<<@seanrawlinson says : Moira Deeming supports neo Nazis so I wouldn’t listen to anything she says.>> <<@frankwren8215 says : ABOLISH IT, I'm 30 and I've never, not once, had any bulk billing anyone in Australia even remotely try to solve any health issue I've presented with. Why are we paying these scumbags? They want to hire 1000 administrators per doctor, let them fail like other businesses.>> <<@ring-tone278 says : Another young one just collapsed and died short of his 18th. His lungs just collapsed. His heart just stopped. He was with his brother and was not sick. Its heart breaking to keep burying victims of this mass experimental injury all the same way; Suddenly while with family members. The fact no one in authority is questioning these excess deaths should raise serious concerns for everyone. Just ask yourself why that is? It makes me sick that government has stooped this low.>> <<@lispyDribbler says : Pharmacies wouldn't need to prescribe if doctors wern't greedy. My GP will only write a script with one repeat, this means a consultation every 2nd month, for a medication I'm taking for the rest of my life. Maybe if Govt. forced them to write a script for 6mth worth...>> <<@MrWhitmen1981 says : Too much spent on gender transformations, stay fit people and go to the gym 😂>> <<@katb945 says : Was Labor that lied two election ago saying the LNP was going to scrap Medicare these how people forget.>> <<@bullshitstomper9417 says : Howard begun the destruction of Medicare>> <<@gw5436 says : Here's a great idea, Butt Markler... bring in a heap of those overseas Doctors who treat women like crap and mis-diagnose everyone because they are substandard... Now there's a Labor way to fix it !!!>> <<@wilowest3509 says : Mark Butler recently said " There's been alot of de,aths in 2022 " And did not want to explain why . This secretive selfish evil has to stop. K arma Mark .>> <<@brendonvurlow7745 says : Is Moira a robot 😳>> <<@paulchilds9137 says : Watch out for doctors trying to make more money from Medicare. It used to be a very popular sport for the doctors trade union, the AMA. They would say diaster would happen if the government did not give them more money but the disater did not happen>> <<@hollysmith1347 says : Its crazy that our healthcare has been neglected for decades.>> <<@ricky6864 says : No doctors or hospitals for us minions soon, just bugs for the bbq>>