<<@Zog696 says : Many people think the Voice is a boring TV show.>> <<@curiousandcuriouser108 says : Goes to show how badly the flock need to follow without thinking, just to show how incredibly wonderful they are . Shame none of us have even been enlightened as to what it will mean.>> <<@tazbatik6537 says : Voting No>> <<@davidpar2 says : Fools>> <<@pheonix1758 says : Wow , what a load of garbage>> <<@Brad-lt4lw says : BS..>> <<@funfunyo7523 says : Look what happend when labor and the greens got in Aus flag to the back and to the side at press meeting Labor are woke socialist wankers>> <<@johnschannel449 says : Next we change the flag, change to Republic with Lida Thrope president, then change the name of the state of " QUeensland" because thats a racist colonial name, then we ban Australia day and why not ban AnZac day thats white militarism , make a law that all non indigenous AUstralians have to pay a land tax on their homes to the indigenous, and one day of every week is declared a 'sorry day' where every Australian has to say ' sorry;' or they get a fine. Then theres employment quotas where 90% of all jobs have to go to indigenous and non english speaking background people . Welcome to NEW AUSTRALIA>> <<@johnschannel449 says : 2023 Aboriginal voice in parliament granted. 2024 first Australian boat people arrive at Indonesia>> <<@johnschannel449 says : Poll goes like this " Do you support an indigenous voice in parliament"? "No" why not are you a disgusting racist ?>> <<@The-Anti-Woke says : Australia will be doomed if there it a Yes to a second voice, and attacks and disrespect will be given to aboriginals, its unfair to give some people a second voice.>> <<@paulchilds9137 says : Newspoll shows that the majority of australians are good caring people, as we knew they were. We have good hearts and are generous. The haters dont scare us, nor can they drag us down to their level. Proud of my people, australians. Neighbour countries will admire us and welcome us and our kids.>> <<@denisgeorge549 says : What a load of crap where did they do this survey in labor n Linda Burnie office NEVER HAD TOO AND NEVER WILL HAVE TOO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO>> <<@serviusm9523 says : Showing about a third of Australia cares about being seen as progressive. i.e. sheep. Stop thinking people are reasonably and learn a significant portion are just sheep to herd.>> <<@dudeatmenangle says : I don’t support it. I suport Jacinta, the govt needs to listen to her.>> <<@robynhegwein1 says : If people knew about all these policies albosleezy is coming up with, his party would have never been voted in. The black shirts are back...go and live in Italy...>> <<@darrylmackie9184 says : Newspoll getting their Numbers from The Federal Governments Treasurer and he hasn't a Clue.>> <<@Cobber2023 says : 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺👌>> <<@Cobber2023 says : I don’t believe these polls they’re not accurate something needs to be done to stop polls deciding outcomes when they are not accurate they ask ten or 20 people they pretty much know will back it and promote it as what people think i don’t know one person who is voting yes>> <<@jeremyclarksonfragrance says : What about White Australians? Do we get a voice. Why only the blacks? This is WOKE racism, I will vote NO!!>> <<@05rosebud says : What a load of rubbish. I haven’t come across one person who supports it. Who is running these so called “polls”?>> <<@01p45 says : Lol... without knowing what it is?>> <<@johnschannel449 says : We had Lidia Thorpes voice in parliament l think we have heard enough>> <<@johnschannel449 says : Many People say they support it only because if they say they dont they are affraid of being called racist>> <<@AndrewHughes71 says : This is all just another scam to make the public feel like they’ve done something good for Australian when in fact all it will serve to do is compromise all of us just a little further. Don’t be fooled by this!>> <<@benjaminthame4174 says : When will the government tell the people how much this is going to cost?>> <<@tonybennett638 says : Good one majority in the capital cities ... screw the rest in the rest of Australia not even asked .>> <<@brettmitchell1777 says : The yes vote is at its theoretical maximum. And half it’s support is uncertain. This referendum will be a lesson in humility forthe greenleft.>> <<@meredithisme3752 says : I doubt it all I speak to say no>> <<@yeahnayeah4055 says : What happened to the rona skyjab>> <<@madddevil1 says : Wow I didn't know Australia had so many racists supporting such a divisive policy...next Labor will vote on how much rent you want to pay. 🤡>> <<@samopalvampirenvonbutlegin8603 says : The fact that no details are released means that it is a foreign scenario written by hostile forces outside Australia.>> <<@samopalvampirenvonbutlegin8603 says : Whatever the propaganda does. The population wants to officially support racism.>> <<@mikespike2099 says : THATS A SLIM MAJORITY!!!! 6% above 50 ….. I personally think that for a referendum to pass it should need at least 66% of Aussies in favor!! JUST SAY NO TO APARTHEID ALBO 👍🏻>> <<@lukei6255 says : The majority is misinformed. But that works in Anglo government's favour: to keep them misinformed.>> <<@hermessonofzeus4462 says : I look forward to a tidal wave of mail in ballots at 3am getting it over the line….>> <<@peterr6739 says : Good.>> <<@samuelprobert341 says : Yeah.... Right>> <<@robertbroadbent216 says : Australia is now officially stuffed? Are people really that woke……?>> <<@mavismiller1508 says : Polls are manipulated. Who actually believes them? Only the agenda driven.>> <<@fred4687 says : Typical distraction and divisive politics ..... we are slow walking towards WW3, we have energy security problems, we have unexplained excess deaths and so politicians and their media play their divisive games again.>> <<@Bork_Cruk says : Cue the comments from people who think this must be false because their 5 friends down the pub are all voting no.>> <<@ivansultanoff6719 says : Fregmentation tool>> <<@adamrea2530 says : I'm calling BS .Stop the aboriginal activists power grab>> <<@sluffeebee7368 says : The Voice is another cop-out. It'll cost billions and buy time. It'll aid the globalists in their land and tax grab. That is all. As usual, the rural indigenous will be swindled and neglected. A blind vote so politicians can wash their hands of all responsibility and blame the indigenous when it fails.>> <<@JackSht-lv2on says : It must have been one of those ass hat media outlets. What are the full details, nobody seems to know. Just the media poking their dk in the pudding before it sets. Shitfull morons.>> <<@Gungho1a says : Meh, polls are so biased it isn't credible.>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : Not according to the ALT_RIGHT who think they represent Australian values... as does Sky Fake News. **Neither are fit for purpose in Modern Australia.**>> <<@ohasis8331 says : Oh dear>> <<@jessekoch3480 says : BS BS>>