<<@julesmarwell8023 says : anything could have been in that balloon including a little present from WUHAN>> <<@anthonygrau2506 says : Actually the fact is China owns Biden>> <<@Alan-dx1ys says : China knows our first responders is the air force in Alaska. China is gearing up for war with Taiwan.biden is sucking on his thumb and waiting for the swamp to write his script what lie to tell america.>> <<@attilaszanto1144 says : Oh my god really 😳😳 I don’t care 😩😩 go away. It was a bloody weather balloon 🎈 for god sake piss of 😡😡😡😡😡>> <<@1424andrew says : Throw politicians in the frontline!>> <<@VictoriaMarch13 says : Milley is a traitor!>> <<@JoseTorres-ry9qe says : There are *VIDEOS OF BALLOONS WITH EMP GLIDERS BEING DEPLOYED* .>> <<@Blazeww says : Funny how an at most 100 mph ( if in the jet stream) balloon is called unstoppable by people that know we have lasers and missiles that can hit low hypersonic things....>> <<@TheGecko213 says : Yes. A megaton nuclear blast at 60,000 feet will destroy economy of whole USA for a decade.>> <<@timwhittemore157 says : Yep...need to worry far, FAR less about woke ideology and proper pronouns...and more about warfighting sic ...domain awareness and area denial.>> <<@asn413 says : they're testing patience.>> <<@BamOn742 says : Bs>> <<@paulgreen2524 says : Biden false flag, it was launched in Washington. Look up here, don't look over there.....>> <<@thebaddest7841 says : White people going crazy over a balloon>> <<@SighKronmiller says : Of course the US would NEVER spy on another country, especially Allies. Oh that's right, they did and still do.>> <<@KevinTheStallion637 says : The commentator is a moron>> <<@petermclaren2665 says : Mass hysteria in US news media - one outlet postulating that it could have come from Wuhan and designed to release new viruses.>> <<@lilwingfingy says : You win the medal for the MOST STUPID NEWS regarding this yet. Wtf..it looks likeva spy balloon to this fensle news person. Shame on you skynews australia. Berlin walls song against stupidity isnt ithttps://youtu.be/hiwgOWo7mDc678>> <<@ghostmanscores1666 says : They were monitoring or communication protocol.>> <<@JM-hm5dc says : I have been thinking the CCP balloon over USA and other over South America, may have been weaponized-- with conventional weapons, "dirty" bomb, bioterror weapon, or even EMP ( electromagnetic pulsation )>> <<@colbysden.8357 says : They Are Deceiving You. The US military is conducting wide-area surveillance tests across six midwest states using experimental high-altitude balloons, documents filed with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) reveal. Up to 25 unmanned solar-powered balloons are being launched from rural South Dakota and drifting 250 miles through an area spanning portions of Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin and Missouri, before concluding in central Illinois.>> <<@ryanmax-grappler8654 says : During war they might send 100s of balloons with small missiles and biological pathogens on them. Never underestimate the chinese>> <<@kimhowe4739 says : Mexicans flooding across American borders to live off our welfare system, smuggling fentanyl the deadliest drug in the world and your worried about a lone balloon from China.>> <<@stinsoncal8393 says : Liar liar pants on fire! Yes you CCP!>> <<@WalkOverHotCoal says : Weapon delivery? I think that must be it, delivering tanks, cannons on a balloon. I thought Danby is a bit of a strange fruit, but he is a bit loony as well ! A bit harsh? Would anyone stupid enough, to deliver weapons of values by a balloon which is as visible as the bright red bums of a Baboon? well, Danby might because he the best selling fruitcake sitting on the shelf. And he was sitting on a panel dealing with Australia's defence. I just wish that he would pay a bit more attention on Israel's disproportionate treatments of Palestinians. But a Jew would not do that to Israel. That would be uncool, innit?>> <<@HowdyIfart says : Balloons been coming here from China since I was a kid ,although they were a lot cheaper back then.>> <<@marybarton7027 says : This balloon was spotted, coincidently, right after hunter Biden admitted that the laptop, was in fact his. This balloon is a distraction. Im not fooled.>> <<@rickc661 says : Note Sky new fave E. Musk caught pushing kgb lies that NATO troop were dying in Ukraine. Musk lies. Sky lies.>> <<@Indigenous79 says : WW3>> <<@windsong3wong828 says : This is the reason why Australia should not normalize trade with China. Any small incident would be blown out of proportion. If you are engaged in trade with China…..you can’t have your business going through these vagaries. Australia and China would be well advised to trade with an arms length distance as the trade relationship can blow up ANYTIME. The lack of trust and the friendship is all gone on both sides. The media will be all over any small incident to blow it up to huge proportion. CAVEAT EMPTOR to any Australian business who wants to trade with China.>> <<@honahwikeepa2115 says : So people know that anything NASA sends up, uses condoms to stay up. No floating in space.>> <<@SkeletonGuyVT says : Ah yes because there is definitely nobody else in the US government. It's one man and he controls every aspect of the country>> <<@Jagonath says : Biden shot it down to placate conspiracy theorists. Did the USA needed a freaking BALLOON to see Russian forces before the invasion of Ukraine? China and the USA have hundreds of satellites in the sky, constantly. This isn't the Man of Steel movie, with Superman crashing into a satellite the size of a mansion. Even corporations like Starlink launch HUNDREDS OF satellites at a time. China shouldn't have done it. It was dumb but the reality is, there are sats above you every moment of every day.>> <<@ImThAtGuY90 says : China is dropping more covid in the air>> <<@who52au says : Another EX / former pm appear on Skype with SH%t spill out of his mouth ! China used a balloon to spy ! ? China have more Satellite in space then most Australian able to count pass the 100 numbers , why used a object that move 10-20 km/h ? while their satellite can track an Aussie SH%t in their pants like this MP when he degrade to be an EX !>> <<@noobsaibot5285 says : Penny Wong should have been fired weeks ago. She is a walking disaster!>> <<@befeleme says : Let's celebrate and gloat over the brilliant achievement of the heroic US Air Force for having their $200 million F-22 fighter plane so bravely taken down a Chinese spy balloon, using a $400,000 missile. A major achievement! Thanks also to the CCP for providing a low-cost and highly visible firing practice target. Seriously, folks??? Why oh why, in the age of satellites, would anyone wish to launch a non-steerable helium balloon into unpredictable winds half the world away, to fly over military bases for some spying mission? It is complete and utter nonsense. But of course, it's a great story for the gullible masses, always ready to consume some prepackaged hatred. Let's stir up some more anti-Chinese hysteria in the media, and for the corrupt US elites to have a handy excuse to pour yet more money into their military-industrial complex (you know, the one that Dwight D Eisenhower warned us all about). P.S. Don't forget to buy some more stocks in Raytheon and Lockheed Martin. It's gonna be a win-win situation.>> <<@MasterChris666 says : USA vs China>> <<@arturobayangos1223 says : “ they’re not bad folks , folks . Come on man “>> <<@arthurglasso2301 says : Cameras in orbit can read the print on page. Oh yes they can, not Google earth dummy, actual intelligence satellite's. A balloon is absurd.>> <<@davidsat24 says : Sky News muckraking and Danby bringing his usual garbage>> <<@FDT24 says : The Chinese have to use spy balloons now that Trump can no longer send them classified documents>> <<@francissin55 says : Who is this guy? What a lot of bull!>> <<@lisaking4291 says : It's All, very upsetting, seeing adults carry on like this, Country's need to get along, it's good for trade to have good behaviour with one another, good for business, good for travel, good for tourism, and industry, & hotels, & hospitality. Makes no sense to ruin diplomatic stability, country, & nation's, that can get along, can reap the benefits of that, economic development, and economy, & having Elise's, when Time's of trouble arise, banding together with country's make's huge opportunity, being able to utilise that, instability sabotages all of these gains you would get from friends, friendliness, that you would benefit from, instead of terrible actions and the like. All very upsetting to say the least.>> <<@sz6182 says : This wasn’t a Chinese spy balloon.. It was an American GPS satellite balloon and there are thousands of them floating at extremely high altitudes. These are literally what they refer to as ‘Satellites’, hence why they initially did NOT want to shoot it down, they simply did NOT want it to be seen and the narrative around this story is a children’s fairytale and we, as fully grown adult humans with critical thought and common sense need to start calling this propaganda out for what it is!>> <<@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 says : It was probably the opposite and they have swung it.>> <<@alliswell2114 says : Gosh supersonic balloon attack ..is it nuclear?????????????????LOL>> <<@befeleme says : It's possible Chinese weather balloon in US may have been just testing a weather balloon.>> <<@jbsang54 says : At this point it really doesn't matter. They ended up getting what they wanted. I would keep a watch out for their nuclear SUBS off the Cali coast.....js...>> <<@KenshinPhoenix says : The US is being taken down from within.>>