<<@napalm.bopper says : The fact that Zuckerberg thinks that people want to be themselves in virtual worlds shows how how out of touch he with how people are currently using the plethora of virtual worlds that already exist.>> <<@judd128 says : TIME TO MMMUURRDDEERRR MARK ZUCKERBERG ASAP! THIS MAN HAS WAY TOO MUCH POWER AND FACEBOOK / METAVERSE IS JUST A MEANS OF TAKING OVER PEOPLE'S LIVES AND CREATING AN AUTHORITARIAN SOCIETY! STOP MARK ZUCKERBERG NOW!>> <<@dt23j66 says : Bad, bad, bad idea for the human race! Keeping God's people blind.>> <<@JoeDubspit24 says : lol thats not a pinball machine but it is nice tho!>> <<@n9bjj871 says : Don't do it. Don't trust them.>> <<@LoveratLoves says : Yeah I'm not going to be using anything that poxy alien-faced ar$ehat Zuckerberg has anything to do with.>> <<@bradwilliams1691 says : Meta? Facebook? I still prefer Facistbook!>> <<@tytemind7850 says : Human morons can’t even handle this reality.>> <<@Jake66564 says : Nobody wants this garbage. They try to make the real world insufferable so people flock to their fake one like a drug>> <<@nicholasmorrill4711 says : Facebook censors comments now & allows untruths to prevail so I would'nt go holding your breath that they can come out with anything sensible.>> <<@goodmorningsundaymorning4533 says : The same "fact checkers" want to take your life and put you in their fake world. No thanks.>> <<@bassbunnylove says : Nah.. Not interested in plugging into the matrix any more than I already am>> <<@Jason_g_kennedy says : Keep ya antisocial crap to yourself.>> <<@susannelles5033 says : Get involved with the Real world and be Real !! pathetic for anyone to follow. Who makes the money and pulls the strings.>> <<@FallacyAsPraxis says : This is foolishness. Facebook is foolishness. Don't fall for it. Turn off the computer and the cell phone and Mark Zuckerberg and Meta instantly disappear.>> <<@dudedownunder585 says : BOYCOTT FACEBOOK IF YOU KNOW WHAT IS GOOD FOR YOU>> <<@muckraker9095 says : This is how every James Bond movie starts.>> <<@Thyalwaysseek says : Height of stupidity.>> <<@morielmissions says : "Allow" Please let's throw these smart phones and tablets away.>> <<@John-hu2gv says : 4 vck META VERSE>> <<@Shadowdoc26 says : Did we learn nothing from Sword Art Online and Ready Player One?>> <<@jujulipz1365 says : Quick buy your virtual property now!!>> <<@muzzleflash1 says : Delete Facebook now, before it is to late for you!>> <<@thebluestig2654 says : Stop calling it Metaverse, call it what it is, the idea for the O.A.S.I.S stolen from Ready Player One. Zuckerturd is a thief.>> <<@avaraxxblack5918 says : I'm sure sheeple are lining up to surrender their presence in the real world for access to censorship world. Smh.>> <<@realgamer8436 says : The metaverse is basically an extension of the internet, where u view real time and in 3D... And meta is not needed, we need decentralized networks>> <<@jon114 says : No COVID-19 in the meta>> <<@mikespike2099 says : The God of this virtual world is THE ZUCK! If you displease him your code will disappear>> <<@dontbelieveeverythingyouth8173 says : One day they'll figure out how to sell you thin air.>> <<@FAQBrooks says : I hope this fails epically>> <<@coolhand4598 says : MMORPGs is old tech>> <<@MakeAsylumsGre4tAgain says : Cucks 😂>> <<@OpEditorial says : It's basically a Zoom meeting you can never leave>> <<@Meta8_Eth says : Haha much like the Internet in 1995...”probably nothing”...🤣 Schools should be teaching this to our kids NOW!...educate them how to use it, not it USE them. But what would I know.>> <<@Campbell1. says : Screw Facebook. And by the way facebook have missed the boat in regards to the meta verse, there are quite a few companies that are well into this arena and well accomplished and successful pioneers. facebook is dead>> <<@trueblue2010 says : Just asked my 15 year old who likes gaming what he thought of the Metaverse idea, he said its stupid and virtual reality could never be as beautiful as the real world . There you go Zuckerberg, your Metaverse sucks👎🏻>> <<@simonsmith4586 says : Buzz Word.>> <<@koehlmann says : show me one actual cool thing abt meta>> <<@bloodsport326 says : How about we fix the real world first>> <<@jamesm3734 says : Facebook has a history of deleting accounts of people who don't think the way Facebook wants them to think, why would I want to enter a digital world where I could be deleted from the world for not thinking correctly?>> <<@kaybegreen7021 says : Total crap>> <<@irsinium says : Nope. Only had a trash account for rewards on games and im gonna delete my account on instagram soon.>> <<@MilahanPhilosophersCorner says : Stay in the real world.>> <<@MilahanPhilosophersCorner says : Don't go into the matrix.>> <<@360icon says : Another Distraction from Reality>> <<@jmvpams1380 says : Will this be the demise of the 1st world? How will that impact the 3rd world?>> <<@myquestionaskingaccount3252 says : Thanks, but no thanks>> <<@ascendantrobin3230 says : determined to keep people from networking and physically socializing in the real world. why am I not surprised by this- it all fits the delusional COVID-solitary-confinement-plan 😢>> <<@dchambo7351 says : You’ll own nothing and be happy “ Klaus Schwab World economic forum 😡 All in the plan / agenda 21-30>> <<@troybirchall5868 says : How about get a life. Go and have a conversation in person.>>