<<@walterbolter4320 says : Their answer is to import more and more Welfare-reliant people, with no thought to housing, or employment. Will create an unsustainable sense of entitlement, seemingly denied by their ethnicity. Good-one!>> <<@TasmanAbo says : Asleep at the helm- Bullshit Rave on they've got you running around like blue arse fly's 🪰 ❤️👍>> <<@tazbatik6537 says : Voting No>> <<@patriot388 says : Don't believe newspoll or any other poll. This will be voted down and rightly so!!>> <<@rickman2267 says : Cost of living now is putting people into poverty! No to the voice as well!>> <<@ZELJKO472 says : Not asleep at the wheel. By deliberate intent.>> <<@brucewayne3633 says : Polls are often wrong....>> <<@deanrobinson2950 says : Every day Australians don’t want the voice>> <<@johngoogle8635 says : good operator, that dan tehran>> <<@kidsoxoxox says : "The senate was debating for weeks whether Angels were feminine or masculine as the barbarians over ran the Roman empire". "If you listen carefully....very carefully you can hear the Gods laughing" Emperor Commodus 1964 Epic Fall of the Roman Empire.>> <<@scubasteve0739 says : Maybe politicians should make minimum wage. See how it feels>> <<@kidsoxoxox says : "Remember that inflation (money printing) is not an act of God, it's a government policy." Ludvig von Mises "The way to stop inflation is to stop inflating the money supply" Ludvig von Mises "The Fiat currency eventually returns to it's intrinsic value - zero" Voltaire "Hyperinflation was horrible, just horrible and came like lightning out of nowhere." Survivor of 1923 German hyperinflation>> <<@rynobug9811 says : Culture war? Albos creating an "us v them" agenda when it comes to lefties holding onto the past. The rest of the world is laughing at us in a inability to move on from the past 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️>> <<@rickbart1 says : Who in the world would have thought that the promise of CHEAP, CLEAN, GREEN, RENEWABLE energy garbage would lead to higher energy costs , inflation, and transport costs,?>> <<@tonybennett638 says : Silly old bugger as I am having worked form 16 to 65 WTF>> <<@lukeallen4398 says : The government does have to address cost of living but it is the previous government's fault so this idiot should know where to stick his cheap propaganda.>> <<@nicethings2070 says : The PM has one hand active and the other passive.>> <<@GreyManTheory says : 8 rate rises with 2 in 1 month is expected>> <<@lukei6255 says : Yet many Anglo-Australians believe in the myth of a lucky country and that they built the best colony in the world 🤣🤣🤣>> <<@travstar5447 says : Albo and his Socialist Mafia care more about woke, far left idiotic ideologies than Governance of the Fundamentals. Our Economy and Energy Sector is being eviscerated by these Socialist muppetts. Same thing happening under Joe Weekend@Bernies Biden. It wont last. People arent that dumb....well...the 30% who gave Albo their Primary vote are....>> <<@earbus1 says : It's going well .🤣>> <<@lauran1212 says : "Inflation is a quiet but effective way for the government to transfer resources from the people to itself, WITHOUT RAISING TAXES" Thomas Sowell>> <<@margih7374 says : The title of this video is so right! The government is asleep on the COST OF LIVING crisis happening in Australia.>> <<@ricky6864 says : Politicians doing a good job following orders from their masters>> <<@tomjones5338 says : Albo-sleezy is kind of like han solo always stroking his own wookie>> <<@Stikibits says : As if the fascist goons on Sky are credible?!?!?!?!>> <<@johnjakabol4485 says : I see the problem here. corporations are throttling the consumer. that is the problem.>> <<@johnsbackwithcommonsense7628 says : We create the problem then we act like the saviors.>> <<@donotcomply665 says : The govt causes all our problems, then pretends to fix them. All the while politicians making themselves rich>> <<@johnhoyle4401 says : Climate change deniers were warned that the cost of living would increase because of their denial of reality. And here we are. These science deniers fought for this, and don’t get to complain. Fortunately Australians voted for educated adults last May, and something can now be done about both climate change, and the cost of living.>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : YouTube should disable comments permanently on Sky FAKE NEWS... Yesterday James Morrow suggested China paid Biden not to shoot down the balloon.. Some MORONS will believe him and take action... *Like the Pelosi hammer basher.*>> <<@fungi1256 says : Yep Things might get nasty. We can breed psychopaths>> <<@Wombbatts says : The only reason the cost of living is a problem is because you let communist idiots play around with the economy to begin with. It's not the solution.>> <<@goosecouple says : "A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.">> <<@crowsfan691 says : Old mate FIFO is too busy trying to save the world to care about Australians doing it tough.>> <<@lescoe says : You need an Inflation Reduction Act to increase the price of nearly every product and service.>>