<<@dylangaouette8259 says : Buy stocks in pharmala biotech not financial advice>> <<@lesleyosborne9319 says : MDMA Are You SERIOUS. I KNOW People Who have Taken it and SEEN THE DEVIL. TRIRPING OUT. This Is NOT GOOD. AS A Nurse this REALLY CONCERNS ME.>> <<@jizim8947 says : I've been on antidepressants, sleep meditations, anxiety medication and have done and tried everything my doctor's has told me over the years. I'm still searching for help and I daily just try to keep positive. I'd give anything to have a life back. Certainly wish I could try this out without risking prison for years. America sucks 💩 and has destroyed our nation with their so called "War on Drugs". Why we continue to support something put in place by our ONLY president that's been basically kicked out of office (Nixon) is beyond my understanding.>> <<@mycamguy says : Bad idea...>> <<@dwheel39 says : Why would anyone put such crap in their bodies? The Pharma industry is EVIL and wants us dead.>> <<@byronsmith1982 says : Screw big pharma. Avoiding pretty much everything coming from them.>> <<@HelloWorld-ns7gt says : Do we get free video games with that?>> <<@gmariet1391 says : Sound seriously crazy ! Over medicating people to the point where they need hallucinogenics to compensate is insane . To many mad scientists creating mental health disorders !>> <<@gabiausten8774 says : That is fantastic progress! These drugs have an incredible effect, especially in psychotherapy! It’s invaluable…>> <<@joeyloder5833 says : If you like staying up until all hours of the morning, sweating, hearing whispers, having sex or jerking off to come down then this drugs for you>> <<@Diponty says : Sky got 2 stories on this must be sponsored.>> <<@ricky6864 says : Proven safe and effective medication banned ..... ivermectin etc>> <<@ricky6864 says : Are these experimental and dangerous like the last releases>> <<@dudedownunder585 says : Sounds like a continuation of a Dpop mission 😳😏>> <<@onlmkyefder2629 says : Wow no thanks , i almost died from MDMA when I was a teenager no thanks>> <<@ynotsplinter9683 says : What about canabis oil...>> <<@PM-oq8dg says : And yet they're restricting Panadol access ...>> <<@laynetravis says : More addictive stuff for people....>> <<@tamaveirene says : Why?>> <<@alibarber57 says : Legalisation of drug taking through the back door. As if Australia doesnt have enough problems already with prescription and illegal drug taking>> <<@salty_superspreader3647 says : THIS SO THERE LACKYS CAN GET A HOLD OF THEM..AND GIVE TO THERE GIRL FRIENDS..AND GET THEM HOOKED..LETS BE REAL..GIVE TO THERE TRAFFICED PRISONERS>> <<@SpiralMoss says : Lol a lot of influential people are on something already, we're all in this together lol no thanks I'd prefer to go holistic if I've stress issues or anxiety 👍>> <<@salty_superspreader3647 says : SOOO WE DONT CARE WORLD IS TURNING TO 15 MIN CITYS AND A PRISON PLANT>> <<@larrylongprong5219 says : The shroomz>> <<@bullshitstomper9417 says : Xanax caused big big problems. This should be okay though 🙄>> <<@spikeprotein5924 says : Just one more case of chemical restraint. Your gran will be tripping but sedate.>> <<@marymartin1106 says : Niceee! Now every doctor's surgery is a safe drug zone....>> <<@Rebecky31 says : Well…they ok’d the vaccine, so sure…why not let these quacks ok more drugs for us to be told they are helping us… Think I’ll join the LDS church.>> <<@missshroom5512 says : I took MDMA one time in 1993….this was way before any info on the internet….I had no depression at the time…I absolutely remember thinking to myself and telling some friends that I stayed in a great mood for atleast 6 months after. Also because it was such a great experience that even reflecting on it put me in a better state of mind. I hope these substances help folks out there that need it and not NEED it😊 To this day it stands a solid spot in the top ten best experiences of my life❤️>> <<@wilburgraham6260 says : Wash dwn with a few beers, enjoy the trip folks Lol>> <<@WitchDoctor-m9s says : So that's where all the Confiscated MDMA went. 😀>> <<@ABC3-2 says : Erste>> <<@ABC3-2 says : Uno>> <<@NephiLoWaterGodXVII says : That's great. But Big Pharma will add unnecessary stuff to it, or dilute the essentials. But I believe psychedelics being administered in a controlled and safe environment, such as a clinic with someone to ensure safety, is what our society needs to combat mental health.>> <<@adrianjohn. says : i suffers an need skittles ASAP!!! 💊>>