<<@anitacohen8753 says : An artificially (politically supported) scam that got thousands of mugs into trouble. They just do not understand that debt is an instrument of control. The old romance with housing continues, with greedy people on the margins plotting their next move. What better occasion to introduce a program of public housing on a large scale.......but what would you do about political parties that do the bidding of those who supply the money?>> <<@eliwosalie9965 says : They’re out to break everybody, close down small businesses, force everybody to spend their savings, Medibank somehow got hacked and now Medicare including health insurance is gone. Meanwhile the giant food corporates including major fuel outlets, corporate tollways are Ching Chinging into the billions. The corporate sporting bodies with their highly paid gladiators entertaining the fans, making billions, filling the corporate stadiums. Paying reality stars millions to entertain, and Millionaire TV presenters who show up everyday to brings us bad news enforcing the narrative and spreading propaganda. We are all being knocked from pillar to post every frigging day, we go for a drive and the debt collecting cops are out looking for infringements.we can’t even go for a drive without money making cameras spying on us to see if we are wearing seatbelts or not talking on our phones, running red lights. Peak hour in the morning and afternoon getting harassed, revenue raising going to and from work and the list goes on and on, and now? RBA interest rate rises, the television court jesters who present to us the order of our countries daily business on the securities exchange where numbers and graphs can be manipulated to suit the agendas. The Corporate body, including banks who own your debts, own you and they don’t care about you and your family, they’ll kick anybody to the curb and it’s happening now, families, single moms and kids living out of cars, or in tents. Purging has already begun, and it won’t be long before purgers will hold you at gunpoint just to raid your food, fridges or anything of value. Don’t wait for things to go back to normality, that’s long gone, don’t listen to the court jesters, they’re ok, their corporates pays them millions to tell us lies. Hang in my friends as these are only the opening hours of bigger things to come. Think positive and be prepared for the worst because it is inevitable, because they don’t really care about us.>> <<@TriumphB1 says : The RBA is just extending the pain, 10% interest rates on home loans is suitable, 2% and 3% rates are ridiculous>> <<@lisawang1003 says : 👍👍 good analysts>> <<@mikesummers6634 says : Greenwood... How about you lift some rocks and expose the grubs in finance... you know, 98% of them.>> <<@daz5138 says : I just read on 9news, it's moderate Inflation with not Recession.... I Laughed alot....>> <<@derekhoole7156 says : RBA wants to protect homebuyers, who overextended themselves, because the RBA took interest rates too low to start off with. It is ridiculous, because all Australians are negatively affected by rising inflation, while a minority of people, including multiple property owners, are affected by increasing mortgage rates. The RBA has to finally get serious about combatting rising inflation.>> <<@ricky6864 says : Msm liars.. jobs in the usa are just people going back to work after the mandates>> <<@ricky6864 says : Interest rates will go as high as the wef wants them. Bugs on the bbq soon>> <<@murrayslee911 says : For gods sake tax multi nationals generating income in Australia. Is that so hard. Why why. The middle class wage earners carry this country. Labor you are not the workers party.>> <<@annettajensen6751 says : Wouldn't surprise me if interest rates end up at 17% like in the 80s before they go down in a number of years.>> <<@farangutan6773 says : Thorpe doesn't want to be white man's compliant black girl , she want a dose of real even if it means conflict , not woke BS look at us we are making real progress for aborigines when nothing could be further from the truth .>> <<@vcvhf88 says : Israel did 9/11.>> <<@prancer4743 says : The RBA dropped the ball big time 🤔🤔🤔😱😱😱😮😮😳😳😧😧⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️next 😏it reminds me of a dog trying to chase its tail 🤔🤔🤔>> <<@farangutan6773 says : Does this Hogan moron think they should be higher ? What a nice guy .>> <<@Poorlineforeva says : Sky news: so far behind the game on anything except mindless racism and misogyny.>> <<@testicool013 says : The morons living on debt for years deserve what they are getting>> <<@chairmandan1794 says : US added 517k jobs in Jan?, how many were in FT employment?. how many dropped out of the Lsbour market?, how does this compare to other countries etc.>> <<@nhraandnascarfanatic5907 says : So far behind?? This country is one of the hardest countries in the world to obtain home ownership… even when interest rates were at an all time low… how much more out of reach does this world want to put Aussie first home buyers!?!? Bloody hell>> <<@kctaz6189 says : The problem in the US, or one of them, is that there is a tremendous shortage of workers in the workplace. This leads me to ask if this current increase in job openings in not new jobs created but a sign of the lack of people willing to work, thus more job openings?>> <<@delladog says : Someone got blasted where are those goddam savings charts, Ross wasn't happy>> <<@robertruggiero9999 says : The RBA can increase interest rates all it likes - it won’t change inflation as inflation now is a supply side problem.>> <<@adrianjohn. says : forever wars forever weathers, incredible 👍>> <<@thesepeoplearecriminals1731 says : Did someone say you will own nothing ? Apparently they didn’t say that now , they removed it from their website.>> <<@QuantumPyrite_88.9 says : Overtax the beasts of burden and increase interest rates while having no concept of cost of living wage increases. A perfect totalitarian dystopian state.>> <<@whiskeygamer9402 says : Australia is finished and beyond help the ALP can't do their job properly wasting too much time on Wokeness disease.🦄🌈🏳️‍🌈💅>> <<@tomjones5338 says : Hey Ross your a ex banker a ponzy scheme salesman>> <<@adrianjohn. says : No i already had storytime an im very happy an appreciation! thanks😌🥳>>