<<@frankwren8215 says : What the hell is the point of this segment?>> <<@darylephillips6778 says : Inflation is hitting all over the world Australia is doing it easy compared to most countries>> <<@rabbitoh1103 says : Government debt and overspending has caused the inflation The more the corrupt spend the higher the inflation. Easy fix Sack them all>> <<@L0b0ts says : The reason Mr Mickenbecker says "we do have to be worried about" inflation is because for Albanese and Chalmers is all about anything but dealing with real issues, they are playing Barbie doll mansion game and the reason why the RBA is behind in interest rates is because of the Albanese, Chalmers and establishment media bullying games, no different to dictator Erdogan, this will only lead to higher inflation, incompetence at its best. Interest rates must be properly adjusted immediately, and this is the only way to lower inflation. Albanese is an anti-Christ he doesn't want to do what's right in terms of inflation but wants to do what's wrong by tampering with the constitution when there is absolutely no consensus across Australia to do this. Liberal supremists believe in a two-tier justice system where they are above the law, they turn a blind eye to left wing terrorism, they are hellbent on starting WWIII, they expect everyone else to pay for their lifestyle the real reason they become career politicians in the first, they want to make it look like Russia started WWIII aka false flag operation. Lilberal supremists hate women and children and are attacking both groups constantly every day, they despise the constitution. The new ISIS are liberal supremists or maybe ISIS were liberal supremists all along, like Jihadi John was a DJ, how progressive is that? https://youtu.be/XAxgzS7uMCY https://youtube.com/shorts/I00QAo2zGbU?feature=share Liberal supremists run the government like this guy^^^^, Palaszczuk is one of the worst examples, she takes money from anywhere she can rental bonds(she has made it a real hassle for rental owners to get back there bonds from unpaid rent, damage etc and then the renter who is in the wrong and owes the bond money will appeal it then they won't show up at the appeal all because of that wench Annastacia she hates the people of Queensland so much she allows the southerners to get the better of them, she thinks it's her money, government superannuation, electricity generators while trying to take over the electricity generators in Queensland 100%, gutting coal mining, for someone that promised no new taxes instead she gives herself three pay rises consecutively and introduced super taxes in the form of coal royalties and massive, massive fines and intrusive 1984 fine bots, she has also failed to compensate Queensland business when it is due to government malfeasance, she has gutted Queensland and any issue that could paint Annastacia in a bad light is only five minutes in the news cycle, proving the establishment media are equally guilty of crimes against the people of Queensland and the enemy of Queenslanders, when Sir Joh was Premier people could see the fruits of the taxes payed, not anymore, now it's theft. Liberal supremists like deep state, illuminati queen Annastacia Palaszczuk and the establishment media that props them up while indirectly hating on the people and cancelling out real women like Deb Frecklington, Truss and first lady Melania Trump, that make liberal supremists the new ISIS, the enemy of the people, who have weaponized government and the media against the people and that is a crime against humanity. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2023/02/04/hunger-striking-italian-leftist-praised-terrorist-actions-in-prison-letters/ Justice is coming. #BOOM #WINTERWARFARE #SUMMERSLAM #HURRICANE https://youtube.com/shorts/hVF28y-dPPU?feature=share https://youtu.be/UI0gJXY4agQ https://youtu.be/visaUV4IKuA https://youtube.com/shorts/fPtDIWjP2Fg?feature=share>> <<@HMASJervisBay says : Admit it, the nation is in recession. Real inflation is over 14%. What has reduced in cost? Higher unemployment means higher inflation. More money means more cost inputs.>> <<@TheeeeLastToFall says : Why did Sky turn off comments on their other video about rentals?>> <<@fronttowardenemy9994 says : Australia is a welfare country, spending more on Centrelink, NDIS and pensions than Defence. This inflates the supply of cash without the balance of productivity. Covid payments were a case study in how to guarantee high inflation.>> <<@bdawg3942 says : Wait!🤷‍♂️………so printing endless $$’s and letting people access their super and telling them too spend up has driven up inflation 🤦‍♂️🤭>> <<@TheeeeLastToFall says : Everything in America is extremely expensive since Biden administration took over.>> <<@sassycassaus says : Well let's be real, it's all immoral to begin with so gee, why not turn the screws further on people who can't afford it to start with. Theives all of you.>> <<@paulveenings6861 says : The slow drip .>> <<@chairmandan1794 says : Up, up and away!!!>>