<<@elzaaltmann says : What was it finally? Sounds like when they killed bin laden, stright into the water.>> <<@ratofvengence says : You know what's hilarious? All these Trumpists pointing at Biden (senile old man that he is) and now we find out there were TWO balloons (that they know of) during the Trump administration. Lolz.>> <<@joelstanhope7231 says : Once it made it to the Atlantic the balloon 's mission was complete>> <<@mic5391 says : China PLA is game for a fight with USA with a 7 days military exercises (5 Feb to 12 Feb 23) at Bohai Sea!>> <<@Herodotus__ says : Common practice by both Countries flying over and spying. Now China can shoot down spy planes flying over China. Would like to see the reaction. Lol>> <<@TheKkpop1 says : War monger is making every opportunity to stage 3ww.>> <<@JaseBDaley says : lmfao god americans are lying cvnts. now they're saying it had explosives on board to justify being as scared as fvck about an obvious weather balloon.🤣 anybody saying different, explain to me any purpose it would have that they don't already have with faster, more reliable less obvious methods? fvckin weapons of mass destruction all over again. PATHETIC!>> <<@axle.australian.patriot says : Wow, how much milk can you get out of a balloon.>> <<@happyhunter says : Kim Jong Un and crazy Sis also sends happy nuke year greetings>> <<@happyhunter says : "Happy Lunar New Year!" Theres another one at 200 000 feet with a bio bomb. Go ahead and blow it up! Love Xi>> <<@windsong3wong828 says : China is threatening to send thousands of these sophisticated spy ballons to flood the USA if they don’t give in . They may even contain propaganda materials. Since they managed to sneak undetected into USA the last time ….they remain a great threat to the USA. USA need to upgrade its radar systems and warplanes.>> <<@barryjulianwaldron3656 says : Hey! There only balloons 🎈 from the Chinese Lunar New Year celebration. Ok. So let’s just Bang! Bang! And 👏👏👏👏 and move forward onto more intelligent and intellectual news broadcasting. Ok. You’re really scraping the barrel when you go on...and on....about something not even a storm in a Chinese tea cup. 🇦🇺💯%>> <<@axiom21 says : Was it a signal to Hunter or to Swalwell?>> <<@angelplaza638 says : Bro 😂this man has no idea wtf he’s talking about>> <<@graemekeeley4497 says : Sorry Vivek Ramaswamy you are a bit off the mark with.............. you are not really going to do a darn thing about it’. Sorry mate but the US Airforce poofed China's big balloon and send it tumbling into the Atlantic in spectacular style US Airforce One, China Zero Poor old President Joe Biden in this episode shot down shit, he was a meer bystander with the Pentagon and the USAF the heroes running the show But here is the real joke ........ China had the audacity to make the claim our balloon over America was accidental, and America shooting it down violated international standard practices, China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement on Sunday For God's sake>> <<@FDT24 says : And under Trump three Chinese spy balloons were recorded as UFO’s. It was just easier than trying to explain what they were to someone that stares at a solar eclipse>> <<@BustLoca says : China was ‘sending a signal’ to the US: our spy satellites are craps, so got to use spy balloons instead>> <<@CoopersDescent says : People worried about a balloon, when they already have 1000’s of spies in every aspect of our government. Gavin Newsome has already handed over the keys to California. One of our top generals warned them everytime Trump had a plan. It’s just another planned depopulation war, like Vietnam, the Khmer Rouge, Ukraine, Iraq war, Myramar, Somalia, and Yemen. Go read Origins of Global 2000: depopulation warriors by Lonnie Wolfe.>> <<@StopListenThink says : Biden is a disgrace to the nation>> <<@rcasper1809 says : Watch Redacted on yt..for real news that all other news outlets don't want you to know! They even beat sky on their rating and views Beats this far left propergander BS and hypocrite Piers Morgan, his brother has more ethics him.. and fights for the common people .>> <<@rcasper1809 says : What a load of rubbish.. China got in touch with America to say their weather balloon had drifted off corse and apologised for it going to their air space.. The balloon was over 60,000ft so there was no threat what so ever .. Considering if China wanted to spy they have many satellites which can read a number plate on a car.. and there is no restricted area is space.. This is just on big black flag event.. all blown out of proportion.. IT JUST ONE BIG PUBLICITY STUNT, OR ANOTHER REASON TO SEND MORE FLEETS TO HELP Taiwan and start a war with China>> <<@akaMr.Boombastic says : They were just checking the the upper atmospheric weather for them.>> <<@abdullaex4119 says : And again, shown in front of all America. The Boob. Humiliated via Alex and Ted. This bob is still in it for a cent. Hold back Ted, shafts straight, fleches adhered properly, broadhead sharpened, Bow tuned. Cry Havoc and let slip the dogs of war. Peace from Texas and let slip A10's to Ukraine.>> <<@williamlambert2865 says : This man is a joke, not fit to command nothing. The hell with joe!>> <<@majorkramer says : WTF is going on in America? First you they get a moron as President than they get a frail old puppet! It's been nice while it lasted. Unfortunately it over for America & it's all their own fault>> <<@johnhoylesunvaccinatedbrother. says : No shit Sherlock.>> <<@pianosareus says : Trump2024 save America 🇺🇸>> <<@JesusIsKing248 says : Biden is no where near the failure YOUR “Tampon King is. 💯>> <<@werollins says : A Word to the wise, don't believe the BS . If Brandon is on a hunting trip with Uncle Sam and if only one comes back, who did it? The bigger question is how it affects us. I'm not concerned about a balloon. The balloon may be a very big distraction. I'm concerned deeply about the widespread corruption, crimes and cover ups in the US Government. What kind of example is Biden setting for our children? This is by far the lowest limbo dance of morals that has ever been in power in the USA>> <<@isomorph7954 says : The Balloon was over water when it arrived too.>> <<@robertnicholson1409 says : If you take a look at history, there are striking similarities between what's happening now and what happened between the US and Japan in the run up to World War II.>> <<@sherrilynnbrunton9199 says : Was it a spy balloon? Or was it another virus being spread across the land. From the same country that spread it to us before.>> <<@sherrilynnbrunton9199 says : Our president and his croonies are corrupt and absolutely not right in the head.>> <<@goosecouple says : Biden: "I'm in deep troubles with scandals. Send help." Xi: "Hey Joe, balloons on the way.">> <<@joedollar827 says : I got Sputnik dejav>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : YOU MEAN MAGA 👹REPUBLICANS SMEARED PRESIDENT BIDEN: **Fearing the debris could hit 'sensitive' areas as it traveled across the country, officials warned the president not to shoot it down until it was flying over the ocean.** While Trumpo 🤡** Three Chinese spy balloons entered the US during the Trump administration, but they were never shot down or publicly disclosed.***>> <<@cryptokid1021 says : “I wanna complement our aviators thats downed a ballon with our 50 million dollar state of the art war plane and missile” 💪 Well done America… you showed those 🇨🇳 whos the boss🤭>> <<@AmericanAutonamousQueen says : What message is China signaling to US ? We the Citizens Here have a right to know what that is and to whom.>> <<@oneanddonetzone3673 says : The Biden is compromise the Chinese have Paid Hunter Biden money a lot of corrupt politicians that have received Chinese money notice how they’re not speaking out>> <<@nicholasrogers7276 says : Biden maverick moement lol>> <<@lukei6255 says : Balloons should be banned by the Geneva Convention.>> <<@TheeeeLastToFall says : Joe Biden is greatly compromised. Our country is in peril.>>