7569 says : Hunter Biden? Republicans beating a dead horse over and over again!!! Pathetic>> <<@joshualei98 says : Trump had plenty of investigations filed his way, why can’t the Biden’s get one?>> <<@eriv says : All you flakes mad Biden gonna be impeached first try. When you couldn’t impeach trump. With your sorry asses>> <<@epcode5121 says : Biden crime family truth is out....CANT BLAME RUSSIA ANYMORE>> <<@Linda-io2ns says : The republicans have gone crazy about losing the mid terms.>> <<@MrSmith-vc8xd says : When the " family " of propaganda houses say something you can bet the lies only benefit the Satanist at the top.>> <<@abdonsantella7569 says : There the Republicans go again beating a dead horse that's all they can do they also have stop the steal what a bunch of dilliriess morons wasting time like they always do!!! Pathetic>> <<@twinkletoes4134 says : https://youtu.be/lmPvx5NNJV8>> <<@Magnulus76 says : Have your fun in the sun, Republicans. There's going to be a blue tsunami in 2024.>> <<@Magnulus76 says : This is a distraction.>> <<@ViperMods_216 says : Why are they still worried about trump lol>> <<@justingilmore1225 says : That'll fix gas prices. Right, Republicans? Investigate away inflation!! I knew you had it in you!>> <<@kennethreyos5296 says : " PARDON HUNTER BIDEN !" BE LIKE TRUMP ! END THE GOP BULL S--T !!!!!!!>> <<@crismcdonough2804 says : And one on Jared Kushner too. If you want to play that game.>> <<@bill811 says : Another Benghazi where republicans spent millions and came up with NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING>> <<@gizmo6746 says : And nothing about the laptop from Hunter Biden . Left wing media is lying their way to the bank.>> <<@chuckrambo4401 says : Ignore the Biden’s and focus 24:hour coverage on Trump 😂>> <<@tammyrogers9129 says : Will CNN apologize for accusing Trump supporters for the Colorado club shooting since we now know that the criminal is a non binary non Trump supporter? Doubtful.>> <<@redarmy1778 says : gud ol corrupt cnn defending the corruption>> <<@robertmarks2379 says : Now it's real!! Lol your only 4 years late to the story. How many times have we been told it's russian propaganda or fake news?? From the very people that now have the evidence that have had it all along>> <<@lw1zfog says : souled out corporate M$M presstitutes eating their own lies>>