<<@fox--lion8728 says : This has not aged well. They're now talking of Ukraine defeat and appealing on China to help them.. And that, is amazing.. They must now be beside themselves with bewilderment.. That President Putin has means to take all of USA and Europe in a battle field Aka Ukraine and is beating them senseless, destroying all their 'modern warfare equipment'.. The likes of Patriots, Attachms, Himars, Bradleys.. Iris-T, check vampires, and soft shelled French personell carriers and British 'storm' shadows💥😂>> <<@SelimeOzdemir-gundy says : בצגחכעחגמאבחהחכמ🛴🚛🚘🚈🚈🚨🚞🛞🚞🛵🚈🏍️🏍️🚄🚘🚄>> <<@foreverseeking8397 says : CNN are you serious? Hipocrites!>> <<@aminmtonga2004 says : This channel talks nosense backing eu and america what ajoke you old guys>> <<@malindafrank.028 says : 🤔 PUTIN IS GETTING ALL OF HIS MEN KILLED OVER A WAR THAT PUTIN CAN'T WIN 🇺🇦 IS TO 💪 FOR PUTIN. 🇺🇦💪>> <<@LWPC7 says : Hope that's how it goes>> <<@brandonclevenger9218 says : If it ends we can’t get rid of Russia>> <<@tamilgamer78986 says : மாரியம்மாகிட்ட நாங்க கேட்டு கேட்டு பாத்துட்டோம் ஒரு வார்த்தை கூட இப்போ வரைக்கும் சொல்லல.>> <<@todzarneckey2529 says : GOOD FOT THE COMMUNIST NEWS NETWORK CNN IS GOING OUT OF BIZ LAYING OFF PEOPLE LEFT ANG RIGHT BOY COTT THE COMMUNIST NEWS NETWORK CNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@alicesmith6750 says : Make Putin beg for an off-ramp. Don't give in to any of his imperialistic demands, imperialistic negotiations. When it comes to territory, he illegally claims in Ukraine, he has to remove his troops, and leave every part of Ukraine. Russia has taken too much already, don't allow him to take anymore. We, as civilized countries, cannot allow a war criminal, a designated terrorist state, and someone whose goal is to destroy Democracy, peace, for peaceful people, and truth, to have their way with anything.>> <<@leonardgibney2997 says : Russia didn't much like Hitler's 'special military operation' in 1941, otherwise known as operation Barbarossa.>> <<@paulmcgrath3248 says : Marshall plan was successful>> <<@kalonzo6448 says : The main signal is that abhorrent genetic experiments in Ukraine cease as a part of Anti-Semitic resistance.>> <<@kalonzo6448 says : Vladimir Putin is hands-on and does not pay others to care for his Russian Nation and The Children Of The Russian Nation.>> <<@bennysoper1517 says : Russian leadership will not survive this war. They are the REAL Walking Dead.>> <<@michaelnuno8903 says : Why on earth would we just help Ukraine a little bit just teasing the Ukraine civilians by giving them a few weapons. Putin is killing innocent women and children while the Us stands down. Why aren’t we showing the world that we as a world will not stand for this kind of terrorism.Is the world listening when Putin says whoever sticks up for Ukraine will be nuked. Guys this terrorist is threatening all of us. It won’t be long until he comes after United States and who else threatening us with nukes.🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼>> <<@Eagle-nq2mv says : It would be a great thing if Russia and Putin didn’t exist.>> <<@carinmarielundgren says : I know why and whom got those stary eyes not shines no more and Nighttime is nothing for clowns violating>> <<@petepete2284 says : So why doesn't Ukraine Hit Russian power grids and such???? tit for tat. Its war isn't it???>> <<@schiacciatrollo says : what about freeing syria right now>> <<@kurtlee6608 says : I totally agree with all of these three men's questions and answers. A mean all of it you have to bring a situation under control before you can negotiate for anything an aggressor will never be satisfied they always want all of what's yours.>> <<@Gerhold102 says : This vindictive destruction will just compound worldwide opinion against the Putin regime. This is an infantile tantrum from a seriously damaged psyche - not so dissimilar from Adolf Hitler's. Nothing Putin or Lavrov has said has born any credibility - the initial claim that Russia was saving Ukraine from fascism, right through all the denials, lies and blame-shifting that has emerged from all the many mouthpieces connected Hydra-like from the Kremlin. Putin and his cronies are responsible for the deaths and disablement of c. 200k people already - Ukrainian and Russian. Knowing his original fantasies of a welcomed victory by Ukrainians is merely delusional rhetoric, he now indulges in attempting to scorch the earth of Ukraine. Like his predecessor, Stalin, he's a poseur coward, safe from the battlefront and still free to wreak destruction. He's also responsible for all the misery and damage his actions have caused to those countries beyond his missiles. This winter will see a swathe of premature deaths and illness arising from the global instability he's caused. He is a war criminal and thus should not escape the same trial and judgement which Karadzic and Mladov were subjected to and those who were tried in the series of trials at Nürnberg after WW2.>> <<@sullaymomodukamara5823 says : Used all the available resources to combat the enemies welcome general amagedone the new player in town>> <<@corinnem.239 says : No off ramps for Putin !!! No half way in Ukraine !! Half way is Bull feces !!>> <<@Chu3505 says : 😂The Russian militaries forces couldn’t beaten those 😅Ukrainian militaries forces in those battle fields.So now the Crazy Dictator Putin and his Russian militaries forces uses a lot more missiles only to attacking civilians buildings and civilians infrastructures again😢.>> <<@richardbenjamin8341 says : McDonald>> <<@mogeking56 says : Russian people should have rose up against the war by the millions before it started, but I guess they thought 💭 that they would benefit from the rapes, murders and thief that their sons and husband were eager to commit unfortunately they payed the Ultimate price with over 100 thousand dead ☠️ 50 thousand wounded and let’s not mention the mentally damaged the cost is unmeasurable. We all thought that approximately 580 thousand deaths ☠️ from Covid-19 would have been enough for Putin, but I guess his Bloodthirst 🩸🧛‍♂️ had not been quenched . We are looking at 680 thousand people dead ☠️ in Russia 🇷🇺 from Covid-19 and the war, the war goes on and before it’s over their could be more than 200 thousand dead ☠️ Russian soldiers putting the death ☠️ level at 880 thousand people, but please remember Covid-19 is still killing people so…..I put the death total in Russia well over one million dead ☠️ from Covid-19 and the war by years end. That’s a lot of death ☠️ for one country, but Putin still thinks it’s worth it so……he presses on with his death ☠️ March.>> <<@mikesamovarov4054 says : I wonder, if anyone even noticed, that Putin keeps on calling Belarus as Belosussia (which was an area of USSR, not how current country is called). Putin and Lukashenko both already joint, nobody even noticed over the war in 🇺🇦 Be careful and pay attention! Особенно надо быть бдительными тем, кто знает русский язык. Не пропустите советскую лексику, не забывайте истории! Hello from Canada! We stand with Ukraine! 💛💙>> <<@NicoS-ih8if says : Ich hoffe das die Politiker es nicht schaffen die kleine Leute ( die Völker ) gegen einander aufzuhetzen . Es sind so viele Menschen gestorben für das was wir jetzt Heute haben Thema ( Hitler ) und das russische Volk hat die größten Opfer gebracht dafür deswegen bin ich den Menschen dankbar und sie haben den größten Anteil daran gehabt das wir frei leben können und Opfer gebracht. Weswegen ich den Russischen Volk dank bar bin und schon den Opfern gegen über mich nie wieder durch reden der Politiker auf wiegel lasse . Für mich ich bin 39 Jahre alt Deutscher und für mich gab es nie Rassismus . Ob Russe Deutscher oder alle anderen wir sind alle ein Rasse und das ist das einzige was stimmt .>> <<@afroditclagen says : https://youtu.be/uDkXIsfMcro🙏🏻🙏🏻>> <<@michaelkariv says : Bombardment sometimes work to subdue. Rotterdam for one. It was one sided to claim the opposite>> <<@tedneanderthal7373 says : Putin will not give in. He only cares about himself and you cannot negotiate with him. Maybe it's time to have a mysterious fire damage his dacha? Putin is like Trump - there is no bottom to his underhandedness. He will resort to anything to stay in power. And, whoever replaces Putin is likely to be worse. Perhaps the only way is to bankrupt Putin's government so that workers including the Russian military do not get paid. Unpaid Russian soldiers will not fight. Remember the old saying before the Soviet Union fell, "they pretend to pay us and we pretend to work." Sabotage Russia's banking system with relentless cyber attacks. Promote the new slogan, "they pretend to pay us and we pretend to fight.">> <<@allanhughes7859 says : Time for Ukraine to send the answer back to Russia Send a misile back inti Russia lets just get real here ita fucking war so just give a blow back !Just like Churchil did with hitler !!!!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@johnbirk843 says : A WAY OUT FOR PUTIN Putin's reasoning for starting war in Ukraine and other places is that historically Russia over the centuries have been invaded through various gaps in the terain and this is true. However looking into the future I suspect that China will be the place that will most want to take over parts of Russia Eastern areas and the question becomes how can Putin defend against this? One possible solution would be for Putin and Russia to join NATO, if they did this they would not have to worry about their Western area with gaps where they can be invaded and in the future if China decides to invade the Eastern parts, well being part of NATO they would have NATO to back them up. The upside is it will protect Russia's territory very far into the future and give Putin an off-ramp where he can say I have secured Russia's territory like never before. The the Russian people will gain, however the downside is the losers will probably be Putin and the oligarchs.. The above might allow Putin and the oligarchs to stay in power a little longer, by declaring a victory, however they will be subject to the following. The dictator's dilemma, or why dictators fear democracy? To explain what's going on in the Ukraine, there are proximate causes and there are ultimate causes and most of the news today is only covering proximate causes. Hopefully they should elucidate what the underlying ultimate causes which are driving this conflict. The dictator's dilemma describes a conundrum for dictators. They usually have to do unconscionable and illegal things to get into power, and once they're in power they must escalate the level of repression, jailing and outright murder or genocide to retain their power and wealth. If they ever lose power they will face trial resulting in jail or even execution. They even have to worry about neighboring countries becoming democratic, because if this occurs their own people will start desiring democracy, which presents a threat to the dictator, like for some served after the Arab spring and the uprising of the people's desires was met with a brutal response. So the decision of a dictator can be viewed in the actions of a sociopath/psychopath, which often is "I will obfuscate, attempt, lie and attempt everything to delay, however, once this fails, "if I'm going down I'm taking everybody with me". I believe the above dictator's dilemma describes what's going on with Putin in Russia and in other dictatorial and authoritarian ruled countries and represents a great danger to peace in our world. Scientia Non Domus, (Knowledge has No Home) antiguajohn>> <<@AM-pq1rq says : great interview/conversation.>> <<@bojanmilojkovic3770 says : Is someone helping the poor civilians ?>> <<@GiovanniBasta says : As Italian says: “It’s easy to be gay with the ass of another one”. This strategy was a disaster till now. Russia is simply waiting that Ukraine will collapse. And no one considers that there are people dying or without energy or water. West media are insane promoting certain nonsense. The war started because of a coup organised by USA in 2014 in Ukraine, America interfered in Russian business. We need diplomacy and security guarantee for Russia. NATO can’t put missiles at Russian borders and pretend that everything is fine. Is the west so selfish? There is only 1 thing to do: START DIPLOMACY! Or Ukraine won’t exist anymore.>> <<@manuel.camelo says : Can't we ask our Friend Xi Xin Pin to end this war?>> <<@manuel.camelo says : Ok it was fun.. but now let's end this dumb war. Putin, go home man. 👁️👃👁️ 🙏>> <<@postmodernmathematics333 says : War crimes like those on Native Americans by Christoph Columbus and the likes. - And our West is ruled as well by One Man: the Rothschilds (the owner of Central Banks since 1913)>> <<@MrTirien says : Give ukraine the means to fire russias energy infrastructures>> <<@ginoturrella9985 says : The guy that oversaw the Syrian campaign did anyone notice something? He had a very familiar eagle symbol on his right shoulder. If this is a Russian general then what is he doing wearing a symbol that Russia hates? Just an interesting observation.>> <<@sylvancalleja5268 says : Investments should be made in underground power stations>> <<@WhatHappenedIn-vt3vq says : Putin has had offs since the beginning of the war. Besides when he doesn't have a out and taking major knock backs with his escalation threats active against NATO powers, the only time he ever considered it was when the Putin death videos were circulating and he started to realize he might being dying in a chemical fire instead of his soldiers>> <<@TheOtherOthers says : Easy for these guys to encourage fighting to continue, when they are not over there putting their lines on the line, and they are not the ones living in fear of getting bombarded at the moment's notice. Ukraine should have never signed the agreement to join NATO. It is simply not worth it. Not for the countless of lives lost, not for the destruction of their country. Ukraine is already in ruins. What victory can there be?>> <<@peng_edits says : As a European citizen this will change nothing for me. If i need to freeze ill do. Its nothing compared to what the Ukraine faces these days! Its true, my support for them even increases with this situation.>> <<@89bondok says : Big win for propaganda is what this is. Hmmm why are you all so invovled on personal level in THIS WAR. The WAR in SUDAN is much much worse by all means (all wars are bad, but some are baddER).>> <<@abdulmalikmustapha1111 says : The arrogance of these crooked revisionists is astounding! Here are three self-conceited champions of self-righteous world order in their fancy disinformation studio pawning away the lives of their sheepish Ukrainian automatons for their global domination ambitions. Don't listen to them, they are dishonest.>> <<@dicktrashy8934 says : they don't just think that others are weak but above all that they are the strongest>> <<@f.miller801 says : Stop crying for nuclear war CNN>>