<<@jpsraugust213 says : I didn't realize that their was weapons involved. I though they were arresting these people just because they went into the capital. I've stated many times that they should be released but now I might have a different opinion. Guess I'll watch more on this.>> <<@SelimeOzdemir-gundy says : בלבחעיגכצכחכחמא א💿🎚️💿📻📹💾📺💾📺📺💾📻📺>> <<@huseyinoezdemir766 says : 😊😂😊ןרו😊😢😊😮😊😅רלרםרחצכצכלףבתכ גףגךםרשחגחריגמבתהץג רךרפפרןרידציידלרחמג. גלרחצר רךרךפרצביירלםרתבת ץךגלגןיגצגץתצבצגצ רפרפרן רפרםרןיגגצגסמ גצגחיגלג גךגלגמףגפפרגצבתתצמקםקג רפרפרםאןחהצ ץגךרלאח. גלרייקקםקחגצצב גלגםגחיגךר רךרפרםכח גץגלאל גץתגבצכלרםגץגתצגםרםרןבח גפרםרןחגצ גךגפרםאח רפרםרןרןשןקיזמדצג. גךךגגםחבצגמ גלרםרןח דלרןצג גףגךלרפרלגמגףגץתג גפרחררצ רפרפםרייפרחגחג. רפרםרח גלרםחא רפרםרם גלגצצגח גלגרלגץךגאללא אפרם גחרחרםרצ. רפרם גלרםרם גפרצ רפרםרם אפרםירלרם גלרלרצ גלגתךחגא. גלגלחחרפרםרח גלרםתגפםאם גללגחג ףגללרפר אץאךפרםאח רפרם רפםאןגצ גפרפאםאח אפרםאן רלרםכמ רג פרפלג ץגףך רפרםרם רםרםר רםרםר רפר גלגירפרחג גלפאםאצ גלרםא רפר. גפרםרחג רפרםאם גךג. פרםלרצ פרםרןי פלףפאםא. פרםרםםר. רפםראא אפללא ץפרםןא רפרםרןאמ לחל רפרםרם. גלגצגירםרןגצג גפרםר אפרפרםאןאצכתתכלכ ךפראםחגחכצ גםרםרןגמ רפרלצגץגףרפאםצ אפרםרןקמג רךרפרלכצ אפרםןגמרל גלרםרח רפרפאם אפרםאםאחי רפרםרן. רפגץתאפאם רקפרפרם רפלר רפרפאםאםצכלכלירםאצגללר רלםא גלאםםכ רלגפרם גךרםר רפלרר רפםאםא רפרםרםאצכיגלם גלחל גפרםרםא גללרמאילגפרםםג גחמגילרל גלרםםריגךגפרלא יחרלךגלרםםאצ לאםאח רפצרלג גלרםאם רלאם גלרם רלרםרם רלםר רלרלררםכלכצכ גללג רלםגצךגפגלא גלרםםכצגלגםרח🪑📤🚪📤🪆🛒🛒🪄🏮🏮📥📤📦🎐🪄🎁🧻🧻🧼🧼🧴🛎️🪥🌡️🌡️🧪🧪🧪🌡️🌡️🌡️🚿🚿🪥🪥🛎️🛎️🔑🛏️🛏️🛏️🪒🧽🗝️🗝️🪟🎏🎉🎊🎊🪅🎁🖼️🛋️🧼🚰🚰🪒🛎️🛎️🪞🪞🎈📩📩📩📨📧💌🪧🪧🏷️📦📦📤📥📪📫📬📬📭🦝🐇🐁🐀🐿️🦔🦔🐾🐾🦝🦦🦫🦡🦨🦢🦩🦩🕊️🐇🐇🦝🦚🦚🦤🦃🦮🦮🦮🐕‍🦺🐈🐈🐈‍⬛🐩🐕🦌🐐🦙🐄🐄🐄🐎🐖🐖🐑🦬🦘🦒🦒🦘🐃🐃🐪🦏🦛🐘🐘🐆🐆🦓🦧🦣🦣🦏🦛🐎🦩🐎🐠🐠🦞🦕🐍🐍🐢🐢🐢🦗🐜🐜🐜🪲🕸️🕸️🦂🦂🦕🦖🐍🐍🦑🦐🦞🐟🐟🐟🕷️🦏🦎🦘🐍🦘🦗🐥🐵🐵🐵🙈🐦🐧🦆🐥🦆🐦🐦🕸️🦆🕷️🕷️>> <<@bradleybrown8399 says : Who could have known that sedition cosplay would lead to federal charges?🤷🏼‍♂️ On a more personal note, this stuff warms my heart. So many people were upset that the early defendants were largely getting a slap in the wrist. This is how a massive conspiracy prosecution works. Get the low-hanging fruit out of the way, and work your way up the food chain. Next it's the government enablers and coordinators. After that, when everyone cooperates for better sentences, the biggest fish will fall. Loving it...👍🏼>> <<@donzellallen5454 says : Isn't one of the consequences of sedition is loss of citizenship?>> <<@lexi_lu664 says : As I watch this on my computer, I look at the next suggested videos. Out of the 20 provided, only 1 is Liberal Hivemind. The newest liberal video is up ( I checked) and it doesn't even make this list. All the videos are labeled "new" with a few "live". The LH video listed I have already seen. It has the red line to suggest just that. Its also posted 5 days ago. I love your content and I watch, when I can, every time you post. I'm now noticing that I missed a few. I don't know if you read your comments, which is understandable, but I just want you to know. subscribed +bell also theres always ALWAYS a freaking CNN video in my suggestions and if I let the videos auto play, guaranteed it goes to CNN eventually.>> <<@johnbozman7718 says : CNN wipes own asa with its reports, could these F ers get more boring 😴>> <<@jenny6253 says : Chinese protesting government ok Americans protesting their government- not so much!!😆>> <<@HarrySatchelWhatsThatSmell says : Looks like Rhodes lost his parrot. Arrrrrrrrrrrrgh.>> <<@Y0uKnowMyName says : Now. Go. Get. TRUMP.>> <<@smolville says : Ve must rid za world of this MAGA scourge! Zine ze plea bargain old man. I cannot zine ze plea bargain because you have broken my hands.>> <<@waynerodgers7124 says : The summer of love needs to hold accountable too>> <<@garrettq1977 says : Giddy with happiness!>> <<@raywhitehead730 says : Russia Russia Russia>> <<@elizabethmartin3389 says : Actions have consequences.>> <<@reprovedcandy says : The president should not have the power to pardon people for sedition. That's an obvious recipe for disaster, c'mon... what a great democracy we have the Trump could get re-elected and just let all his seditious co-conspirators out.>> <<@reprovedcandy says : 2 words: "bye bitch!">> <<@jeraldjensen5259 says : 20 years..bitch! New Fish...New Fish!>> <<@johnl5350 says : FA&FO, traitor.>> <<@imhere7563 says : CNN is trash news!>> <<@dianascrimger284 says : Why can Americans legally riot and steal for George Floyd without going to jail yet people are being jailed for protesting for trump? Is it because Donald trump is white!>> <<@dianascrimger284 says : Actually they are violating Donald trump's civil rights! If the rioters can legally protest George Floyd than why not the president!>> <<@dianascrimger284 says : It makes no logical sense why Americans cannot protest for one day yet rioters did worse damage and they are not in jail!>> <<@dianascrimger284 says : Why cannot Americans get to storm the capital because of freedom of speech?>> <<@putinwork3498 says : So YALL WONT TALK ABOUT BALENCIAGA?😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@specialk5070 says : Cnn starting layoffs and firings 🎉 bout time cnn stink’s!>> <<@shellybutler5251 says : Jan. 6th. Why is the focused comment ONLY about the attack on the Capital but NOT THE FACT THAT PEOPLE DIED!!!!? If someone dies in commission of a crime are they not responsible for that life lost? Whose being charged for the officers death?>> <<@cwslsj says : They getting everyone but the ring leader... The American way>> <<@pedrolplgm says : SOS FROM SPAIN DEATH.>> <<@davidbeckenbaugh9598 says : Amazing. They have painted the picture of this HUGE conspiracy. This HUGE 'insurrection'..... and have come up with only two people involved, and neither of them were even there. I smell a rat here somewhere....>> <<@0p161 says : trump next>> <<@coconwa says : America is fucked & screwed up. They are busy frying d oath keepers & their followers while d biggest fish ( Donald .J. Trump) who master minded & instigated d whole stuff is moving freely & busy committing more crimes.>> <<@logisticssupportunit922 says : Comparing the constitution and police officers or military service members combined together warrant card the constitution distribute warrant cards to law enforcement applicant and is the supreme law of the land and could arrest or kill the enemy without any permittion from warrant cards law enforcement ranks.>> <<@paratrooperlane7022 says : The greatest weapon is not a gun or a bomb. It is the control of information. To control the world’s information is to manipulate all the minds that consume it.>> <<@minimaxmiaandme.4971 says : The world is righting itself, so wonderful to see. Trump and Putin are next to go.>> <<@marcus_ohreallyus says : Here's a question for everybody... It's something I'm curious what other people think because I thought about this as Stuart Rhodes was found guilty. Do you think that Rhodes ever thought that he would end up on the business end of the US justice system for his shenanigans? I think he never considered it for a single second because he's filled up to his one fat eyeball with pure ignorance and hubris.>> <<@bookeruzzell6213 says : I have never seen a guy cause so much caios,incarnation,division and death in my life!This guy turns on ALL the people that help achieve a onslaught of controversy,mostly of his own making!I'm amazed that the government let's this guy keep walking around to continue reak havoc on the country!>> <<@situationrod5648 says : Trump keep ruining people lifes twice impeach president God bless America no one is above the law 🤣😹😂🤪😜>> <<@bravecountry4012 says : Please DOJ. Take down the whole posse including TRUMP the CLOWN.>> <<@detroit12870 says : News flash: A conservative cannot get a fair trial anywhere near the corrupt Washington DC sewer. The others won because the trumped up cases were so weak. AND WHERE'S RAY EPPS And THE FBI AGENTS PROCOKATEUR??>> <<@denisebrown2392 says : MAYBE SOMEONE WILL POKE HIS OTHER EYE OUT!>> <<@denisebrown2392 says : ALL FOR TRUMP! NOW WHAT?? TRUMP NEVER LOOKED BACK AT NONE OF THEM! WOW!>> <<@daddo2413 says : I like seeing these tough guys wearing suits in court. I guess there lawyers thought it wouldn’t look good to wear fatigues. Now they will be wearing orange!>> <<@richardmckenzie7724 says : only spending without all the funds expired there not here where right there just there .>> <<@SteveinSanFrancisco says : Good job boys... now go get the king-rat>> <<@jimmiller5455 says : Show trial>> <<@MoshkitaTheCat says : McCabe…. 😊>> <<@Simon2d3d says : Anyone suprised by how incell and degenerate the oath keeper leadership appears? Shouldn't suprise anyone how low on the evolutionary scale they really are.>> <<@danielanyamele7425 says : This guy is just a designer internal destroyers of America democracy and country.>> <<@JoelLopez-dh9cn says : The White Privilege of Never Being a Terrorist(Fordham law). Trump knew the Terrorists were armed, Witness: Trump wanted metal detectors taken away for Jan. 6 rally, said armed rallygoers were ‘not here to hurt me’(he sent them to capitol). The Fraudulent Elector coup had failed(SELECT COMMITTEE SUBPOENAS “ALTERNATE ELECTORS” FROM SEVEN STATES)there was nothing left, and Mike Pence was still at work something had to be done about that...Trump still had the SECRET SERVICE and only sequestration would stop The Peaceful Transfer of Power, so the order was given, but (The chief of staff, Marc Short, had a message for the agent, Tim Giebels: The president was going to turn publicly against the vice president, and there could be a security risk to Mr. Pence because of it.) Pence feared for his life and defied Trump's SS. 187 minutes before President Trump gave his PEOPLE the order to disperse. 187 slang for Murder>>