<<@stevenhorvath9921 says : #WalmartHatesArficanAmericans.>> <<@stevenhorvath9921 says : He was mad at Walmart for the way he was treated. #Walmart hates black/African Americans.>> <<@wardatkins1320 says : From Walmart to FedEx careful who you belittle on those job site's>> <<@rwusa1117 says : Give everyone a trophy for 3 decades....what could go wrong?>> <<@Dreamycando says : Church and state is over. It is same sex marriage America now. It is too late>> <<@cbower300 says : Dr OSABA on YouTube cured my Genital herpes>> <<@imminentthreat2923 says : That is insane and suicidal which is why it cannot answer simple questions and *must not be allowed to own any type of semiautomatic weapon.* Has the element lead in very small amounts been known to be poisonous for 2,000 years; answer Me yes or no? Then why did it put lead into -gasoline- deatholine and paint? Why did it install lead plumbing throughout AmurderKKKlana? Why has it *NOT* converted to non-lead ammunition and fishing-tackle? That it should have done 89 years ago before its intelligence quotient fell 59% and 30% of birds disappeared from North America? Why??? Because white skin is @ disease!!!>> <<@bobburgers6033 says : What? This not Trumps fault? Or white supremacy? Suprised cnn is reporting this.>> <<@carloutten6771 says : Trump Trump. Is All Biden fault. We never had any of this crime wave when President Donald J Trump was in office. A lot of you are so blind. It seems like Satan's got blinders on you.>> <<@verticallimit6602 says : It cannot create its construct of reality based upon the QAnontoad conspiracy theories; it pulls from it trump. *IT* must _accept facts;_ *even if the truth is inconvenient.*>> <<@verticallimit6602 says : lunatic extremists leftist??? *There is no such thing.* Extinction by the year 2060 due to runaway-AGW does not agree with it. _There is no left;_ *only sane.* _There are no sides;_ *only the science, reality, facts, and truth that it finds inconvenient.*>> <<@massacremitchmcconnell7058 says : Does it accept the laws of mathematics, physics, chemistry, genetics, and physiology as laws that it cannot change to meet it Satanic-anti-abortion, delusional, detached from reality, arsenic-Kool-Aid-Rapture-de@th-KKKult, election-denying, runaway-AGW-denying beliefs; *answer yes or no?*>> <<@massacremitchmcconnell7058 says : “The tissue destruction is almost unimaginable. Bones are exploded, soft tissue is absolutely destroyed. The injuries to the chest or abdomen — it’s like a bomb went off.” If a bullet hits an arm or a leg, he said, the limb often hangs at an unnatural angle. Such victims can need a dozen surgeries over months. “Some eventually decide to undergo an amputation if there is severe pain in the limb and it is dysfunctional,” he said. “Bystanders are traumatized just seeing the victims. It’s awful, terrible. It’s just a ghastly thing to see.”>> <<@hispanicsareoursalvation375 says : Legally-elected president Joe Biden, AOC, Nancy Pelosi, Greta Thunberg, Democrats, and I want its family to have something to eat in the year 2060 other than the _Soylent __-Green-__ Brown_ made from the *climate-change-refugees its extinction by the year 2060 runaway-AGW; is creating at the southern-border.* And to still be alive past the year 2060. What does *IT* want for its family, America, and our Mother the Earth; QMAGAt-Fascism? *Will investigations into the contents of hunter's laptop prevent the Colorado river and Mississippi rivers from drying up forever and convert all cars to electric; answer Me yes or no???*>> <<@imaginethepossibilities144 says : *Mass shootings in **-America-** AmurderAR15a in which an **_AR15 assault rifle_** was used:* May 24, 2022 Uvalde, TexASS. May 15, 2022 Buffalo, New York. March 22, 2021 Boulder, Colorado. August 27, 2019 Odessa, TexASS. April 27, 2019 San Diego, California. October 27, 2018 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. April 22, 2018 Nashville, Tennessee. February 15, Parkland, Whorida. November 5, 2017 Sutherland Springs, TexASS. October 1, 2017 Las Vegas, Nevada. December 1 2015 San Bernardino, California. December 15, 2012 Newtown, Connecticut. July 20, 2012 Aurora, Colorado. March 10, 2009 Geneva County, Alabama.>> <<@massacremitchmcconnell7058 says : It is very simple to stop all crime in -America- AmurderKKKlana. *Vote only for Democrats!* The *ONLY* purpose of failed, sadistic, racist, -Republican's- Republicruelty's polices is cruelty to black and brown-skinned refugees. RepublicQAnon polices create: homelessness, predatory student loan debt because all education is *NOT* free, and food inflation because RepubliKKKAR15s caused the bird-flu and corporate consolidation!>> <<@massacremitchmcconnell7058 says : Failed Republican policy's only purpose is cruelty to those not infected and cursed to wear the WASP-Skin-Disease [WSD]. Which creates the desperation whose foreseeable result is crime; in order to survive.>> <<@massacremitchmcconnell7058 says : *RepubliKKKlans stole the election from Al Gore which is causing: **-gasoline-** deatholine inflation because we are NOT all driving electric cars,* all our extinction by the year 2060 due to runaway-AGW, the lack of universal *FREE* childcare and skills education so people can make enough money so that they do not become homeless, *NOT* providing affordable housing to the 41% of Americans that make less than $15 an hour with no healthcare benefits. *Jesus Christ* says that this is *NOT* how Christians are supposed to behave.>> <<@veldalarsen5311 says : Who is the person who did it???? Background?????...>> <<@drakesessions3544 says : Has CNN blamed the guns yet?>> <<@42322 says : Why does CNN keep misgendering the murderer.>> <<@johnbozman7718 says : Don is pissed 😤😑he's on when everyone is working is new audience is unemployed and the dead 🧟‍♂️ 🧟‍♀️ 🧟‍♂️>> <<@pavanatanaya says : Solesky is a BOZO reading from notes by his subordinates>> <<@pavanatanaya says : Corporate workplaces dont care if their employees are murdered. They care about the public image of the brand. Thats IT If it was otherwise, HR would actually have interceded prior to this tragedy HR is not your advocate. Record everything in the workplace. Defend yourself>> <<@manuelmanolini6756 says : THERE IS NO DOUBT THAT THERE ARE MILLIONS OF GRINGOS WHO PROFESS TO BE WITH STUPID. THEY FAIL TO REALIZE THAT SOME LIVES COULD HAVE BEEN SAVED IF IT WERE DIFFICULT OR IMPOSSIBLE TO OBTAIN GUNS. AT LEAST ONE LIFE SAVED WOULD BE WORTH A TOTAL BAN OF GUNS EXCEPT FOR POLICE. THE BRITISH HAVE DONE IT WITH COMPARTIVELY GOOD RESULTS. BY THE WAY, I WOULD ALSO ABOLISH THE MILITARY IN ALL COUNTRIES. MILITARY ONLY SERVES TO ATTACK OR INTERFERE WITH OTHER COUNTRIES AND TO REPRESS THE POPULATIONS WHO HAVE THOSE ARMIES. THE ALTERNATIVE TO THE FOREGOING IS THE CURRENT EVER INCREASING LOSS OF HUMAN LIFE.>> <<@akhrormuminov7180 says : Do not you think too many shootings are going on?>> <<@caxcan9438 says : Not the gun fault it’s society that is created by the CNN . Let us not forget that FJB left 300 million guns behind in Afghanistan. I wish cnn was defunded>> <<@number4777. says : There is a better than 90% chance shooter was a Muslim, or a liberal! FaCt!!>> <<@Blues90 says : A black American killed 3 black Americans and two white people. Say it like you would say it if the shooter was white. Why don’t you? This shit don’t fit your narrative? Senseless violence that will be use to your anti gun campaign but not the hate war y’all have going on. ignoring the signs of a mental health crisis. Ignoring how y’all push ppl to the limit. I’m so sick of the news and any one who fall for the bullshit. 🤦🏻‍♀️>> <<@JohnDoe-fb1uk says : If I got called for jury duty on this trial I would vote for acquittal. NEVER BENDING, NOT EVEN IN THE FACE OF GOD.>> <<@passingthroughtime3033 says : SHOW HIS BLACK FACE>> <<@kehzito says : America will do anything besides gun control 😢>> <<@salvadordolly712 says : People should shop at Big Lots nobody shoots you at Big Lots 😎😂🤣😆😁👍>> <<@stehlik says : Yet, the gun laws won’t change. Baffling at its best. Will US government ever do anything?>> <<@VSMuadDib1973 says : And this will be the last you here of this because the suspect doesnt fit the Narritive .>> <<@katrinawall7566 says : Why do a press conference and you don't have all the information?>> <<@superdave77 says : 930,000 abortions annually>> <<@williamtgrizzle1483 says : These people listen to the lying media guns don't pull their own trigger all these stupid video games these young bunch thinks it's real blame it on the lefts false reports and the lying media false reports on the web stop this lying to people about racist crap and this junk want happen we the American people blame it on the big tech>> <<@liemto9485 says : To escape the war in Ukraine, each side must respect the other's rights, not just use the power of weapons. Justice must always win. More than half of this war will be a black mark in history because it killed 100,000 people on each side. The reason Russia fought Ukraine as Russia said was because it didn't want NATO on Ukraine's land (close to the Russian border), so that Donbas would not be threatened by the Ukrainian army , to Ukraine must recognize Crimea as part of Russia. But during the war, Russia annexed Kherson in the south to expand its territory like Peter the Great used war to expand Russia's territory in history ( at that time the countries were not very connected, but now there is the connection to become a large block between Europe and America. Russia should limit the demand, should only claim the following main points (for legitimacy and sympathy of most countries in the world), that is: 1-Crimea of ​​Russia 2- Neutral Ukraine has the guarantee of world powers 3-Dividing Donbas in half for each side because both Russians and Ukrainians live together on Donbas before. 4- Return Kherson to Ukraine, Ukraine must agree to supply water to Crimea 5-Russia helps Ukraine rebuilding with $200 billion If Ukraine does not agree, then Russia signs an agreement with the US on this issue (because the US is the strongest supporter of Ukraine)>> <<@liemto9485 says : Ukraine should temporarily build power plants inside Poland's border and then bring electricity to Ukraine, or buy electricity from Poland to bring to Kiev. - Should find a solution to resolve the conflict by negotiation (Both sides give in to each other). Weapons can't solve all problems - .Ukraine should be neutral, divide Donbas into 2, half each side (Because in Donbas, both Russians and Ukrainians lived together before) - Should film the losses in the Hospitals in Kiev, the death and suffering of the Ukrainian people for the world to see.>> <<@oldsharkbythesea3962 says : CNN only leaves out the Race of the Shooter when they’re Black. -obviously this is a pattern of purposefully suppressing information!>> <<@journeymansmitty8283 says : It's a nightmarish world we live in life could be taken away from you just in one minute🤔>> <<@tiboregoldberger6817 says : On this Thanksgiving Day let's never ever forget the worst mass shooting to evercore in American history the murder and the killing of 50 gay men in Orlando Florida by an Islamic Muslim Arab BLM Nation of Islam ideology regularly incorporates bigoted and discriminatory beliefs, particularly aimed at Jews, LGBTQ+ people, and white people. The NOI also promotes various conspiratorial beliefs, which frequently overlap with their other forms of bigotry.>> <<@charleslewis9871 says : Darn! another shooting CNN cant pin on “right wing racists”>> <<@katlopez4497 says : Just like Child molesters, they are on the Public radar, anyone with mental disturbances, taking medication for it, should fallow the same protocol. We're talking about human Lives in danger because people can't manage their lives>> <<@MohammedSaifulIslamSelf-Employ says : We are very sorry to hear the news of blind shooting .>> <<@katlopez4497 says : We can't ignore what's happening for the sake of the NRA, or gun lovers. There's an Epidemic with gun Violence that's incrementing by the minute. For Public safety there should be some measures gun owners should take>> <<@shlepmessing8703 says : "The shooter is a black manager disgruntled with his job." - Local reporter "This is ALL the fault of MAGA and Donald Trump!" - CNN>> <<@kcmullins6179 says : That's just 😔... why do ppl feel the need to take innocent lives... if your upset n depressed with life ect just go ask for help.. don't go shot ppl because you have it bad.. prayers for the families of all that died that night. And prayers to the surviving employees that had to go through that. Walmart needs to have a employee entrance only that they must go through that has a metal detector and a few armed guards on site at all times.... this has to stop it really does and I'm a firm believer in the 2nd amendment I'm a gun owner and have many of em from pistols to AR15s to 12g and 10g and Smith n Wesson 500 magnums. I enjoy em and I can't even imagine how someone could use one on a innocent person let alone a group of innocent ppl just trying to make it through life... life is already hard as is we all have our troubles and ups and downs.. and regardless of what anyone is going through there is absolutely no and I mean absolutely zero reasons for anyone to take the life of a innocent person and innocent persons period. Their is absolutely no excuse for it.. and it makes me so sick thinking about it... I feel so bad for the families and the victims of this week's shootings at the Colorado club and the VA Walmart. It's unacceptable and needs to be dealt with accordingly... Walmart needs to step up and protect its customers and its employees.... the world is getting worse it's a dark n cold cruel world anymore. And if we don't stop fighting eachother we can never fix our worlds problems....>> <<@billcrowley3rd says : Left wing hate speech against Wal-Mart caused the death of these people. Why do leftist spread hate on mainstream news channels?>>