<<@jimgoble48 says : Nothing to do with them being the mouthpiece of the Labor Party ?>> <<@patrickcorliss5382 says : The prime minister has crossed his Rubicon Waterloo and Armageddon to follow>> <<@adrenalinbemyride7768 says : Im surprised it came at all>> <<@rvrski1 says : Lip service, privatise the ABC and let the left pay for the garbage, tax payers a sick of it.>> <<@oldsgtdad8472 says : I personally would like to see the ABC gone, but where would the Labor, Greens plus other ultra-LEFT Government Officials go to spruce their Lies and get away with it.>> <<@SmittyOne883 says : Defund the ABC, FAKE NEWS 👿🤡>> <<@homers7777 says : We all know what the abc stands for (aboriginal bum cleaners)>> <<@Gungho1a says : Apology be damned, it was an excuse, not an admission of error.>> <<@robinwood590 says : L Ave our constitution alone>> <<@hl5910 says : The abc budget should be cut in half.>> <<@stuartthompson103 says : Say NO and Defund the ABC>> <<@gordonwells1626 says : Reconciliation is a bogus word….a mute point….Aboriginal people cannot even reconcile amongst themselves, let alone with mainstream…no one Indigenous group has ever, ever spoken for another group. Where is a real, verifiable Imdigenous acceptance of the 2008 Apology? Anyone? Where is the “we accept your apology and forgive you” statement from Indigenous leadership….any leader, any group in the last 15 years? If it was all about Reconciliation, why isn’t there a reciprocating, in good faith, representative, conciliatory response? Reconciliation is not a word Aboriginal people can really easily identify with. It was a white fella bureaucrats word that they came up with for a NAIDOC Week slogan many, many moons ago. Indigenous ‘leadership’ is much more aligned to other more important R words like Reparations, Retaliation or Racist.>> <<@stevenbliss989 says : The ABC is an ULTRA EVIL POS WOKE organisation that must be defunded!>> <<@wilbur1884 says : ALICE NEED'S DA AUSK TEENA BO DEANA SOUNDS LIKE PEEDAH PEEDAH DA DUTTON LEADAH KEEPS GOWWIN INDA LAYBOR HAULERING "OAT" WHERE'S ME BOWL 🥣 OF "OAT'S"🤣>> <<@thegoldendumdum2466 says : No doubt the AbC are absolute loonies but this reaks of pots calling the kettle's black.>> <<@SimonVK3XEM says : Defund the Australian Bum Cleaners!>> <<@Design_no says : I want a voice to the abc. Stop the propaganda.>> <<@anissah161 says : I'm more bothered with ex ABC producer arrested who enjoyed sexually assaulting a little girl -per his own words.>> <<@Shadowdoc26 says : Defund the ABC. That would save us a lot of time, money, aggravation, and make those propagandists cry. Everybody (who deserves to) wins.>> <<@garfield3443 says : ABC's journalistic integrity is on par with CNN. 🤣>> <<@GrandpaVince says : I suppose we have to forgive the alphabet but next time you upset grandma Alice old vincey will set the dingos free on your silly letters>>