<<@henryvenn2077 says : satalloon>> <<@deangomez9268 says : China is a CCP country. Communist countries never allow capitalistic private businesses to flourish.>> <<@davids4987 says : Tweedle Dee interviewing Tweedle Dum.>> <<@dlowndrty says : More propaganda>> <<@sephiranumbra2464 says : Besides the fact that the Chinese would use a 'Spy Balloon' these days being a tad bit ridiculous and outdated. (Use of drones, etc). There's the fact that the path of the balloon went towards Alaska before coming down shows more then likely that the balloon was caught up and blown in an unintended direction. With it being an uncontrolled/manned balloon, no way to redirect it on it's path so it ventured inward the way it did. Weird coincidence too that this suddenly became with the whole Taiwan thing going on right now.>> <<@MooseMeus says : China is going to use this as an excuse to shoot down a US Spy Plane.>> <<@MooseMeus says : China is going to use this as an excuse to shoot down a US Spy Plane.>> <<@MooseMeus says : China is going to use this as an excuse to shoot down a US Spy Plane.>> <<@MooseMeus says : China is going to use this as an excuse to shoot down a US Spy Plane.>> <<@MooseMeus says : China is going to use this as an excuse to shoot down a US Spy Plane.>> <<@lappo2534 says : Chinese made or Chinese owned balloon???>> <<@kimhowe4739 says : But can you blame China? Can you blame Russia? do they allow rioters to burn their cities, trans ed to be taught in their schools, Mexicans to flood across their borders, terrorist to flood their country, great Muslim invasion, great invasion from India, asylum seekers (terrorist), school shootings, chaos, mass shootings, mass fentanyl smuggling. Do they invade other countries with payed rioters flying the false flag of democracy in hopes of over throwing leaders and replacing them with a socialist anti-Christ regime. And Putin didn’t invade Ukraine, he’s protecting Russian civilians from a corrupt murdering leftist zelensky regime.>> <<@typhoon2827 says : Too many Chinese in Australia now. You've given your country away. You're not just bent over a barrel, your shorts and undies are round your ankles. Well done, Australia. Well done. 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻>> <<@typhoon2827 says : Why didn't Canada shoot it down? That's the bigger question. Remember Trudeau has permitted the Chinese military to exercise in Canada.>> <<@mixfilms4457 says : if the balloon was for weather recirding. the US should pay for a new rubber balloon.>> <<@pixelmasque says : It's hilarious to think it was a spy balloon, considering it has no cameras, and just a weather Radar. China has the most sophisticated satellite systems on earth and the beidou system. They also have all the data from Google Earth. Just more American war mongering propaganda to fuel people's distrust and launch a false flag war, nothing new here from the yanks. Keep up the bullsht you might improve the living standards in your country that way🔥😂🤣>> <<@scubasteve0739 says : We're used to the lies. That's what they are just lies, we're not stupid>> <<@pepealegria4734 says : Distant early warning>> <<@Nick_Gurr80 says : The Chinese balloon was confirmed to have put PP in US citizens coke>> <<@bobo-wf1jv says : Living in the US, it is amazing how a balloon could manipulate, paralyze and control Washington politicians, China doesn't need balloons to spy.>> <<@greghutchison6690 says : It is quite ‘naive’ to think that Sky News is not trying to reinvigorate the Yellow Peril myth.>> <<@MrHuadong1 says : " It’s quite naïve to think that Sky News is an objective news source" - what a great comment !!>> <<@土澳稀泥华侨 says : We have satellites and we don't need the stupid balloon to spy a f##king hopeless out back country.>> <<@davidcowley7733 says : A weather balloon? Yeah right! China must think we've all come down in the last shower.>> <<@rt9191 says : I'm sure sky news won't report on the missed spy balloons that got missed by their god President Trump's administration>> <<@bennyG140 says : What are they shooting down next? The ISS? Satellites? It's naive to think it's a spy Ballon. I Wonder if the USA spoke to it's allies before shooting it down?>> <<@gustaaf1892 says : Haha, demand a full explanation from China. That'll work, if it is BS that you are after. China has no problem in lying through its back teeth.>> <<@angusphotographyperth says : me get paniced after seeing the "are we ready for war" ad bro wth>> <<@RAWSET says : Look at all the speculative alarmism pile up before they even analyse the debtee or confirm anything about it.>> <<@user-ausabc2024 says : it's quite stupid to think balloon is better than satellite for spying.>> <<@wadesmith3693 says : I know nothing of the balloon but I do know about the U2 and the SR71 both of which the US have been using for 60 years to spy on whoever they want. What hypocrites !!>> <<@chrismayo3485 says : The Australian government needs to make plans.>> <<@jazzysnaps says : Much the Japanese whale research.>> <<@风萧萧兮-i6q says : Xi Jinping's hands are stained with the blood of the Chinese people.>> <<@colinlee9678 says : What a laughable anti-China hypocritical propaganda concocted on a civilian weather balloon when the US is every day since 1949 intentionally, provocatively and belligerently sending heavily armed warships and spy planes into and seriously violating China's s territorial waters and air spaces under such pretexts as freedom of navigation!. This shooting down of an unarmed civlian weather balloon has now set a dangerous precedent by giving China the legal right to armed reciprocity against any of the daily intruding US warships and warplanes! Such reckless military action by this hypocritical US govt against an unarmed civilian object has indeed pushed the world further and closer to another hot war that would destroy the entire planet !>> <<@allegra0 says : Don’t believe in ANYTHING the commies tell us. They are an evil empire…the real enemy to freedom. Reagan had it right as he did on so many things China is now the real evil empire. Stop buying products made in China.>> <<@fuhuixiao says : If it was a weather balloon, US gonna to be very embarrassing. Shooting a weather ballon down and allowing fear spread for days. If it wasn't a weather ballon, then that's showing that US can hardly shoot down an extremely slow and large object flying higher than 20000 meters. Allowing a spy ballon travelling across east to west US is not something US ppl wanna to see, considering the tax they paid.>> <<@cclenergy3033 says : It’s quite naive to believe China can’t use their space station instead to spy and have to use the balloon.>> <<@walkeryoutube says : The usual conspiracy news from the same station - the origin of Covid 19 from a lab, Trump a good president, .....etc., etc.,>> <<@R00RAL says : Why the bs about being something spy ? Is there now Laws for false information?>> <<@Bailey110489 says : Watching these biased reporters acting is a pain.🤣🤣>> <<@cclenergy3033 says : After the ballon was shut down, the US acquire the tech of making such high tech ballon. Chinese ballon is now able to climb up to 48km up with the technology way ahead of any country on the earth.>> <<@MaxStArlyn says : USA war ships and planes get CONSTANTLY chased out of CΗίΝese waters and CΗίΝese air space, …double standards.>> <<@bjornwatsonsdaddy2439 says : chong>> <<@langhoatu81 says : look at the ballon, dont look this side.. only fools believe this is what going on!! not the EMP being tested to destroy the power grid??>> <<@linde2762 says : If the Chinese need to know the US weather they can watch the news. That will tell them everything the US gov't wants them to know about the weather worx the gov't is making for the population. Ditto for Chinese 'weather balloons' over Australia. Bang Bang. Shot you down. No Likee bang bang? Don't put one of those things in Australian air space.>> <<@befeleme says : It's quite naive to think that the US government would not lie to us.>> <<@ladyzngentz6123 says : It's just a balloon 🎈 pop it girl or boy>> <<@SK-bh4xr says : Almost every country spys on one another…so I’m not sure why the media is making this out to be such big news. Pretty sure the US spys on other countries the most with their hundreds of satellites… media companies like Sky News, CNN are sooo politically corrupt.>> <<@PhunkBustA says : with the way that they've been acting lately i wouldn't be surprised if they're getting high on their own supply, maybe even unknowingly>>