<<@briankrahnert7218 says : Not being part of the bullshit... Wake up politicians.>> <<@thecooldude71 says : CCP>> <<@Teknolog77 says : since Covid, Australia is for me on the same red list as North Korea. HEALTH DICTATORSHIP missing any logics Would not go there for a million $>> <<@hamishlothian2634 says : The Australian government is out of control , the population needs to get a grip of your masters, you are the master>> <<@andrewgraham7659 says : Preimers wihtout a clue of what to do - well nothing is better than something right?>> <<@andrewgraham7659 says : Mask up, isloate and above all don't have sex unless you have protection.>> <<@AdrianAdrian-sg2tj says : Fear politics->> <<@markpatterson2811 says : Absolute rubbish, get on with it , how is this ridiculous situation still going , vote these imbisiles out>> <<@bloodsport326 says : The morrison government completely fubar the opening. No plan Scotty, no rapid testing available.... testing sites overwhelmed... no treatments to prevent hospitalisation and not one "journalist" asking the right questions.>> <<@richardhills235 says : These idiots have no control at home.i pitty their kids.hazzard may be hazard answer the the females question when your mouth went dry.you little grumb.>> <<@williamtyndale1402 says : Look up "canadian care alliance" who have reviewed Pfisers own intial trial data which is disturbing.>> <<@Phonehomefool says : Everyone knows S.A sucks>> <<@JohnWood302 says : So do you all feel happy how you believed the nutters who said vaks would save your businesses and lifestyle? Well you are back where you started! Go read the South African studies !>> <<@anncleveland-dunn5944 says : The vaccines are spreading the virus not curing it. Was this their intention all along? The only otger thing is tge tests are incorrect and are picking up as if the people are positive when in fact it is reading high immunity???>> <<@jcramond73 says : They got their tax dollars from Xmas, now lockdowns are next. Not that we knew this would happen.>> <<@djmarylou7610 says : The vic go vt have ordered just under 8 shots per person, so whats that tellin ya!!>> <<@panosgamithis8868 says : AUSTRALIA IS FULLY STUFFED...!!!! WE ARENT A "COUNTRY"... WE ARE A GROUP OF INDEPENDANT STATES... EVERY STATE HAS DIFFERENT LICENCES , DIFFERENT TAX LAWS , DIFFERENT HEALTH OFFICERS , DIFFERENT RULES AND REGULATIONS , THE ONLY THING THAT WE HAVE IN COMMON ARE "CRACK HEADS" AND SCUMBAG POLITICIANS...!!!>> <<@colonelkiwi485 says : My Son is there and I want to know where he wants to be buried cos he has had 2 shots>> <<@colonelkiwi485 says : Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Comeon Australia you have always laughed at the morons from SA>> <<@brentonl2631 says : Would the last person in Adelaide please turn out the lights!>> <<@jeanfarrell3273 says : What the fuck>> <<@pacman-in-oz says : A “Professor” that thinks you can catch a virus off a football?? Our education system is obviously a disgrace>> <<@michaelparadisis4076 says : This is all too ridiculous now and will go on for years. It’s how the Elitist want it.>> <<@redcat9436 says : This is all planned. It will never go away.>> <<@asmith1151 says : A BREATH CAN CARRY COVID FOR UP TO 30 FT OR 3 MTRS , A CUOGH CAN CARRY THE VIRUS FOR AT LEAST 100 FT OR 30 MTRS .OMNICON IS REALITIVLY HARMLESS .THE ONLY WAY YOU ARE GOING TO RID YOURSELF OF THESE POLITICAL PARASITES, PRETENTIOUSLY KEEPING US SAFE , IS TO VOTE THEM BACK UNDERNEATH THE ROCK THAT NORMALLY HOUSES THEM .>> <<@tommarinevet says : The biggest obstacle between a people and a tyrannical government as the one in Australia is a gun...everything else is just noise>> <<@renzog1237 says : Good thing you guys forfeited all your guns>> <<@rctrix9063 says : If most of us are vaccinated why are we hiding from a disease we are protected from. What is the new solution? Science my ass!>> <<@davidkolbig2279 says : Captain Marshmallow grow a spine and take control from Nicola Nutjob. You may just survive the next election Ha Ha>> <<@GBurke-yg1pw says : ….and the majority of Australians still seems to be asleep 🤯>> <<@johnellison1635 says : This is a combination of 1984 and Brave New World>> <<@Adam-sl9mw says : All part of the Lockstep plan formulated years ago,this will never end,they will still be extorting people with the 10th booster shot in 2 years,wake up people and do not comply.>> <<@johnjones6601 says : Australia has become a global laughing stock. The only thing we are world leaders in is bureaucracy. A country can only survive on its illusions for so long before it gets suckered by events. Australia’s mythos has been shown for what it is— a complete joke.>> <<@peteredwards49 says : Agenda: Destroy the middle class through fake hysteria. Two tier society, highly controled slaves in abject poverty, super rich 1% will have total freedom and super cheap labour.>> <<@MrDonJBerg says : Fear Porn....Keep it going for years>> <<@geoffcohen613 says : I have kaspersky on my device to remove all viruses which I update every 12 months for fear it will infect my computer. Any one see a Similar business model here with Cvd Every year subscribe to a new booster of Vax..>> <<@ellismeah5127 says : Time to stop complying with the govt plan, tune into GB news>> <<@shanefoster2140 says : Back to a prison colony can allways find ways to segregation>> <<@vinodlal6659 says : What has SA public health officer learnt in public health?I guess nothing..my doubt she has any medical knowledge>> << says : I am a little tired of just accepting as truth whatever whoever is saying. The fact is that the only people I know who got Covid or ended up in hospital were all vaccinated. From now on, I trust or believe no one unless I see actual data from a very reliable source with my own eyes. And I will doubt it anyway, since anyone can make up data.>> <<@Allabertina says : In the rest of the world Omicron occurs amongst the vaccinated. 93% vaccinated? Open up everything, or 8s there a chance that the vaxxes are not effective? In that case, make sure you contract the very mild Omicron and get it over with. That is for the unvaccinated. The vaccinated have modified immune systems that CANNOT develop natural immunity against Covid anymore. Or so it seems.>> <<@janingram1076 says : Wait for the 9th variant with the 60th booster,wake up people tell them ____off>> <<@JP-ve7pp says : We are ruled by dangerous lunatics!>> <<@johnmac9572 says : Anyone notice that 7,9,10 SBS, ABC youtube videos have the comments section permanently turned off on this subject ?>> <<@johnmac9572 says : Stephanie Marshmallow and Spurious Nic deserve their own lamp posts . The crone is drunk on power and celebrity . May they both BIH.>> <<@ivansultanoff6719 says : Vaxx and boosters create variants = OZ Health freaks should listen to OS doctors banned to speak=beurocrats listen to Globalists =big mistake>> <<@chrismoff17 says : Logic, facts, data are irrelevent. Even if you'd ever had a Covid problem in Australia at any point - you haven't - viruses can't survive in your summer temps. Same even in the UK where we get nothing like your heat. This is all about making up a reason to introduce control over people and enable the Great Reset. People either start rejecting this unscientific gibberish or the middle class will be obliterated leaving huge corporations and govt to rule the NWO where freedom won't exist anymore.>> <<@andyfreek6664 says : Friday night on channel 9 the news caster stated” our key to freedom is the RAT kits is within our reach but there is a shortage of kits. I thought the 2nd shot meant freedom was in our grasp but no ....look the goal posts are moving again>> <<@fishbarra4880 says : Mr Rope is on his way. No mercy shall be shown as no mercy was shown too us. Eye for eye n tooth for tooth. Look up McDonald closures...dig past the msm narrative of why thousands of Macca's are shuting down around the world. How do you think they get rid of the evidence....>> <<@AKVonn says : Well.... NSW knows 92. Blah blah % is BS. SCAMDEMIC .>>