<<@LinusWilson says : Why do all the Oz channels except this one have comments turned off? What r they afraid of?>> <<@asmith1151 says : The Omnicon cold variant is very mild with minimal symptoms. THESE RESTRICTIONS ARE NOT IN KEEPING WITH THIS MILD COLD . SA call this out for what it is ,A HUGE FRAUD PERPETUATED ON THE SA PUBLIC FOR NO SANE REASON .THIS PREMIER IS ANOTHER CRIMINAL WHO WILL NOT RELEASE THE LIES HE KEEPS PERPETUATING ON THIS STATE .>> <<@olivernorth-coombes4720 says : How many cases of common cold were there in 2021 in South Australia?>> <<@ryno1808 says : This government is cooked lying scumm everything that comes outta there mouth is a fkn lie. You have completely destroyed peoples lives all for what. We have had our clot shots what fkn eles can you do ffs.. what now its back to square 1 again repeat.. you clowns are all deranged and completely loss the plot off reality. Its a virus. live with it like every other virus/disease we have. we live on a planet not a perfect world you clowns. Over 2 years know i have forcefully had to comply to this nonsense...i will no longer comply as im know worried i will no longer keep a roof over my family's head as i do not get payed to quarantine..>> <<@tba3900 says : Well the greyed haired bimbo witch has stuck her hoof in her mouth again. She wants everyone to celebrate new years at home . Is there somewhere , we can vote for the best comedy act of year.>> <<@dirkhoekstra727 says : And some South Africans still want to migrate to this messed-up place...>> <<@DavidThompson-qr7bb says : Always follow the money trail.>> <<@jaimes350 says : None of this would be happening if this idiot premier had never opened the borders>> <<@toranadam says : Has anyone else noticed theres a new out break every time we come into a festive period?>> <<@sidboraus6151 says : We warned about opening borders all the casuals suffer.🌚>> <<@christopherwhippy3181 says : Hit me with your wet snot hey New York Times? Stick your booster up your oight.>> <<@tonyey9664 says : Nazi State.... the Premier should be serving 20 years in solitary.....>> <<@zeitzeugeat1580 says : Its a scamdemic Once you lost all your fear you gonna win.>> <<@carmelcream7662 says : Restrictions include whilst in isolation to watch the 2022 ? Fringe festival new play Shakespeare and Covid to jab or not to jab.Followed by a Balfours meat pie and Custard tart>> <<@myday805 says : These power freaks are out of control. But we have ourslves to blame due to bending over as much a we could when they first started demanding it.>> <<@steinetrinder696 says : Jab Jab Jab Jab and the government can't stop fucking with our lives. This is not about a virus this is about control.>> <<@steveis33 says : It doesn't seem about who jabbed and whos not or even about a virus. Its more about createing more division 😕🖕>> <<@prayerpatroller says : "They will own nothing, and they will be happy." This is a famous quote. It could be translated: "They will have no freedom and they will be happy.">> <<@ryanpzy9336 says : Why the F did i get double vaccinated then???????>> <<@Kay-kf3vt says : All the people that got experimental vaxxes did it for nothing lol we are going backwards.>> <<@robertorwell5035 says : Those globalist puppets destroy people and economy. It will never stop, unless sheeple wake up!! Sheeple still asleep and they love totalitarian government!!!>> <<@glenndavis479 says : I think it's time to stop protesting and start mass non compliance...if EVERY small business/pub or shop opened up and started trading the govt wouldn't have enough police to control it , add that to everyone not wearing those stupid face nappies and people going about as they wish...as a collective we could nip this utter BS in the bud. Just start coordinating suburb by suburb and stand together , you either do that or fall individually 1 by 1. It's useless talking to those that run the small business association because they are just towing the govt. narrative , small business's have to organize their own meetings and work as a group.>> <<@scottbutler2761 says : Look at the evidence . The Omicon is not as bad as a cold . What is there agenda . Wake the Fk Up>> <<@youtubecensors5419 says : Tyranny must be capricious to be effective. Spoiler alert: this never ends.>> <<@brunowills2574 says : I voted for this clown. I will not make that mistake again,>> <<@aiden777able says : But we are vaxinated. Why?>> <<@christianainsworth6623 says : Get the jab and it all stops they said WE ALL KNEW THAT WAS A LOAD BULLSHIT these grubs need to be gone if no one listens to there rules and stays open there isn’t a thing they can do then they loose it’s not hard>> <<@jcook4890 says : So much for being 90/90% vaccinated now they want everyone to have a booster shot what a joke>> <<@mygreenhippo1794 says : At least I can go to Woolworths and shop with no restrictions on how many people per isle.>> <<@purplemander7985 says : This is what all the sheeple took the government injectable for!>> <<@obleenaob1516 says : Only people who have no brain would lockdown for no proven reason other than lies grow a pair keep your shop pubs club’s open thier goal is human slavery own nothing and rely on government for everything and guess what u fools are doing it science says no lockdown needed spastics disagree>> <<@travisfisal4914 says : That’s right ignore the data that shows Omicron is a 2 day cold at best with minimal hospitalisation. Smash small business but of course Bunnings can stay open. Oh and listen to a lying big pharma boot licker ‘the nutty professor’ What about the 30,000 flu cases in Jun/ July 2019? Do not vote for these scumbags. 🤡🤡🤡>> <<@chriskeisoglu4831 says : Get jabbed get jabbed..what for??>> <<@chriskeisoglu4831 says : What happened to national cabinet road map..means nothing at all.. What short memories we all have>> <<@margueritaharris-p2p says : Moronic is a mild illness. Wakey wakey>> <<@waynosfotos says : This is what people don't understand, "just get the jab they say". Well most have now and what? We are still doing the physical restictions and the impact to small businesses is huge. The economic cost! A jab, or no jab is not the REAL story for many. We and our children will all be paying for this a long time into the future.>> <<@chapposa says : We are going to have to live with covid. Does anyone still believe that's going to be the case. ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!>> <<@skipdippity says : They these ppl live..! Jesus>> <<@vegoterry says : Definitely justified after that 94 year young lady died of omicron...so sad when it takes the young ...she had her whole life in front of her ..should go back into lockdown to protect the young>> <<@serangoongardens says : If ever a Premier deserved to be voted out, it's the chump MARSAHLL.>> <<@Roseworthy39 says : Thank you, China.>> <<@Rid-iculo-us says : The most amazing virus can read the calendar, clock, knows of state and country borders, even knows who is dancing and who isn't. It certainly seems a lot smarter than any politician and a large portion of the population.>> <<@howunacceptibleofme2145 says : This needs to end now .....>> <<@jliandra7324 says : Draw the line, no more forced bioweapons injections>> <<@maximummilitiaimmaculataem883 says : This was inevitable because it’s by global design. The antichrist will rise in 2022 and he will present a global solution. Pray and prepare.>> <<@walksthedesert says : As a former Resident of Adelaide I am appauled and dismayed at the plight of this fine established Public House. Only the most brain dead amongst us could now believe that this is about a virus. This will go on as long as we let the criminals we voted in keep up this ruse. Unfortunately most of you wouldn't say boo to a goose.>> <<@tytemind7850 says : Aussies your going to have to fight fire with fire. Burn these corrupt leaders & their surrounds down if u want to survive.>> <<@bredesigns says : Stop giving the vaccine and the numbers will stop going up. I'm so glad I live in Alabama in America. We are free to enjoy life as usual. No mask mandate and definitely no lockdowns.>> <<@bigdope3913 says : Marshall has fucked us all up the ass with no lube.>> <<@user-yz7dr2pt5s says : Do not comply! It's hard to believe that grown people will just line up like sheep, to have their work and their lives destroyed.>>