<<@vickitroman6691 says : Its only pigmentation that makes us different colours. We are all human.>> <<@johndickerson3678 says : I've never heard any black women speaking more white in my life it madness. All I hear is mate mate mate black people don't talk like this fool...>> <<@willschmidt7191 says : Aboriginals have a voice just like everyone else. It's called the right to VOTE. But who is pushing for Aboriginals to have more than one vote? Why can't I, being a 'super dooper, extra special VIP' citizen have only ONE vote?>> <<@67sel says : Sorry I have NO TRUST in YOU nor a majority of the government at all!>> <<@leaffyTrees says : Please vote No. This process will cause a huge division in this country.>> <<@loz2293 says : Love❤ to this women.>> <<@leaffyTrees says : It is not what the government does, it is the indigenous people who have been given a huge amount of money and they need to try to act like normal civilised people and work and have a reason to be house proud and good parents.>> <<@1969cmp says : The Voice, reparations and splashing more cash will not do anything significant to bring remote Indigenous people to what most of us would call normal living. A part of the break down comes down to Indigenous men. Too many men are not working, are sex predators, extremely violent, do not raise their kids or take responsibility for their over reactions to the most minor 'insults'. The level of emotional maturity is extremely low within a substantial proportion of the population. This is not exclusive to remote Indigenous folk because we see this also in the far left.>> <<@1969cmp says : 56% will not win a referendum.>> <<@fbryce1ify says : you dont need to change the consititution to fix the problems.>> <<@jennyohara4011 says : yes will win...what ever you fascists want will always lose>> <<@jennyohara4011 says : Nothing will make Aboriginal lives better...they need to get jobs for that..but the Voice can give them some recognition as Citizens of Australia>> <<@notsofatmike1 says : She's a fake. Was all for pushing mandatory vaccines and passports. She dresses like a sheep but hunts with the wolves. Beware of vile politicians like this.>> <<@michaelmarshall3672 says : God helps those who help themselves. Nothing will ever change until MARBO is rescinded and Australian laws apply to everyone.>> <<@steftsiftelidis2373 says : 1. Australia must either change its name as a nation to Britain 2.0, or change the flag to match the name of that nation. 2. Native Australians MUST either form their own parliament, OR, if they want to have an influence by having a voice in Commonwealth Law they must initiate LAW REFORM across the whole board, otherwise they'll be trapping themselves for eternity. 3. If these steps are not taken out then there will be NO future for natives. 4. If the natives want to know the 'correct' path for bliss, I, can assist in consultation....for free! 5, Everyone in Australia MUST come together for the progression of this nation, because lots and lots of natural disasters are coming 'our' way and if anyone is going to assist in saving us and the land, it will be the Traditional Natives of the land that will guide us with whatever Nature Will throw at us. 6. Much Love to all Aussies !!!>> <<@domburton says : Hi Jack. I'm unvacinated. Remember when you turned on us? F@#$% you.>> <<@erinsable says : shut up lambie, traitor. you position yourself and convince us your here to help veterans, then you betray them. we know you took bribe money, rot in hell. dont get me wrong, its great your questioning a corrupt party like albos, whos only destroying this country, but i still despise you for your betrayal. i will not forget how you betrayed the veterans. you are not fit for office. you have abdicated your right to lead due to your corruption, leave.>> <<@tomruut2440 says : Lambie is the only politician that makes any sense on this issue.>> <<@patricelauverjon2856 says : Politics and finance are important but can be counter acted by education in the hands of the left! Australian ithe Voice = US woke?>> <<@harrysoothsayer5086 says : Youth on walkabout>> <<@harrysoothsayer5086 says : JAN 23 POOR WHITE TRASH PWT VOICE TO GOVERNMENT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTDmsmN43NA Lee Kuan Yew It is now over 30 years since the then Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, and described Australians as the “white trash of Asia”. The barb stung and is still recalled with shame and hurt by Australian politicians as then Prime Minister Julia Gillard did in 2012. In this beautiful country of ours is there somewhere a person can legally pitch a tent for a prolonged period of time and not be hassled by the ‘nanny state”? – Nowhere!! There are secure living conditions if you are an immigrant or indigenous! Have you noticed the homeless on the street are PWT! There is a million or so that do not have a secure abode!!- PWT!!! Why are there so many Royal Commissions – Government neglect!! Most Australians do not have savings in the bank and are treading water!! The above scenario is the first stage. The next stage is the “the treading water brigade” next year when their mortgage is worth MORE THAN the property and they have to ‘top-up” their mortgage without any savings in the bank. Note that the only asset the bank has is your debt – scary hey!! The reason the government is bending over backward to get you into the mortgage market now is that they get 45% in tax from each deal. If it wasn’t this tax Victoria and NSW would be broke!! Does it bother you that you are borrowing say $300,000 dollars of money that is tax and the payments you make are after-tax which in effect is that you are working 40 years to pay off initial tax debt by taxed income!! Suffer you fools!!!! This is textbook government control of the population. The second stage Note that India may not go into the new trade deal for the region as they are in financial trouble and if products come in and compete with their manufacturing it will be all over red rover for them. Note that we have allowed all our manufacturing to be destroyed but the good side is when there is a skirmish in our area in the next couple of years we are smart enough to ‘tool up” again and be successful, just like after the last war. Australia has only limited ways of tax creation and they are building dwellings and coffee shops. The reason house prices are rising in Victoria and NSW is limited stock and no one wants substandard units that they forgot to put the cement into the concrete mix. The other night on TV the Opel Tower resident said he could hear groaning and cracking in the night. Scary hey!!! Between the cracking and groaning, Royal Commissions that addresses problems that revert back to the way they were prior, no wages growth, homeless PWT, one million hungry children, house prices declining, and restructuring of world finances on approx. the 19th September next year, what do we have to worry about!! We PWT may rise to the top!!! It is time to start a PWT MOVEMENT. What is a PWT MOVEMENT? PWT is poor white trash! Firstly we have to get a Mabo style person to have enough charisma to show how poverty is now endemic in Australia and get the government to throw buckets of money at the cause so we can hire truckloads of lawyers to hound the government until they relent and acknowledge our existence. What we have to do is use our indigenous friend’s format. We can crowdfund to get enough money to headhunt for a bum with a presence to lead us and then we are away. The lawyers will be like pit bulls and keep the government in the courts nonstop until we receive a survivable standard of living. For the first time, we will be united and initially require the bare necessities but then we can go for land rights and a treaty – that will show the mongrels we can’t be messed with!! And then! And then we get the overseas companies who don't pay tax to pay us royalties on top of our normal benefits - how good is that!!! Best get started!!! Posted 4th November 2019 by harry soothsayer>> <<@richardcarey169 says : Oh yes! this Lance Corporal truck driver, with the intellect of a slug and a face full of botox, remember what she wanted ? A RICH MAN WITH A HUGE D*ICK, her words! now she is an obscenely overpaid criminal she only needs the huge part, face and integrity of a bulldog licking pi55 off a nettle>> <<@richardsuter2816 says : Albo’s arrogance thinks he can blind fold the Australian people ! Guys on notice he’s full of shit>> <<@dominicgalante7501 says : FUCK THE VOICE ALBO WE DONT CARE ABOUT THE VOICE YOU FUCKING MORON COST OF LIVING YOU SHITFUL MAN ALBO>> <<@nicksvisiontohear says : Simple, it has nothing to do with the vote. It is to do with moving the aboriginal people out of Alice Springs to Darwin housing commission housing estate's. They have to keep up the devaluing of property prices to allow the elites to buy property in Alice Springs.>> <<@tbonemc2118 says : There's so much concern by Labor for our Aborigines yet Albo gave them another additional invasion day yesterday effectively opening our borders to whoever turns up. Not only that because he also gave them the go ahead for family reunion as well. Albo's "voice" should only be looked at as another tool for his socialist intentions for this country. I also find it amazing that the Torres Strait islanders are included in with the Aborigines in the "voice" Anyone who knows anything about Papua New Guinea and I lived there for a time will know that our Torres Strait Islanders are Papua New Guineans and represent a much younger race of people who gardened and even had pigs teeth as a crude currency as opposed to the stone age existence of the Aborigines. Right across the top of Australia there are Aboriginal communities and I have visited some of them in the Territory on all of the outlying islands except in the Torres Strait where it would appear the Papua New Guineans replaced or invaded Aboriginal land who must have been there thousands of years before. Only as long ago as the 1980's there were no Torres Strait Islanders living on the Australian mainland and there were no Aborigines living on any of the Torres Strait Islands. On Thursday Island I was personally told this and that the two races didn't get on with each other. Australia hasn't done anything to effect the Torres Strait communities apart from adding infrastructure like wharves/jetties and health clinics. It was so interesting to see because for example we all have cars while they all have dinghies for transport and they'd all be pulled up on the beaches. The Mary's along with a gaggle of kids could be seen every afternoon on the beaches catching that nights dinner. I spent a few weeks living on Horne Island and personally observed this and I know it to be true.>> <<@jimlofts5433 says : has jackie had her claim of aboriginality proven - last I heard the tassie anglo aboriginal Uncle Mansell said NO>> <<@falseprofit4u says : Lambie has a rare moment of clarity, it's a miracle, but Jackie, Alice Springs is just the tip of a huge iceberg, money and commities hasn't worked so far for over 40 years, the voice is just a woke wank.>> <<@TasmanAbo says : Don't Bull 💩 just say No you IDIOTS- ya sound like a broke record. Read the education pamphlets. Everyone is ❤️ YES! 👍. Blar blar blar>> <<@aliceclayton1914 says : I think Jaquie should put herself in for a bit psychiatric evaluation, this quivering voice is worrying appears constantly on the verge of tears, and lately slurring, maybe too many jabs. ??>> <<@daz5138 says : I cannot vote on Something i can not read until After its in....>> <<@russdrummond7292 says : If the Voice is so great, the PM should just legislate it and let it prove itself. If it works as brilliantly as we are told it will, then hold the referendum in a year or two and it’ll breeze through.>> <<@edwardbec9844 says : wow Lambie come out of the woodwork .now missing in action before where was "Her Voice" against the Cancelling of the Cashless Debit Card and the Alcohol Bans.>> <<@daniellebcooper7160 says : Jacqui summed it up with...'tough love is needed'.>> <<@connappliedscience4973 says : Is this retarded skank still around? What a sad state of affairs.>> <<@ireneaustin8330 says : Tokenism and one more time Tokenism!!!!>> <<@tamaveirene says : First Lidia...now Lambie...what other political misfit needs media attention?!>> <<@NoChannelChannel says : You have many voices just no ears or brains,>> <<@mickzammit6794 says : If 235 years of white influence has failed then the voice will be a frail cry in the dark. First of all do the people it affects want change? I don't think so. Hand outs and whingeing about not wanting handouts will remain. The voice is the memory Albo wants to leave of his term as PM.>> <<@Blackjack_Official says : Stating an Aboriginal Voice required in Parliament so Warren Mundine even Jacque here Jess & Bess Price Lydia Thorpe Noel Pearson etc these are the Soldout voices aren't they people when do you use that brain people>> <<@Blackjack_Official says : 99% of people on this video commenting are not educated at all pose truth still the dummies come in with speculations & admiration for Masonic paedophiles known as Politicians people wish to learn word meanings & start speaking harsh truths instead of speculate over a bogus video of lies>> <<@nev707 says : I, like many people had doubts about this lady when she was voted in, but I’ve come around. She’s one of the most logical people in the Senate.>> <<@rickkinsman7400 says : Forget the Second Voice - they already have the same voice as everyone else - show me anything this government has done, or plans to do, that make the lives of ALL Australians better.>> <<@valenrn8657 says : ALP's #Voice shows Albo is deaf.>> <<@klauswaeschle3216 says : Seems everyone is afraid to spell out the real problem: Young Aboriginal people running amok, their parents seem not to care and because of ‘racial sensitivity’ nobody does anything about it. These young punks need to be punished the old way- can’t lock ‘em up - so there needs to be a bigger bully to hit them where it hurts- in their big mouths These young punks need to be afraid to do anything wrong and the consequences need to be dire>> <<@heatherstewart8452 says : It will only create a select few to gain riches, just like all sitting members>> <<@johnchristie823 says : Why wont they inform us on the details, when Politicians hold back the details, you should be very very worried, Play safe and vote NO. How do we know if the people who will get on the VOTE will be Aboriginal, and not just some White Labour hacks, that Feel Aboriginal, so that they can cement them selves into POWER! So when the Australian people vote the Labour party out the VOICE says NO and you cant vote them OUT!!>> <<@Robert-kv7gb says : Good on ya Jackie!>> <<@aberry2521 says : That's MSM 'voice' data which doesn't mean a lot, let's see the details on the 'voice' we need to see everything out in the open; so Albosneezie needs to stop the bullshit and flim flam. YEP FIX THE ALICE SPRINGS PROBLEM, TOUGH LOVE IS NEEDED.>> <<@bambiofpentacles5008 says : Thanks Jacquie, wish more pollies were like you.>>