<<@samhunt9380 says : All the variants are now just a tool for criminal politicians to keep us all off balance for as long as they want. It's time to throw out the old compromised system and replace it with politically untainted people from within our community followed by Royal Commission type enquiries to rid society of the scum we have allowed to float to the surface...the scam must end.>> <<@saltyanchor7111 says : So not even 25% of infected people are in hospital, and less than 1% will die. Why are we telling everyone the sky is falling?>> <<@AsttoScott says : That's a lot of people in hospital suffering from adverse "vaccine" reactions.>> <<@Tomoslb1 says : Health experts act like it's the worlds most deadliest virus and then they tell you if you have symptoms to wait inline with 1000's of people so you can spread it nothing makes sense anymore.>> <<@rylejoachim1970 says : This is so weird. How is this virus running rampant? It's summer in Australia. I thought the virus does not survive and even slows down in 'hot' weather?>> <<@duncansunrise says : If you unscramble "Omicron Delta" it becomes "Media Control" - Is this just a coincidence? Hey, if omicron is so transmissible, maybe we should vaccinate our cats and dogs and parrots. After all, Covid did come from bats in the first place, right? If my parrot dies "with" omicron, I'll never forgive myself. What a load of utter codswallop is emanating from Australian media and government. I am not a risk-averse, narcissistic, pseudo-empowered, acquiescent, smartphone carrying automaton. Therefore, the media and governments will have to work much harder at the fear mongering and psychological & behavioural conditioning. Some of us are not nearly as stupid as you like to think we are. My contempt for government is complete. The collective noun for weasels should be government: a pride of lions, a tower of giraffes, a herd of elephants, and a government of weasels.>> <<@joeljamie9266 says : Nature's vaccine in action>> <<@shanebraund9987 says : If u saw your doctor and asked him to test u for influenza without symptoms he would think your nuts. But its ok to line up for a covid test for 5 hours with no symptoms and your fully vaccinated.>> <<@Drakesy says : Perrottets cooked it>> <<@fractalign says : Anyone going to any super spreader parties around the harbour on NYE ?>> <<@mrlautomotive712 says : Pandemic of unvaccinated, yeah?>> <<@williambristow9610 says : Sheep>> <<@williambristow9610 says : And no deaths wake up sheeo>> <<@ayewondah850 says : Australia is accumulating bad karma by locking up normal (unvaccinated)people from travel overseas>> <<@jackkinoff6943 says : So how were 97k tests done yesterday when nearly every testing clinic is closed over the Xmas Holiday period?? Are they just making the numbers up or something ??>> <<@ayewondah850 says : What’s been the point of 94% vaccine rates then??>> <<@duncansunrise says : Covid Derangement Syndrome is positively flourishing throughout Australian media and government. I wonder if Pfizer can concoct another useless "vaccine" to not solve the problem? 😊>> <<@ivansultanoff6719 says : How many more times will you trumpet the same futage over and over>> <<@kathrinaclark says : It’s summer and Australia has the Omicron wave! Doesn’t make sense at all!!! Why would you get tested for a normal cold? Where’s your common sense?!!!>> <<@rapscallion9333 says : Case numbers = fear porn.>> <<@constantine2318 says : Cases number 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Mainstream media scare campaign continues every 2 seconds They’ll never stop now that’s what happens when you give up your freedoms for a health scare Now sit down while you drink and wear a mask you fools Get ready for 20th booster shot 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡>> <<@fungi708 says : You know they intentionally gave out 1000 false negatives>> <<@andrewcox1346 says : Stop calling out case case omicron omicron numbers blah blah bs it going take forever ppl getting boring ZZzzz>> <<@DadolfShitler69 says : DISLIKE BUTTON 👎>> <<@jameswaterhouse156 says : Thanks Sky news for following the networks in reporting all of the figures, your fear mongering and the intimidation of the population is in step with the government elite. It will be long remembered. You once were great now your nothing but puppets and followers be ashamed>> <<@Opinionsrnotfacts574 says : Alex Jones has just posted an Emergency Christmas Show were he labels Trump as ignorant and evil in supporting vaccines during his interview with Candace Owen and stating what we all know that the pandemic is now one of the unvaccinated. Take that you anti-vaxxers and sceptics.>> <<@MsBAustralia says : Just stop reporting on this bs all together. If people are stupid enough to believe case numbers are relevant than that’s their problem. Can we please get back to real world problems. Climate change…animal extinction etc…>> <<@Mk-lx7qf says : this is so sad>> <<@sheilarademan5999 says : Whew! Be careful!!!this is sooo dangerous! Cases today DOWN on yesterday!!!!! I wonder what happened? All the fear mongers!!!🤣🤣>> <<@BobJones-sr2mv says : lol that single use plastics 🤣>> <<@Sonick92 says : Welcome to the media fear porn constantly showing case and death numbers daily! No one will be able to escape a respiratory virus. New Zealand will fall to uncontrollable local spread at some point. Preferring security over freedom just means oppression until you're sick>> <<@waynebateman1664 says : Thanks Palaszczuk for causing chaos in NSW, by the way you still owe NSW 40 million dollars you bludging Labor Government.>> <<@mightisright says : Cha Ching! Man I wish I could cash in on these stupid tests. Or I could come up with a new fake illness and make a test for that. Great business to be in. Much respect.>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : 👎👎👎>> <<@agentsmithmememe says : For the love of all that's Holy stop reporting cases>> <<@GoWithTheFlow2Travel says : BabyShark doodoodoo>> <<@alanchilds1456 says : I have to unsubscribe from this channel all they do now is repeat everything the government says, they no longer report truth>> <<@nikkibaugher2427 says : Blablabla....its just numbers....>> <<@caraes81 says : Only 6k because the other 6k people were sent home due COVID test facilities reduced hours. What a joke this reduced hours with no one facility in Sydney operating 24 hrs. Wake up Sydney you are a metropolis and should operate as such, not like a little costal town closing for lunch.>> <<@sheepthroughthegate1386 says : O no!, some people have caught the flu! You and I pay for this despite the claim being made of "free" testing.>> <<@Hopium500 says : They just can't wait to implement the next 4 month lockdown.>> <<@MRPricks says : Scam>> <<@gemthetics8084 says : "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble, and He will deliver you. "      -Psalm 50 : 15>> <<@WeAreWhiteLight says : Does anyone remember having a cold, or even the flu? What an f'n joke! If you have to be persuaded, pressured, minded, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished, and criminalized… If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance, you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest.>> <<@mauricewilsondaddybob1307 says : Well looks like all the lockdowns you have in Australia, it doesn't seem to be stopping covid-19?>> <<@fullempty5271 says : The reporter has nice hair. Not really interested in the story.>> <<@marericca6988 says : These people want to travel and need a test! Stop telling tales!!>> <<@alwaysright3718 says : Never had a test, never will... leave for the sheeple bahh bah...>> <<@chuckmaddison2924 says : In Western Australia we just had 1 yes one new case. And it's mass McGowan madness.>> <<@susanmiller7552 says : Fear Fear thats al there doing>>