<<@adrianafit4098 says : Lock down forever. Covid camps. Democrats party. All good>> <<@2dope2011 says : Great no need to hear it on the news. Continue your lives people and don't let them lock us down again The flue never stopped us before>> <<@christianainsworth6623 says : How many deaths and how many in hospital ??????????????????? You don’t like to tell us that do you you grubs>> <<@andromedamaxima1543 says : cases are not important, people used to have lots of cases of common cold virus before the covid madness took over AND PEOPLE DEALT WITH “CASES” because they are just that: cases of common cold!! STOP THE MADNESS>> <<@stevenfenton8137 says : If you believe these stat's you believe in santa>> <<@caroleupene3237 says : It is sad to see the tragic descent of the government and media into severe mental illness. Nothing can pull them back to reality, they are on a one way trip to a total breakdown.>> <<@meandyou76 says : Doesn't matter, Christ Jesus is coming back very soon so we have to prepare and Repent from our sin for our Salvation is matter the most 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻>> <<@ryberg35 says : Public not scared enough let's pump out some fear porn>> <<@ryberg35 says : WHAT A BUNCH OF ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT>> <<@MiggsMultiple says : After 2 Doses, we won't worry about numbers and we'll go back to living life...>> <<@theoldcrow6975 says : Only the stupids are still complying… the rest of us don’t actually care 😂 city regions have most amount of stupids… the rest of us have moved on and stopped caring 🤣👍 have fun with your fantasy virus 🤣 we can tell when city morons are in town 😂🤣 they’re the only ones that bother with the masks 🤣 Not even our coppers give a toss 🤣🥲🤣 This is bloody brilliant 🤣🤣🤣👍👍👍>> <<@ogaugeclockwork4407 says : The sky is falling….we’re all going to die…..>> <<@Fuk_Xin says : Wow, so exact 1999 ....ok, you want us to believe, right?? Go ask my fish first if it believes you...>> <<@Ben-xv5jh says : We whis you merry Christmas we whis you merry Christmas and a happy new jab.>> <<@youtubecensors5419 says : Did they sneeze? Did they sniffle? Omg, better destroy the western civilization,lol>> <<@imyourdoctor4799 says : I rebuke satan in all its forms>> <<@karlgrandt7379 says : labour-liberals and the greens have ruined this country-- they have put us in so much debt that we will never be able to pay back in our lifetimes---all they had to do is what india done-ivermectin>> <<@athleticaesthetics2613 says : Boosters =☠>> <<@---wu3qj says : Omicron is a mild form. We should not worry about exposure for healthy individuals, but get it and have natural immunity. Treated early, few will die.❤️>> <<@adrianjohn. says : Yea and if u jyst play the  records backwards it says B$>> <<@shannonwilson1416 says : Couldn't get it to 2000. 🤣🤣>> <<@sinks90 says : Hahaha 🤣🤣 How many of these figures have they lied about this time?>> <<@richardgroom8391 says : Wow after 2 years we are all still in the same spot ... 🙃>> <<@fabespohe7542 says : Hahaha liar liar pants on fire>> <<@aaronaaron6569 says : Go Covid. Stop testing.>> <<@saltydog9599 says : Can’t wait for the “Sigma” variant to start at Easter - it’ll be a hyper super contagious but zero illness - but better get your 5th booster just in case.>> <<@petermoygannon698 says : CASES CASES CASES SO WHAT DOES ANYONE GIVE 2 FUCKS. EAT HEALTHY. LEAVE THE HEALTHY OUT OF THIS BULLSHIT.>> <<@T1000-f8v says : Who cares>> <<@trevofbillysville1655 says : And ScoMo wanted to let it rip !!!!>> <<@FreedomInGod316 says : They often play on mathematics, numbers & inversion for example you can flip a 999 and get a 666. "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." John 10:10>> <<@shazr3648 says : 👎>> <<@geoffdein2894 says : Great news. The more the merrier>> <<@Sp1n3c says : and what are we supposed to do with every hour statistics of how many poeple have contracted the virus, and that a 80 year old women has passed away from coronavirus ? Clowns>> <<@frankwren8215 says : Nobody cares, stop reporting this garbage instead of the news.>> <<@Harold_Flite says : Lol..vaccine working well then...lmao>> <<@CBS1909 says : So i guess going into mandatory lockdown didn’t work!!?>> <<@MRPricks says : The tests are invalid.>> <<@vodoual4151 says : But it’s ok to blow into a booze bus test machine that hundreds have breathed into and onto Because revenue counts.Dan has already got the next lockdown planned End of jan start of feb just wait and see>> <<@Joe-jd4pn says : Stop reporting on this garbage!>> <<@Flokix4 says : Oh shut up.>> <<@michaeldamiani3436 says : The narrative is falling to pieces and the MSM is clutching at straws. A thousand words looking for a story..>> <<@rvrski1 says : 4 stories in a row spreading cold and flu hysteria Sky, and these bimbos that read the siht.>> <<@wynbrown7321 says : Who cares.>> <<@nmc1859 says : This is stupid.>> <<@vericacrcic5309 says : what we the people need to know is how many people are in hospital (icu) and unforrunately the number of deaths of covid not deaths with covid. The mainstream media needs to report on actual valid facts not all this othe irrelevasnt stuff. The healrhcare systems are overwhelmed because of the ridiculous madates, we have fully qualified and experienced staff that cannot work because they are not vaccinated. Wake up Australia.>> <<@braxxian says : MSM = fear porn. Nothing more.>> <<@BIG-MIKE-OBAMA says : 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@SD._ says : Stop lies Start reporting on Vax injuries Boosters harm>> <<@itstasier says : 1999 cases why not 2000??>> <<@chewypretzel308 says : It seems like people are running to get tested anytime they're not jumping out of bed singing what a wonderful day. Amazingly you hear very little about eating healthy or exercise from these health experts, instead we get wash your hands like we're toddlers or the great unwashed.>>