<<@alankitenbergs1554 says : How come transit guards think they don't have to wear masks at Warrick train station, when I see that all other transit officers wear masks from Perth to that station, and then they think they can tell us the people who pay there wages get told to wear masks at all times, two faced isn't it.>> <<@normlothian8379 says : this is a political move by mgowan which wont stop until the federal election get rid off the communists>> <<@aaronaaron6569 says : Stop testing.>> <<@forthealliance439 says : Yes you useful idiots, stand in line like the fodder you are and give the government more reason to send you to concentration camps.>> <<@fabriziobai2941 says : β€˜Just two weeks for flattening the curve’.>> <<@stoneycc2817 says : #1 - it is now PROVEN that masks only give 15% protection. The opening between the weave of a 3 ply mask is 80 microns. The virus is 1 micron and the smallest droplet size that can carry the virus is 60 microns. Unless you have absolutely no logic at all in your brain, 60 microns can pass right through a 80 micron opening. Therefore the masks are nothing more than a chin diaper. The ONLY mask that can protect against a virus is a hazmat suit with its own O2 supply (bottle). #2 The dictatorship says that they want to protect people by making them get the vaccine. But despite the peer reviewed papers and even the manufacturer recommendation on administration of the vaccine, the health department has STILL told health workers NOT to aspirate the needle before injecting. This is now WIDELY seen across the medical profession as being MEDICAL MALPRACTICE. Vaccines are not to go anywhere near blood vessels, hitting one in the arm does happen. injecting a vaccine into a blood vessel makes the blood plates merge together to fight the invading vaccine and because these plates build up, actual blood clots form over the top of them. THIS IS THE REASON FOR THE BLOOD CLOTS AND HEART PROBLEMS vaccinated people are now facing. Major health researchers are jumping up and down to be heard to change the javelin approach to injecting the vaccine, but their words fall on deaf ears as those ears now realise they are LIABLE for damages (or they just don't really care for your health). https://youtu.be/D6hUoosMOuU https://youtu.be/hkopHLQjtVQ https://youtu.be/nBaIRm4610o https://youtu.be/KgVsd6qoyU4 https://youtu.be/MXcddiS32s0 https://youtu.be/HsACTX0_ihs #3 unvaccinated have quicker recovery (in the 99.9x% recovery rate of all that get the virus) and a longer lasting immunity to ALL variants of the virus. Vaccinated have to keep getting jabbed to keep their immunity. The vaccine only protects against one of the 5 proteins of the virus - natural immunity protects against all 5. #4 Omicron is no worse than the flu. It WILL spread through the world very fast, EVERYONE will get it. but very few will die from it. Covid has a mortality rate of less than 1%. It is the chicken pox that all mothers would have gathered their children to encourage them to get it back in the 80's to get herd immunity. #5 The government is STILL failing to give informed consent. Banning the therapeutics such as HCQ and Ivermectin for being used to TREAT the virus. Japan introduced Ivermectin as a treatment during their largest breakout, 10 days later they now have near zero cases. This makes one ponder if the government is just wanting to prolong the plandemic longer so they can continue their dictatorship powers. #6 WEAR A FUCKING TIE McCOWARD!!! You are a Premier (or supposed to be) not a sport celebrity. One case and the state goes into restrictions.... Is there a vaccine to make our soldiers bulletproof when we send them to war? A dictator clinging on to power as hard as he can with both hands like a desperate $2 hooker>> <<@matt79hz says : Interesting how compliance is supposed to "end this".. yet it is the absolute single biggest force in perpetuating the madness.>> <<@rr965 says : Who is getting tested???? I have a hard bitch slap waiting for every one of them.>> <<@jujulipz1365 says : You're not in danger sweetheart>> <<@nonprophet8829 says : Keep swabbing with zero symptoms, and the numbers game will never end.>> <<@pattayaguideorg says : W H O says countries are using boosters to kill Children unedited footage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSx4bj-FKb0>> <<@raecarver2382 says : πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ lining up in 44 degree heat. You would have to be brain dead to do it.>> <<@muzzleflash1 says : That bloke from WA health makes some good points.>> <<@shanebraund9987 says : Because it worked in ruining there interstate holiday.>> <<@tildac1875 says : Bloody idiots>> <<@marilynshepherd6480 says : God these people are stupid, what will it take for the media to point out that the tests DO NOT DIAGNOSE ANYTHING>> <<@jingwaglacius5518 says : WA Health Mor on thanks concentre, ion camp residents for mor on testing over Christmas period>> <<@frankwren8215 says : No apology for having barely 1/6th the ICU capacity per person of NSW though, despite being far richer. This woman is an absolute imbecile not fit to run an egg and spoon race.>> <<@shannonwilson1416 says : I haven't worn a mask the whole time πŸ’β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ still waiting for this deadly virus that makes everyone just obey and can't think for themselves>> <<@juanfepenarivera2013 says : the world government of the antichrist is near to the doors but believing in Jesus Christ we have salvation and eternal life .. believing by faith. believe where you are. physical temples or people, money, religions, beliefs, images, pictures, objects or anything else does not save only Jesus Christ read in the holy bible . Romans 10: 9 and 10,John 14: 6,John 11:25,John 1:12,John 3:16 Acts 4:12, Ephesians 2: 8 and 9, Acts 2:21>> <<@midnightteapot5633 says : "keep us safe " hahahaha , that pathetic slogan will go down in history .>> <<@andyc1175 says : Your getting over paid>> <<@paulveenings6861 says : Is that what you call bullying these days , working hard . If it was all about the science why aren’t all 200 countries following said science doing the same thing .>> <<@StealthyyyHD says : What an awesome christmas memory 🀣🀣>> <<@paulveenings6861 says : Yeh , nah>> <<@danreaume6515 says : And THE SCAMM CONTINIUES>> <<@ernest919 says : Well hello, I did not know the Republic of WA had a Health Minister. In WA they want to increase the testing, in the countries of Vic and NSW they are chasing you away.>> <<@lignow9762 says : What's NEXT ? --- ALL UNVAXED NEED TO REGESTER. --- Exactly like the Jewish people in 1939. History repeating itself. "The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears". Orwell>> <<@notafreespeechplatform4201 says : The unprecedented rise in deaths from cardiac arrest in international football continues with the deaths of three more players this week. Croatian footballer Marin Cacic, Oman international player Mukhaled Al-Raqadi and Egyptian goalkeeper Ahmed Amin have all passed away this week.>>