<<@Susieq26754 says : He is a Mormon.>> <<@JohnTaylor-oq7gl says : Colorado has a seriously stupid justice system>> <<@Glo50h says : It wasn’t a “he”, the shooter was “they”.>> <<@terrys.2342 says : So many liberals misgendering the shooter and blaming conservatives in the comments. Surely they will all go back through and recant what they have said and/or edit their sick bigoted transphobic comments.>> <<@Kornknealious says : shocker, "they" are not a right wing, NRA card carrying member. "THEY" are a left wing nut job. I love it PS. I am happy there are less groomers in the world.>> <<@Coccyx69 says : They identify as they/them you transphobic A-holes!!!!!>> <<@nameisscorpion says : We definitely need stricter gun laws for Democrats and "non-binary" people. This is out of control!>> <<@eatmyass says : Its a tradegy ill admit... but when the dust settled im left asking myself who takes kids to a drag show>> <<@aimmortalslegacy2189 says : Suspect identified! Click on the video and it appears that the suspect was.. "THE Suspect". Can anyone share with me.. why is the Suspect name and image being protected?>> <<@JoeMama-nl8xp says : How sad the left once again demonized a group of people before the facts came out and he was one of you. Just like so many other shooters n the Pelosis attacker.>> <<@harrylazard805 says : You knew the guy was gay when the first thing the mainstream media posted about his identity was his grandfather was a Trump supporter. Before his name, his skin color, that he was gay, they reported his grandfather was a Trump supporter....>> <<@richardjelinek8895 says : what about blm protest killings they were not stated as hate crimes and clearly they were>> <<@brbjk.m.846 says : So the suspect is non binary. Not a hate crime>> <<@TheMovieChannelLV says : I thought it was an evil republican. Turns out the shooter is LGBTQ. There sure are alot of extremist on the left. Geez>> <<@StinkyButton says : Federal hate crime charges need to happen, if CO isn’t going to do it.>> <<@taycie1486 says : Shooter identifies as non binary.>> <<@zenoist2101 says : He's non binary and black. He was NOT walking around in a blizzard with a maga hat shouting this is maga country.>> <<@wovfm says : Fake news on steroids. Shooter identified as "They" one of them, so the media owes an apology to conservatives and its viewers for lying to the public and creating hysteria.>> <<@ciscokid5932 says : Did he say...Where s Nancy,s husband..?? Where,s Paul...when he entered the gay nite club..??? There has to be a MAGA...FOX news angle to exoloit...!!!>> <<@ciscokid5932 says : Blame conservatives>> <<@MountainGoddess314 says : I guess they haven't updated their story? Here's update https://youtu.be/Dkm8nlP1wtk>> <<@sayewhatjosh says : Dude is nonbinary>> <<@jrbass62 says : https://youtu.be/5lwRCI0HeWQ>> <<@will_dikfit2975 says : Comes out the shooter is Gay too 😉>> <<@SWog617 says : CNN misgendered the shooter. It's they/them... not he or him. What is wrong with them?>> <<@DrSlick says : The shooter was non binary>> <<@michaelvanmastrigt7591 says : Pretty disgusting that cnn and the other bullshit media outlets tried to spin the shooter as a conservative and tried to blame great minds like Matt Walsh for this shooting before any details has even been released and now we know that the shooter “identified as non binary” (whatever that means) and that’s he’s a member of the alphabet soup group. Christ almighty 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️🖕🏻>> <<@victorgl9709 says : FYI the shooter was non-binary and used They them pronouns>> <<@UncleJavi says : CNN just dead named the shooter. how dare you! He is a proud non binary "they them" and CNN keeps leaving that info out of each segment. Why are they leaving it out?>> <<@NPC13377 says : The shooter is non binary. Seems the media once again is jumping to conclusions saying he was right wing.>> <<@williamfriar6295 says : identifies as they/them>> <<@jagusiff says : why does CNN not report that the suspect Anderson Aldrich for this potential Hate Crime is nonbinary, Anderson Aldrich uses "they/them pronouns", and for the purposes of all formal filings, "will be addressed as Mx. Aldrich" according to Defense Attorney. Mx commonly used within trans-gender community.>> <<@UnburdenedByWhatHasBeen says : So gay on gay crime is hate crime? Whawhawhat>> <<@mroselli says : Funny as hell to learn that the shooter is one of these "non binary" mental cases. lol lol>> <<@paulhailey2537 says : THE SHOOTER IS A NON-BINARY GAY MAN LMFAO WHAT YOU GONNA DO NOW WITH THAT INFORMATION>> <<@isrbillmeyer says : CNN enjoyed calling it "Hate Crime" and repeated it over and over. And then it turned out the dude was "non-binary" and using the weird pronoun BS. CNN was so glad that they could talk BS about the Hate Crime BS over and over and over. lol. Pathetic. YOU are the problem, not the Conservative side.>> <<@isrbillmeyer says : So... Non-binary. using they/them pronouns. That means that the shooter was a typical CNN, MSNBC viewer, Leftists indoctrinated, typical Democrat voter. And yet the Fake Media did a Jussie Smollett style reporting by falsely accusing Conservatives. This is why CNN has ZERO credibility.>> <<@ryanelliott6706 says : Police identify shooter *check* Shooter identifies as “they.” *checkmate*>> <<@drehardin says : 🚩 Narrative falling apart fairly quickly. Similar to the Pelosi story. It'll go away in 3,2,1 💨>> <<@sehryn says : 😢 so glad Australia has banned pretty much gun ownership. Though the mongrel NRA are trying to infiltrate and infect our weakest potentially corrupted politicians!>> <<@erikduvald6703 says : ...and the perp is a non binary, who goes by they/them pronouns. 😂 I shit you not! ... imagine if everyone else had had a gun, though? He would have been stopped within 3 seconds.>> <<@Xplorer85X says : CNN May have misgendered the suspect>> <<@JohnpaulDejoria666 says : So he’s non binary and uses They/Them pronouns. This is like white ion white or black on black violence, just sweep this under the rug at this point>> <<@timothypopik2288 says : Breaking news, turns out that the shooter is non binary LGBTQ>> <<@dylano7242 says : I am a Colorado Springs native and can tell you what the lying propaganda media won't. This shooting was not caused by GOP , Trump, anti trans. In fact the shooters lawyer has said the shooter is non binary and gone to club Q before. This shooting was caused by inept lazy district attorney who did not do his damn job of prosecuting criminals. This shooting suspect has a history in 2022 alone of making bombs, making bomb threasts, of threating to kill people including his own mother. But the inept incompetent Colorado Springs DA refused to bring charges and on every crime just let him go without charge. Which in turn allowed the p.o.s psycho to go by guns and escalate his psycho behavior. This shooting is because an inept district attorney like many around the country are refusing to do their job and prosecute criminals which then leads to more violent crimes.>> <<@MrSamy5435 says : My question is how did he get passed security? Most clubs pat you down or use a metal detector.>> <<@anthonycampbell9616 says : Heroes are not pay for>> <<@anthonycampbell9616 says : The cop's would have made it worst>> <<@Samhidesfrombullets says : The suspect is non binary and uses they/them pronouns 🤦🏻‍♂️>> <<@Marine117X says : Was he a white maga dude, why haven’t they said his race yet😮>>