<<@glenphillips9068 says : Housing and health care the voice of gratitude is never heard.>> <<@tazbatik6537 says : Voting No How about addressing the cost of living this affects all Australians not just 3% of the population>> <<@lolitavlcek6373 says : MAJORITY. PEOPLE. SAID NO NO NO HUNDRED PERCENT NO NO>> <<@Miehle74 says : Alboriginal looking for his place in history and a statue somewhere. Do what you do best Albo. Carp about the previous government, chug a few beers and wait for the knife from Bill or Penny.>> <<@sandybottom6623 says : Good God NO! I hope not! Labor want to take Australia back to the 50's!>> <<@robinwood590 says : Just what Albo Wants hope you he People like Ake up to this Dictating Klaus Schwab's and Bill Gates mouthpiece>> <<@nat-fp1pq says : The “indigenous community” is dysfunctional, giving them over representation of power will be a disaster. This is just Anti-White propaganda. White Australia owes them nothing, quite the opposite in fact. Generosity of heart is BS.>> <<@stevefarley2676 says : Just hurry up and let me vote NO already.>> <<@40frankied40 says : Cue the cooker snowflakes...>> <<@MrBigMatt123 says : What a 🤡>> <<@Grace17893 says : God I hope not lol>> <<@calvinsmith1295 says : How much more "generous " do we have to be ? Cradle to grave welfare/concessions/subsidies etc etc. FREE everything. ENOUGH!!!>> <<@calvinsmith1295 says : How much more "generous " do we have to be ? Cradle to grave welfare/concessions/subsidies etc etc. FREE everything. ENOUGH!!!>> <<@travstar5447 says : Albo pumping his woke ideologies instead of Governing on Fundamentals The cost of living is soaring and he wants to blow more coin on Aboriginals....more than the $30B we already piss up against the wall on this pointless pursuit. The Voice is Racist and Divisive. The Economy is on a powerful slide.....our Energy costs are soaring.....wake up Australia 🇦🇺>> <<@macca9392 says : Tackle Some Real Issues Albo!!, Remember,,, COST OF LIVING!!!!,, You said it! So Many Times!!!, Electricity!!!,, Cost of Labor living!!!!!!!>> <<@Cobber2023 says : Hasn’t he got a sporting event to attend it’s hot he might need a few beers and some ice cream>> <<@Cobber2023 says : I’m voting no like every other Aussie I know you are the son of a fascist Italian I will never support you>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : Vote NO>> <<@davidcarter4247 says : Albo in Canberra? Did he get on the wrong plane? The Voice will be intended to benefit Labor and the urban elite and no one else, not indigenous Australians, not other Australians, You can tell that by how little time Albanese gave to a real indigenous problem and how much time he gave to hanging with the elite at the Australian Open.>> <<@guyfawkes9789 says : I don't even understand the proposition to be voted on as there's no details as to what it would mean?. Why can't there be more indiginous people putting up their hands to represent in parliment?.>> <<@mkgee4239 says : The easiest way to control a population is to divide and rule. They will use Aboriginals as a political weapon against anyone who opposes them. The voice is tribalism. I'm African Australian and I'm voting no.>> <<@jamiechippett1566 says : What a lyer! Said government shouldn't get involved but yet they are. WTF.>> <<@barryjulianwaldron3656 says : Mr. Albanese’s commitment to fully debate the detail of the Voice Legislation in the Parliament will be just a show case of superficial pretence when the Prime Minister knows that his government already commands a majority of votes in the House of Representatives and also commands a majority of votes in the Senate from the support of the Green Party. The parliament can debate the details of the voice until all the crows in the country fly backwards and it won’t make any difference to the legislation that the Labor Government already intends to enact in the Parliament. Telling Australians that the referendum is about principle first and the parliament is about detail in the second is a red herring and a big red herring swimming backwards for sure. When the Prime Minister gets his blank cheque from the referendum question which he has already signed off on with the signature words “trust me” all Australians can be assured that his Labor government will push and ram thru their legislation in the parliament and for all the peoples who vote “yes” you will be left dumb founded when you get hit with the realities of the enacted legislation of which you never expected. 🇦🇺🦘>> <<@meredithisme3752 says : One term slug. Under our constitution it cannot be passed without a referendum. Just a reminder it's the people in charge you are our employees not the other way around>> <<@hotwheels70 says : All about the feels, no facts = no vote>> <<@alfredmueller6111 says : Anyone voting in favour of this nefarious piece of crap has rocks in their head. The devil is in the detail and of course these dishonest creeps will never reveal what those really are! Remember! It's safe and effective? Yea right, same clowns different mask.>> <<@trill4907 says : Crap in Albo.. God doesn't acknowledge false witness>> <<@KurtBoulter says : Mr Magoo, why are you not "hopeful" are reducing power prices? No one cares about a minority voice, as there are too many already in your ear!>> <<@kevthompson2454 says : His only skill as an orator is the ability to talk on any subject for a length of time, and you finish knowing less than you did when you started.>> <<@whiskeygamer9402 says : Australia is going to Rot 🧟>> <<@margiecj4225 says : NO>> <<@rogerroger6049 says : There is no need for reconciliation. Close the gap for all not just a section of the community. Keep race out of it.>> <<@denisgeorge549 says : Karma will get u>> <<@ricky6864 says : Who would vote for wef puppets.. That's right, 68% didn't... great voting system we have... bawawaa>> <<@seandelap8587 says : What bs is this>> <<@luciferblack2641 says : When the sour grape conservatives cry the loudest 😭, Australians recognise you're governing successfully PM Albanese. 👍>> <<@denisgeorge549 says : No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No never ever>> <<@stewatparkpark2933 says : When do we get the details Albo ?>> <<@ricky6864 says : A disgusting liar, definitely not working for the citizens>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : Trump allowed Chinese balloon's to cross the USA X 3 because he has Chinese Bank accounts... **In reporting the latest of the Chinese balloon shot down off the coast of South Carolina on Saturday, The US Department of Defense said three other of these crafts 'briefly transited the continental United States at least three times during the prior TRUMP administration.'**>> <<@05rosebud says : Can’t be legislated without changing the constitution and that needs a referendum. The mood is very much against this racist apartheid policy.>> <<@AndrewHughes71 says : The writing is on the wall for this one. Get some compromised indigenous reps in there and attempt to fool the public into believing that the government has your best interests at heart. This is a scam full stop.>> <<@barryjulianwaldron3656 says : NO LEGISLATION DETAILS = NO VOICE VOTE 🇦🇺💯>> <<@katb945 says : He is a shifty snake his term in office will be a short destructive one the damage this globalist puppet will do in that sort time will be unreal the people that voted green put this destructive anti Australian in.>> <<@barryjulianwaldron3656 says : The Critics of the Voice to Parliament across Australia are in no way starting a culture war. You Mr. Prime Minister are the one who is starting the culture war if a culture war is starting at all in Australia. In your National Cabinet room you have three flags posted in a display for to all see across all of the media. Now Mr. Albanese kindly visit those three flags in your National Cabinet room and immediately uproot the aboriginal identity flag posted in the middle of the flag assembly wherein the Australian flag has been outcasted to left in that flag assembly. The middle position in a flag assembly and especially in the Australian peoples parliament is the command position only for the Australian Flag and no other flag has the power or status to usurp the Australian Flag 🇦🇺 from being posted in the middle position in a flag assembly. The Aboriginal flag and the Torres Strait Islands flag are only citizens identity flags. These two flags are not formal flags. These two flags don’t even have a formal right to be posted in the parliament but are both unreservedly welcomed into the parliament as a mark of respect. The aboriginal citizens identity flag has no legal right or status to usurp the middle position of the Australian flag in the Australian parliament. Now Mr. Albanese. Get moving and place the Australian flag back into its command position in every flag assembly posted throughout the Australian parliament. And be reminded that you are the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia and are definitely not the Prime Minister of the Republic of Australia which does not exist. Mr.Treasurer! You are next because you are doing exactly the same thing with the assembly of your three flags in your treasurer’s office. 🇦🇺 💯>> <<@Poorlineforeva says : Have a look at the latest polls. Labor has a 10 point lead over the opposition. How long can Mr potato Head keep the seat warm for? Jug ears susssan is even more ridiculous.>> <<@prescientselector3784 says : Can someone please ask Mr Albanese one question: if the constitution is amended, which body then interprets what those words mean ? It won’t be the voters, it won’t be Parliament, it will be the High Court. It will guarantee the enrichment of generations of lawyers, and a miraculous “discovery” of rights.>> <<@Bellakelpie says : I'm not into signing blank cheques and letting you fill in the amount later Albo..Let's see the details 1st.>> <<@tomjones5338 says : Albo-sleezy my answer to Ur voice WEF agenda is my middle finger 🖕 says otherwise>> <<@egyptnz27 says : 😇💜💯I love hearing Positive,Caring Real Talk from Politicians, which is rare indeed!!!!>>