<<@howardolney116 says : Amazing a bunch of athletes with a robust immune system didn’t come down with a cold in the middle of a heat wave.>> <<@howardolney116 says : They must have had the PCR test set to 28 cycles instead of 35 or more like they do to ensure the production of numbers they can work with.>> <<@evanangel2022 says : The circus must continue>> <<@stevekennedy3136 says : different rules for some>> <<@Ultronmclovin says : Bread and circus , you utter plebs>> <<@earbus1 says : Stopped watching when Shane Kieth Warned retired ha ha.>> <<@benni8790 says : Deleting comments?? Are thousands of spectators having to wear masks? Or does Covid still know it’s a money making event and will not be an issue?>> <<@garfield3443 says : Not surprised about the negative PCR test because 'the game must go on.' 😅>> <<@mikepearson2367 says : And the masses will rejoice obviously ignorant of the freedoms they are losing bit by bit.>> <<@gravity9702 says : They might be negative but the crowd won't be>> <<@AshleyJOsborne says : Can't have one effing story without filtering through the lens of the coof. What's the score SKY?>> <<@richardjohnson8546 says : Incredible how a big-dollar sporting event isn’t at all effected by this crazy virus. Pretty smart illness…just goes after regular people and small businesses.>> <<@raecarver2382 says : Remember deadly and so contagious only some will get it.🙄>> <<@joking7081 says : English cricket players must be more important than my 80 year old parents who are still awaiting their test results.>> <<@spikeprotein5924 says : When the numbers are down we get false negatives, when it’s sport- all good.>> <<@tadeuszmichaelwlodarczyk3120 says : MONEY 💲 TALK'S. BULL-SHIT WALKS>> <<@SteveXNYC says : Whey do they all wear white on a rice field?.>> <<@outback7092 says : Crocket Tunnis Foozball. This is just one of the avenues, used for distracting the sheep mass worldwide, for at least the last 100years. Flock you all and have a fantastic McCovid free day! :)>> <<@fwilliams3394 says : Have they installed a giant face mask between the spectators and players in case they release spit when they cheer>> <<@fwilliams3394 says : Kaching>> <<@lappo253 says : Ha ha ha so they definitely don't know if they have SARS? To think that most people still believe in the existence of Covid is truly frightening.>> <<@christopherwhite8045 says : Thank god, now we don't have to jab 5 to 11year olds with experimental vaccines.>> <<@alwaysright3718 says : Ashes is over Australia has won them again....>> <<@dontbelieveeverythingyouth8173 says : Report all crypto shills>> <<@davepowelldrumz says : as expected from a highly contagious disease.>> <<@colinmunro7337 says : 20 comments seem to be missing🤔>> <<@planker says : Here we go! Encouraging the "Behavior" of the coof! So this is News. sounds like shit>> <<@colinmunro7337 says : How convenient!😂>> <<@rvrski1 says : And yet my mum as well as all the other residents in an aged care facility in a Vic have been isolated to their rooms over Christmas, now 4 days and still not all the results are in. Fk these governments and their scam siht.>> <<@youtubecensors5419 says : A virus so dangerous you need a test to know if you have it.>> <<@matthewflinders1978 says : How woke can this all get. Testing the cricket players for the flu to see if they can cancel the game.>> <<@spirit210364 says : What did they do? drop the PCR to 28 cycles to tell the truth in this madness of lies? Odds will tell you, at least one, if not more, would have tested positive at 40 cycles>> <<@danieweir9588 says : 7 comments yet there is only one to see? Hmmmm .... 🤔>> <<@Barney_Rubble247 says : Surprise>> <<@MonkeyHunch1 says : sky news are you deleting my comments? Why would you do so when nothing i said was untrue or far from reality?>> <<@truthcrackers says : woooooo hooo!!!!>> <<@savethebrumbies4910 says : Woke YouTube deleting truthful comments again>> <<@savethebrumbies4910 says : Andrews once again lied to Victorians, when you use the QR code your information goes to a third party, this contradicts what Andrews originally said>>