<<@sofiaweahkee1550 says : “We will never own our land. This is Pele’s home.”>> <<@TheMilkMan8008 says : People in 2022 really believe in invisible sky people. Especially when we know how this stuff works>> <<@fredmcdonald8041 says : Pele! Pele! Pele!>> <<@gingerweiland7925 says : Good god. Learn how to say "homage." My skin crawls with such ignorance.>> <<@John2verse5 says : I understand native names, i really do. "deities" are not the head of the table !! The moment people started giving praise even singing to this volcano, many around the world started waking up. "Pompeii" instantly came to mind. They worshipped false idols, like there team just won the superbowl, for days. Those frozen statue's truly look paralyzed in fear. Even visitors return souvenir, for curious reasons.>> <<@bRyaN.K.B3nz says : It’s pronounced peh-leh not pay-lay or peh-lay…>> <<@gregh7457 says : cnn, woke central>> <<@phil1657 says : Heavy lift car transports? We should leave a nice ford dually>> <<@katie_otoole says : Eruption in Sagittarius seasonnnn ❤‍🔥🔥👩‍🚒>> <<@patriciayomes8800 says : Chappell, comments you made—-I believe you not from Hawaii! Library has lots of books, newspapers, etc on Hawaii>> <<@patriciayomes8800 says : Best to stay home ! Big Island is Pele’s home, so leave her alone n don’t get in her way❤>> <<@michaelangelo9119 says : Sounds neo pagan. On the subject of worshiping th earth in stead of the God who made the universe, Raphal Warnock's seminary he went to also thanked the land and called on nature spirits in a recent event. Neo pagan. Revolution theology that's Neo Marxist. Not a good fit for Georgia. Seems to me MSNBC hides his eccentricities because they want another rubber stamp for Build Back Bad failed Biden policies.>> <<@haven_lady675 says : Don't let their culture die!>> <<@thaddineswifteagle7626 says : No not the same as...The Vatican is full of thieves, genocide, enslavers, child molesters.>> <<@chapo1855 says : Hahaha. Volcanos national park is not that sacred. They natives gave it over for some money and spam 🤣>> <<@jeffhess7130 says : The Hawaii volcano eruption pales in comparison to the joe biden volcano eruption in the White House that is causing death & destruction to America as we know it & "THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE" if you let it so don't be afraid !!>> <<@digitaldreamer5481 says : More like the local village idiot… respectfully in Hawaiian. ❤>> <<@Evangelist_Since2011 says : Jesus Christ is the Lord>> <<@kanalunuifpv6395 says : We Hawaiians are all celebrating the awakening of Pele....>> <<@kerricorser4562 says : Aloha>> <<@Big_Island_Boi says : Such a racist report. How you gonna take ONE kooky idiotic local who wants attention so he stands outside and yells at the volcano--and try to paint the entire Hawaiian culture and population with that ridiculous brush? Trust me, this fool is an anomaly. 99.9% of Hawaiians do not scream at volcanos or bark at the moon. They just take pics of the eruptions and post them on Instagram like everyone else.>> <<@christitaylor2770 says : Lol if your white your called a " howlie" l>> <<@nolandterlep8185 says : Yesssahhhh🤙🤙🤙💯🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🌴🌺🫀>> <<@MontyMM27 says : When they tell you not to be concerned…. Is when you need to be concerned!!!>> <<@jansmeets6871 says : Success is not built on success. It's built on failure, It's built on fraustration. it's built on fear that you have to overcome. I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life>> <<@adambriceland6588 says : So you guys love your land so much you want it destroyed? Ok then. 👌>> <<@eduardooquendo9774 says : Now Joe Biden going play he's super hero power sending billions of dollars to Hawaii and believe that money can control a volcano 🌋 yeah right human don't have power to control climate change the world is going to continue to do what supposed to do, sorry for who believe is that cult religion of climate change they scammed everyone with no evidence of a human controlling climate change no evidence 🧾>> <<@BIPDSHAWAII says : Nobody is danger until the winds change direction 😉😉😉😉😉>> <<@christopherliu7604 says : My man is high as hell>> <<@tamehamehaprints3604 says : pfft lol all I see is a poser in front of a camera>> <<@ceciland18 says : Volcanos are proof the earth is alive and bleeding for us.>> <<@weefek says : Thank you for the worst "news" report I've ever seen. Good Job CNN 👍>> <<@weefek says : HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA>> <<@eddieg8691 says : Madame Pele 🌋>> <<@thedaveandjimshow3809 says : Every day I feed the homeless on Oahu.>> <<@omggiiirl2077 says : O Pele lā ko'u akua! Yes we get exited and welcome our Tutu wahine everytime she decides to dance and show us her beauty! I hope one day the USA will leave and let us exist as a kingdom again, the USA has contaminated the water on Oahu, and disrespected our islands our culture and treated us like second class citizens in our own Homeland so many times that we lost track. We never wanted to be a part of the USA. We used to be able to sustain ourselves and the land was well taken care of. Now the islands depend upon the USA to supply almost everything. It's sad. There was never a benefit to Hawaiian people.>> <<@theload5853 says : Nice place until the volcano starts to destroy homes with the lava.>> <<@kattmilk says : Weird! I literally just watched the movie Eruption last night. 😳🤔😬>> <<@jeffperteet2327 says : Earth is signaling man>> <<@SiameseFatcat says : Don’t come and visit we will feed you to the tiger sharks 😂😂>> <<@arthurunknown8972 says : Hey Christians, you look just like that Hawaiian chanting at a volcano to everyone else who doesn't believe your dogma.>> <<@kaeokulanigeorge4247 says : Yessah Luka 🙌🏾>> <<@OrangeCrush1981 says : Don lemon "CNN isn't liberal" . 🤡 Piece O 💩.>> <<@DeanM-hl1yv says : you would think cnn would get this right, the island in hawaii which has the active volcano on it is named "hawaii". the name "big island" is not right and is only used by tourist who don't know the real name of our island. to get it right it's name is "the island of hawaii", not the "big island".>> <<@tiboregoldberger6817 says : 🧙👸🧓🧝🧟🤶👩‍🦳👩‍🦲🧞🧚🧜🧚🧜🧞👩‍🦲👩‍🦳🤶🧟🧝🧓👸🧙🤥🥱😴🥴😵😭😜🤪😂🤮🤑🤪😜😭😵🥴😴🥱🤥🥱😴🥴🥴😴🥱>> <<@BassDaddy69 says : Those glasses really accent your low IQ and tiny peepee bro!>> <<@alvinakawaihae says : The goddess pelay? Nyet! Of all the morons you find, you don't use literate hope. The homeage to pele crap is insultive to an oratory institutions work. Pele is work, not worship.>> <<@QuantumOfSolace1 says : I lived in Hawaii for 65 years - we laugh at this sort of stuff. Its a “legend” - its nothing but the earth’s natural progression - it happened before humans inhabited it and it was bound to happen now . Smh ->> <<@loveisbeing says : Better leave primordial powers of the earth alone and there incarnates, a warning these two powers opposites out of balance causes major world wide unrest. It's better to value the powers that have been before Anyone ever named it before your memory may be the same. My Mother actually left there with me when she saw her. Just saying that's Pele Oceanus wife. Playing with major forces of fire and water, isn't advisable, they break and we all break. Respect what you don't know, some of us see the disrespectful comments as a majorly anti life. That's Kahuna territory and their primordials.>> <<@constantine_posted says : 40yrs? 🤔 Hmm Enjoy it>>