<<@chilldogs1881 says : If you wont be personally affected by the dam raising, you shouldent voice your opinion.>> <<@DeviantFPV says : Save the mighty kowmung river. Look at these clowns the fact of the matter is these people will never get out and enjoy the enviroment, look at them typical rich pricks that sit in their well off suburbs talking it up when really it has zero effect on them. Wise up raising the wall will achieve nothing. 67 percent of the floods are caused from flooding beyond the dam wall. It will not mittigate floods. And there is plenty of drinking water. To pretend that this will secure drinking water for Sydney is an absolute joke. The blue mountains is one of Sydney's last gems. And too many people like this who will never know because they will never go unless there limo can drive them feel the need to destroy the few things that average people can enjoy. It's a real shame they want to destroy it for the next generations.>> <<@Luke-xx1ri says : That dam wall is high enough already.another wall upgrade and people could walk from the lookout to the dam wall almost.>> <<@GearHeadBoris says : Just keep jamming more people into the Sydney basin. That's fkn smart governance right there!>> <<@harrycallahan9764 says : Shut the do gooders up and get on with doing it>> <<@calvingreene90 says : Raise the dam and excavate behind it as well.>> <<@ewmism861 says : Awfully good fun??? Psychos !!!>> <<@tunuitjapanunga3586 says : Your just old fuddy duddies that are being paid to destroy our country>> <<@jeanettenorman7052 says : You cannot simply raise a dam wall without understanding the wall design etc - you people speak sh-->> <<@johnperry7534 says : Dam was built when I was a kid and now I am sixty one years old. The thing needs work. Build more dams and bridges and highways and infrastructure and hospitals and wharves and have fewer politicians.>> <<@bobjackson4720 says : The Greenies and the environmentalists are not our friends, they are crazy luddites and the enemy of society and the people>> <<@oldtimers6460 says : It's funny the creatures that they claim will be destroyed by the dam wall being raised live in water so it rises as it does during the wet and lowers when it's dry and they survived .>> <<@DgurlSunshine says : and you can drink radioactive waste too>> <<@bigbopper143 says : Another thing that just gets talked about>> <<@mrbillhilly343 says : Leave the dam alone. SYDNEY IS FULL. Stop destroying an ecosystem just so Sydneysiders can have long hot showers.>> <<@dannyames1416 says : free rumbo>> <<@IcanBePsycho says : I’ve been saying we need more dams for years & the response from Labor & the greens is always the same “dams do not make water” the dumb shits!>> <<@pwillis1589 says : Spoken with all the limited intellectual capacity of an average white privileged person. Only someone with this limited intellectual capacity would use a helicopter to avoid traffic at taxpayers expense and think yeah I'm OK with that.>> <<@riderknight5805 says : They should blow it up and wash the covid out of Sydney>> <<@AJGeologyRocks says : I mean other than compromising the Structural integrity of the dam.... Many Structural & Civil Engineers working at Sky News?>> <<@leaferikson8218 says : How about a significant reduction in immigration.>> <<@dontbelieveeverythingyouth8173 says : No brainer, this is the colloquialism of a teenager. As is through the roof, going gangbusters et al. You shouldn't accept leadership that speak like children. The lack of genuine professionalism is astonishing.>> <<@jingwaglacius5518 says : There are very efficient fast ways to process salt water into drinking water, yet they use cave man tech and then act like the only solution is more dams, which are the primary cause of down river droughts, so they can sell the water to mega farms, which all the main politicians have shares in as well, yet they claim its climate change, when its always been just gobernment.>> <<@jingwaglacius5518 says : No brain’ to raise Warragamba Dam wall>> <<@joeybrown3583 says : Good. Then we can import more Diversity which will destroy the environment even more with their increased carbon foot print. It’s a win win for the corporations.>> <<@HH-tp1qn says : You can't make logical national decisions with women and nancy boys running the country. That is just a fact.>> <<@B61Mod12 says : nah, just live within your means. Greater water capacity will justify them pumping another 9 million people into western Sydney. Gross. Don't build suburbs in flood plain. Western Sydney should be farm land, not ugly suburbs.>> <<@spikeprotein5924 says : No brainer is apt for these three.>> <<@gravity9702 says : Mandate 8 cups of water 💧 only a day it would be as effective as the other mandates>> <<@lovepeace9780 says : Saint Joseph. Terror of demons. Pray for us.. ......>> <<@blacklucifer6761 says : I thought this old fossil passed last century.....🤷 Best not to listen to the advice of helicopter bishop at any given time and if you research why, you will understand...🤥>> <<@saltyanchor7111 says : No no it'll never rain again>> <<@alwaysright3718 says : Build it with coal and iron ore, red rum a greeny today...>> <<@jamwhenever says : Dismantle the Greens.>> <<@notafreespeechplatform4201 says : Build more dams. Build a pipeline to move the monsoon waters south.>>